Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Your Astrological Sign of the Zodiac

Astrology is the study and mapping of celestial planetary bodies on a given date, time and place for the purpose of determining their influence upon human events. Once the positions of the Moon, Sun, and the planets has been determined the cosmic forces emanating from these celestial bodies can be correlated and a horoscope can then be drawn and interpreted for an individual.

The individual is identified by their astrology birth chart and their astrological sign of the zodiac constellations. These can vary according to chinese astrology as compared to vedic astrology and western astrology, numerology and tarot astrology. In the eastern astrology the chinese zodiac sign and chinese horoscope are different from the western and vedic astrology while numerology and tarot astrology follow their ways.

Once your astrology charts, daily astrology reading and daily horoscope have been determined you can use them to help you make decisions about many things. Perhaps most important is your zodiac compatibility, astrology love signs, astrology compatibility and zodiac signs compatibility. Love horoscopes and astrology birth charts are used by many people to determine if somebody they know is an astrology match.

Aries * The Ram * March 21 - April 20

Taurus * The Bull * April 21 - May 21

Gemini * The Twins * May 22 - June 21

Cancer * The Crab * June 22 - July 22

Leo * The Lion * July 23 - August 21

Virgo * The Virgin * August 22 - September 23

Libra * The Scales * September 24 - October 23

Scorpio * The Scorpion * October 24 - November 22

Sagittarius * The Archer * November 23 - December 22

Capricorn * The Goat * December 23 - January 20

Aquarius * The Water Carrier * January 21 - February 19

Pisces * The Fishes * February 20 - March 20

Loneliness And Anger- When The Nights Seem Long And The Days, Dark

The fear of the unknown scares us all. Trepidation beats heavily on the doors of the heart. And it’s with this innate fear that we run from pillar to post looking for answers. Looking for answers that will suit what we envisage for the future. Skim through astrology papers, delve into tarot cards and if all else fails, run to the scriptures. The hand-me-down sitting swathed in dust will suddenly be the most prized possession.

For a long time, the chains keep us bound down- Chains of the past, chains of our perspective of now and the chains of what might be the future. Looking behind and letting those memories haunt us, we let those devils of a yesterday long gone control the beating of the heart, the sighing of the soul and the whispers of the mind. All for a yesterday we saw through, all for a tomorrow that may be brighter than today.

Virtues and vices intermingle and put us in a quagmire. We don’t even see anything beyond the hazy smoke that we envelope ourselves in- In a state so inebriated that we make the tomorrow a poorer shadow of the yesterday, in a state so doped with negativity that all the silver linings are relegated into oblivion.

Self-help books and good advice from well-meaning family and friends makes no sense. It’s the world against you and you, ALONE, against the world. Fighting the known, unknown, comprehensible and the incomprehensible. Without reason, without sparing a thought to why you are doing it.

The anger bottled up inside you kills you more than it harms anybody else. In not forgiving, you feel you have paved another’s path to hell, without realizing that you have made yourself a prisoner. A slave for him/her to sneer at, a prisoner subject to his/her whims-what a pity! You have given it all, continue giving all and yet, you blame yourself for faults, which are not yours.

And then, one fine day, good sense wins the battle. That beaten and bruised soul is not yours. It was an apparition you had created, a figment of your imagination. You thought you lost in the battle for survival. Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts- tiny, little fleeting moments of weakness or flickers of strength. But powerful enough to ruin you, powerful enough to build you. And, YOU almost let them break you.

See yourself in the mirror today. Notice those dark circles where there were none? What happened to that sparkle, that naughty sparkle in your eyes? What happened to that fire within you that shone on your face? You let somebody else, something else wipe it all away...and you thought you knew all about sins?

Let that someone be. Let that somebody be. Let them be. Let her be.

How did you feel when you threw those thoughts away and breathed in the air- That sweet syrup as it licked you alive? How did you feel when you felt the tingle of the cold water running down your back? Were you numbed into silence or elated enough that it took your breath away?

How could you let yourself go?

All it took was will power. A firm stand. A stern ‘NO’. And there you are…Alive, full of vigor, full of life to take on the world with that same smile, that same calm, cheerful disposition.

Nobody knows the future. Don’t beat yourself over it. Smile.

And love yourself. Nobody else is in a better position to do that than yourself.

After all, The best trips like the best love affairs never really end... they just get better.

Aries Sign Soul Mission – Your Soul's North Node, North Star, and Path to Fulfillment!

Not many astrology enthusiasts are familiar with the Nodes of the Moon. So I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me that you never heard of such a term.

But believe me when I say that this little secret is the most valuable gem that you will ever own in your life. So read slowly and pay attention. Your life is about to change.

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chart that possess priceless information about one’s karmic past and soul-destined future. Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his partner’s, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, an Aries Sign North Node is paired with a Libra Sign South Node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that reside within the Aries north node/Libra south node individual.

Sometimes this person isn't even aware of the war taking place inside of him -- a situation which could go on for years. Time passes as he’s dumfounded by his inability to progress in life – professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn’t understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell in his past while he dreams of his future.

All of us have our own set of visible (or invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path. We all know that knowledge is power…and that’s why I offer a bit of it to you…to give you the strength and courage you need to not only live, but to thrive.

This week I’d like to begin with a brief overview of the Aries North Node/Libra South Node position.

To start, let’s take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents old patterns of being – patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and let go of. The north node, on the other hand, represents the soul’s potential – the direction of future…the behavioral habits that will lead to greater happiness…the kind of life that will be fulfilling on multiple levels.

Here are some Libra South Node Soul Pattern characteristics that this individual might no longer find useful, actually limiting, in this lifetime:

Ambivalence…superficiality…wishy-washiness…avoidance of conflict…fears of anger…over accommodation and compromise…passivity…status consciousness...insincerity.

Here are some Aries North Node Soul Potential energies that this individual could benefit from and find useful for living the kind of life he subconsciously desires:


The Libra south node individuals have spent lifetimes (past incarnations) sacrificing their own needs for those of others. They’ve taken care of people, equated their own happiness with the successes of those they’ve served, and were the mediators who always kept balance between opposing ideas, people, and conditions.

As a result, in this lifetime, they might feel frustrated because indecisiveness continues to rule their existence. No matter how much they try, they just can’t seem to break away from the chains that have imprisoned them for so long.

But break free is what they must do. Because part of their soul mission in this life is to develop a true sense of self. They must learn to stand up for their own truth. The time has come for them to become an individual and let go of the need to be an extension of somebody else.

At times, their journey might feel a bit lonely and isolating…yet it’s something that their soul wants (and needs) them to do. They must learn to be one in company of others…they must find the courage to tread unknown waters…and they must stay true to themselves. These are the greatest gifts that these individuals could give themselves.

The path might not always be easy. But then again, how could it be? Out of all the zodiac sign natives, the Aries north node individual has had the least amount of past-life experience examining himself. So of course, as with anything else that’s new and unfamiliar, the idea of learning about himself feels like a daunting task. Yet it is a task that he must conquer with true Arian spirit if he is to live out the life that was created just for him.

Having said that, it might be a good idea to fill your (or your loved one’s) life, which ever one of you has the north node in Aries, with as many symbolic representations of the Aries Sign that you can find. Surrounding yourself Aries sign colors, Aries sign fragrances, and Aries sign ornaments will remind you of the soul mission you’re on and your unique path to fulfillment.

Now if it’s your mate’s north node that’s in Aries, and you do that for your mate, well…that’s about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her. Because there’s nothing like the feeling one experiences when he realizes that he has found the person who really gets him -- a true friend…lover…and the irreplaceable soul companion he’s been searching for his entire life.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Software - Astro 123

Many people are fascinated by Astrology. They can't wait to open up the paper each morning to see their daily horoscope. Many of these people would love to know how to do their own astrological chart. Unfortunately, doing a chart by hand takes a ton of work to go along with a ton of education about the subject. Fortunately, there is a piece of software that will do this for you, literally in the blink of an eye.

Enter Astro 123.

Astro 123 is not something that you can buy in a store. It is available only off the Internet from a guy named Allen Edwell. This gentleman put a ton of work into this thing and the small price tag that comes with it is more than worth the many hours that you'll save doing your own Astrological chart.

Astro 123 does all the basic things that you would expect a chart making program to do and then goes 100 steps farther.

For starters, by simply typing in your birth date, time and place and clicking a button, you get your basic birth chart which tells you your sun sign, rising sign and what house each planet is in at the time of your birth. But that's just the beginning.

You can also get where your planets are on any day of any given year by simply putting that date into the program. This is how you do your daily chart, the kind that you see in your local newspaper each morning. If you do this on a daily basis you can get your horoscope every day for the rest of your life.

But we're still not even close to being done. In addition to this, you can store birth dates of various people into a database. This way you don't have to type in the information each time you want to get a chart for somebody. Just pull up their name from the database, press a button and their chart is done.

One of the most important requirements for creating a chart is to know where the person was born. This program allows you to load coordinates for any city into a database so that when doing somebody's chart you don't have to type them in each time. You just pull up the city from the database and there they are. The program even comes with some major cities already preloaded.

In addition to the standard birth chart, you can also get other charts from the program such as natal charts and transit data. Just about every kind of chart you could possibly want can be created by this program. In addition, each chart you make also produces a report, similar to your daily horoscope, that you can print out. This comes in handy if you're doing a chart for a client and he requests something written.

The interface isn't much to look at and it's obvious that more time went into the meat and potatoes than the glitz. But this is one serious piece of software for doing Astrological charts that no serious Astrologer should be without.

The Manticore of Sumer [The Second Soul of Queen Shub-ad] Chapters 5 & 6: The Killings

For myself, I was like in a trance, when I heard what she had done, was doing, and my eyes being part of her vision quest; saw what she down in a vision, as Manual sucked her thoughts out, and I his. Whom was this new radiant being, soul of a lost queen, existence out of a mist, a spirit out of a dark corner of a hollow tablet. She had taken the wings of her soul and few from Peru, where my father was in Huancayo, to Lima, where I had lived, and like a whale, or spawning tuna, she found her way back home, to her ancient land of Sumer, where archeologists had dug her remains up years before. (They all like to remove them, but in doing so, they leave the haunting residue; all in the name of civilized Archeology.) The high culture of Sumer was perhaps 3500 BC; she was not yet born then, but the gods of Sumer were; they were the Titans of Crete, the god’s of Egypt, all went to Sumer eventually. They were the offspring, the hybrids of the Angelic Renegades of the time of Enoch.

What did she do after my father’s? She looked for her bones, her residue, under the shade of a willow-tree. Once in Lima again, she had gazed into the eyes of a child, her soaring and bent spirit was indeed in a revelation to the child, who saw a deadly Manticore ready to feast on her: she—the queen Manticore, as the child moved away, her joy and rapture was supreme! She devoured it like a giant snake would devour giant rodents, with one leap. It was not so different than the sacrifices 4500-years ago she felt. The folks of Lima, all held their child’s hands firmly, to go on with their daily discourse:

“We can perhaps contact the other two parts of her soul, it will take some astronomical calculations,” said Mary Garcia. It was why I called her to my house, to see if it was possible with this true orientation I was having, possible to use astrology in this quest.

But let me continue with the Beast part of the Queen, the second soul, the Manticore. The child was only the first day, and as unsusceptible as it sounds, nevertheless, I will continue, day-by-day if need be. It was by this means, rip and tar, and devour the Manticore intensified her feeding, or feeling for the need of flesh.

Dead hearts were found in empty tombs throughout Lima, Peru, men, women, all died with a mystery behind them; a magic mystery. They corresponded exactly with the time period my father died, and the tablet was given to me, and this meeting.

“In such times as these we need supernatural wisdom, a thunderbolt would help. There are only loose ends to tie up I do believe, and if we can capture it, all the better, and now that I’ve learned what I’ve learned, I have no intentions to gather her other souls—the more I think about it—save, we all become a party to more dead bodies. We must do this fast, while she is at her own gravesite, which I think she is now. We must recapture her, and put her back into where she came from.

“Now as to this tablet, perhaps we can use its magic later, or in capturing her, it has some principles of darkness to it.

Chapter Six The Candle of Life

We all believed something had to be done, just what it was, was not clear. To be honest, just the thinking of the forthcoming ordeal with the Queen’s Second Soul, was terror, it put all of us in a state of terrorism. But she had killed, and not only once but several times in two weeks. Until you’ve actually lived through it, it is hard to express in words how terror works, it has to be experienced, it manifests its self inside you, unknown danger, which is known only by the soul, the whole nature of it is different.

“We all remained sitting around the table with high spirits, thinking, off and on even some enthusiasm cheeped in, speculative moods came over us. Coffee and coke at our sides, potato chips, some popcorn. Surely this was natural to-night we had to engaged ourselves with the spiritual dead, and summons the second soul of the Queen to us, or go to her: we didn’t have a real plan though, I mean, if she really came then what. Perhaps we were thinking of the thrill more than the consequences. Once we did this, she’d know who and where we were, although she knew of me already.

As we looked, and looked at the Queen’s sculpture, read the chant on the tablet, it was magnificent, a tiger cat of some great size, with her beautiful head appeared in the mirror across from me, behind the backs of the girls. Her mouth was open wide; her claws were stained with blood. My colleges saw me in amazement, and turned about, and then they saw her also, she motioned me to step back from my seat, and I did—not sure why, and I saw murder in her eyes, tears were dropping from the cheeks of Florencia, Mary and Gloxinia; Manual, covered his eyes with his palms, wiping them several times, and jumped up and ran to the kitchen. The girls were kind of frozen in place. I gripped my way around the table, staring into the mirror, but I stumbled and fell and when I did, I was unconscious, for when I awoke, it was all dark in the house, accordingly, I opened up the curtains, let in the morning air and sunlight. The storm I thought was over, and even said: thank god the night has passed, then I went back to the table quickly to see the girls: merciful god I said, pain in my face, I knew, I sensed it, sick at heart, all lay on the table face down, in terror, impenetrable terror in their eyes, their necks were broken, all my companions, necks broken, and on the kitchen floor, gazing upward was Manuel, hands over his face, trying to protect his eyes from the claws of the Manticore I expect, and his guts laying open on his chest. Then I sat down, to write this letter, and I fear, the words I have will never be good enough to describe what happened, for the scene was undescriptive: plus, I will never be allowed to make it to the hospital I fear: the mirror has eyes, the candle of life will soon be out of me: I’ve just noticed a hole in my chest.”

Use the Stars as Your Guide To Finding Great Birthday Presents

Having trouble deciding which birthday presents to get for friends and family? Never fear, astrology is here! You can be sure that the recipient will love the birthday presents that you give him or her if you follow his or her astrological sign.

Here are some great ideas for birthday presents for people of particular signs:

· Aries – March 21 - April 20. An Aries loves both challenges and oppositions. Because of this, a good board game makes an excellent birthday present for an Aries. Try to get one that is especially challenging and competitive like Scrabble or Settlers.

· Taurus – April 21 – May 20. A Taurus, on the other hand, does not appreciate challenges or oppositions and naturally gets along well with others. A Taurus loves peace and harmony. A great gift for a Taurus is a day at the spa or a yoga class. A Taurus is always helping other people – give him or her a chance to relax and be helped by others.

· Gemini – May 21 – June 20. Gemini are very analytical and yet still easy going. They are also very attracted to all things modern. Because of this attraction to modern things, Gemini tend to like gadgets. A great birthday present for a Gemini is a new gadget like an mp3 player (or any mp3 player accessories), a unique travel alarm clock, or even a kitchen gadget like an fancy electric can opener.

· Cancer – June 21 – July 20. Cancers have a very deep sense of humanitarian values. Because of this, you can get away with giving one a donation in his or her name to a favorite charity of his or hers. This is not necessarily a good idea for other people, but a Cancer would truly appreciate the thought.

· Leo – June 21 – July 20. Leos are born leaders. One of the main downfalls of Leos, though, is that they are not always good with money matters – they are very willing to share their wealth. In fact, a Leo is very likely to give money to charity. A great birthday present for a Leo is a gift certificate to a restaurant or a store… it is much harder to simply give away, so you know that the Leo will have to use it to treat himself or herself!

· Virgo – August 22 – September 2. Virgos are very observant and can be described as perfectionists. Virgos also have a keen interest in the arts. Give a Virgo two tickets to a play or opera. Take a Virgo to a museum. Give a Virgo a book on art!

· Libra – September 23 – October 22. Libras have a very high sense of Justice and they often take the side of the wronged. They have a natural affinity to the Arts. Because of this affinity to the arts, a great gift for a Libra is an art set. Give a Libra some paint or colored pencils, etc.

· Scorpio – October 23 – November 22. Scorpios are always willing to accept something new. Therefore, you can take a Scorpio out to a new restaurant and to try some unusual food for his or her birthday.

· Sagittarius – November 23 – December 20. Sagittarius people love sports and are happiest when out of doors. Get a Sagittarius a new golf club, a Frisbee, or a ball. Take a Sagittarius on a picnic or on a hike, etc. All of these things make great birthday presents for a Sagittarius.

· Capricorn – December 21 – January 19. Capricorns are generally very hard workers. Give a Capricorn a break and give him or her a gift certificate for a massage or make dinner for him or her. Give a Capricorn a relaxing novel and a bath set.

· Aquarius – January 20 – February 18. Aquarius or both honest and tolerant. A game like Balderdash is very fun to play with an Aquarius because it requires him or her to lie! Of course, Aquarius are always thinking ahead, so they end up being quite good at board and card games. Any sort of game makes a great birthday present for an Aquarius.

· Pisces – February 19 – March 20. Pisces are talented in music and or fine arts. Give a Pisces concert tickets or some sheet music or a guitar. Sign him or her up for a pottery class!

These are just a few ideas for birthday presents to help you out. It is amazing how accurately astrology can often describe a person. It only makes sense to pick out birthday presents for that person based on his or her sign!

Monday, July 03, 2006

When Do You Need an Editor?

According to many of my clients, writing is one of the hardest things in the world. They spend some time staring at a blank monitor and blinking cursor, they space out, they regain consciousness and curse to themselves, at how difficult it can be just to get their thoughts on paper.

Even editors need editors sometimes, so there is no shame in giving in. Others can see our work more easily than we can, since they're not emotionally connected to the material, as well as the journey it took to get there.

The first sign that you need an editor is that you are increasingly frustrated with writing. If you become bored, stare out the window, get angry or just stop caring about what you're doing, chances are you need someone to help you focus your work and your energy.

Of course, we love to work one-on-one with our clients, if they need help, or provide input over the phone. But if you're in a jam, Write Express StyleWriter can get your documents looking and sounding professional. By running your work through this software add-on, you'll find any passages that commit common usage and style errors, and save your editor tons of time. That can translate into getting the job done, or not in some cases.

Another indispensable tool any writer should have is Editors on Editing: What Writers Need to Know About What Editors Do. Editor Gerald Gross gets down to the nitty-gritty by compiling a series of essays by editors at publishing houses large and small. Clearing up any misunderstandings now may save you a ton of time and aggravation now, so check this one out!

Writing workshops can help struggling writers out, as they begin to "hear" their mistakes read out loud. I find that listening to books on tape, CD or podcast really helps in this area, too. Training your ear to hear clunky grammar, beautiful sentence construction or dangling participles is really strengthened by a trip to iAmplify, where you can find downloads on everything from astrology to gaming, golf to weight loss. You might learn something, and your "ear" will thank you later.

Lastly, you know you need an editor when you have simply come to the end of the road. Writers talk about writers block as if it's a curse, but some don't even believe it exists. Allowing ourselves the time we need, for rest, sleep, proper diet, and vacations (are you listening, workaholics?) helps to cultivate creativity. We can't force ourselves to write, paint or play music on a certain time schedule, so we shouldn't try. Instead, your Inner Creative Person may need time to simply be. Vacations are a must. Even if you're on a tight budget, Priceline can get you out of Dodge, quickly and easily. Add a car and hotel online, and you're off. Who knows? Maybe the characters for your next novel are waiting at the very next stop.

Chinese Astrology

There are twelve Chinese year signs in the Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to depart the earth he summoned all the animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bear the name of one of the animals.

Chinese astrology is based on the Lunar Calendar. This means the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consult the charts to determine the correct sign.

You will find a chart of the dates and signs below. Each sign repeats every 12 years, so 2006/7 will be the year of the Dog. For exact dates visit our website. Following the chart you will find the characteristics of people born during the Chinese Year of The Rooster.

9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006: Rooster

22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005: Monkey

1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004: Goat

12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003: Horse

24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002: Snake

5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001: Dragon

6 February 1999 - 4 February 2000: Rabbit

28 January 1998 - 5 February 1999: Tiger

8 February 1997 - 27 January 1998: Ox

19 February 1996 - 7 February 1997: Rat

31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996: Pig

10 February 1994 - 30 January 1995: Dog

The Chinese Year Of The Rooster..

If you or your child was born in the Chinese year sign of the rooster you have far to go. Roosters are full of confidence, fearless and brave. They will take on an adversary far superior to themselves if they believe they are in the right.

If they can control their impulsive streak they are usually successful in business. Intelligent and ambitious, Roosters work hard and like to be in control, often successfully running their own businesses.

People born under this sign are extroverts and enjoy the company of others. They do not like to be criticised and their self-esteem can crumble if they are ridiculed.

What Is A Soul

What Exactly Is It?

In traditional or let’s say mainstream religions of the world, the soul is a non-material substance which is able to assume powers and attributes not open to it while trapped within the confines of a material cage we call the body. Based on this definition can we even try to appreciate what it actually is and how it may interact with the physical world as we would ordinarily recognise it? The answer to this question must ultimately rely on what we know of the physical world.

I think that most of us agree on the definition of the generic human body. Loosely speaking it is nothing more than a collection of bones, tissue, fluids, internal organs and flesh arranged to work in such a way as to sustain our everyday existence. As such, it is quite vulnerable to disease and will eventually stop working altogether as it heads towards the day of its demise. But what about the soul? Is there such a thing? Other than just blind faith or solemn wishful thinking, do we have anything that we could turn to or point at in order to bring even a trace of credibility to this idea?

Having listened to countless people who try to give their own personal views on the subject, many are content to approach it with a fair helping of derision and contempt and take the atheistic route of denying everything not within the grasp of mainstream science. But this should not come as a surprise to anyone. If the scientific world were to give credence to the existence of the soul they’d have to study it, dissect it, understand it, measure it, explain it and various other things that scientists do. The very fact that we can’t actually see a soul as we can a tree, the very fact that we can’t interact with it as we can with animals and humans, the very fact that it is not made of any substance with which we are familiar means we can’t apply rigour. And there are countless other human beliefs and superstitions in very much the same situation. For example science cannot apply its methods to palmistry, tea-leaf-reading, astrology, numerology, witchcraft, telepathy, telekinesis, ESP and such like because these things do not easily lend themselves to the rules of scientific scrutiny.

What we have then is a mixed bag of subjects all clumped under a single heading that is often referred to as mysticism. In this bag you will also find many ideas put forward by different faiths including the idea of a soul and life after death. But where does that leave those who wish to believe in an existence beyond physical death? I think that the sheer size of the number of people with these beliefs makes it very difficult to ignore and neither will it do to simply brush it aside as mysticism.

So we can conclude I think that it is not possible to approach these things from a scientific point of view. Is there another way?

Another Way

The only other way is to use what is loosely termed as common sense coupled with a fair dose of open-minded intuition. We can exercise this by making a series of statements that are born out of two distinct considerations.

A. Those that maintain a non spiritual existence.

1. No life after death.

2. All that we do is ultimately futile and will one day be absorbed into the eons without so much as a trace of anything that ever happened here on Earth.

3. There is no God.

4. There is no Heaven or Hell.

5. The only rules and regulations that we should obey are those created and maintained by the different cultures and societies.

6. There are no morals other than the ones engrained in human laws.

7. We are nothing more than flesh made of the same atoms and molecules as ordinary matter. We evolved out of creatures that lived millions of years ago and we shall continue to evolve for however long the planet is able to sustain life.

8. When we die, we simply stop. There is no consciousness or cognisance after death.

9. Nothing of what we do or say can alter the laws of physics. There are no miracles and nothing that cannot be explained by logical and scientific means either now or in the future.

10. Use your life to enjoy the physical aspects of existence and, as far as possible, help others to enjoy it too, before the onset of old age, disease or death.

B. Those that maintain the existence of the human spirit.

1. There is life after death through the continuation of the soul.

2. What we do here determines our fate in the next world.

3. God is the supreme Being who has no beginning and no end. He provides life after death as well as having created all life as we know it on Earth.

4. There is a Heaven and there is also Hell. Those that choose Hell are the ones who hate God and go there knowingly and willingly after physical death having absolutely no contrition or sorrow for any of their actions on Earth.

5. Many of the rules and regulations are based on the 10 commandments. However, we shall also be held accountable for sins such as those pertaining to conceit, lust and greed.

6. There are many morals outside of human laws that we must try to observe.

7. Life is a gift from God and should be preserved, nurtured and used to its full potential without the application of wanton physical, mental or immoral abuse either to upon others or oneself.

8. If there are things we do not understand or cannot explain, be contented and have faith in God’s infinite mercy to right every wrong and deal with all injustice in the fullness of time either on Earth or the place where our spirits shall live.

It is impossible to do justice to either school of thought in a short article like this but it is accurate to say that for those who have made up their minds, it is likely that they will fall into category A or B or at least some variation of either. But here’s something that you probably haven’t heard before.

In public, a person who proclaims to belong in A will not be so readily convinced in private. How do I know this? Call it intuition if you like but there is something within us that: in the absence of friends and associates around us, from whom we tend to draw strength, deliverance and of course where we also get a chance to exercise wit, sarcasm and intellectual exchange; the façade begins to fade away, leaving us naked and embarrassed in the privacy of our own thoughts. This is a kind of hypocrisy that we tend to try and hide.

On the other hand, a person that openly declares an affinity to B, either within a group of associates with the same convictions or otherwise, is likely to be as open about their beliefs in private as they are in public. In other words, there is no discernible difference between their public and private thoughts when it comes to matters of faith.

Why Is This?

It is hard to say. I suppose it is much easier to be convinced in public than it is to be in private for an unbeliever and yet the opposite seems to be true of the faithful. It is because a person who believes in a Deity is never alone and as human beings we always yearn good company, especially one who is always on our side and sympathetic to our cause. On the other hand, the unbeliever, when not surrounded by other people, is truly alone. Perhaps it is this unnatural state of being that sometimes prompts the individual into a momentary lapse of faith.

I have witnessed too often the sharp difference in behaviour and mode of speech of people when there is at least two others in the vicinity as opposed to just one other person. The third person, whilst not joining in with the conversation, immediately becomes the audience and as soon as this happens we feel compelled to perform. That is when a person falls into the habit of saying or doing things that they wouldn't normally say or do. Just like acting. Taking the second person away has an even more profound effect. The solitary person’s true nature is revealed if not to others than at least to themselves.