Saturday, January 13, 2007

Living With Your Aries Child

The Aries child is a "doer". Aries Children have natural enthusiasm and will spur everyone else along. The energy is boundless. This daredevil will want to live and experience everything. There will also be a strong competitive instinct along with a great stamina. This kid will never consider coming second - the "winners" podium is theirs.

Aries will be impatient and will tend to start many projects losing interest long before completion. Frustration is a super-quick instinct with these children - frustration with their own abilities, and frustration in the inability or lack of pace of others too. No one will be in any doubt on how Aries feels.

These children say it as they see it because there is no time for niceties. Time waits for no man. And, the Arian child, unless very well trained, waits for no man either. Aries will actually be quite temperamental but will seldom sulk or carry a bad moment for long. These kids will be genuinely baffled when someone takes offence with an outburst. It is the exclusive right of the Arian character to throw a huff without explanation, but there is little understanding as to why anyone else should react or take things personally. Careful nurturing into tact, diplomacy, sharing and caring -is needed, but "nurture" is the keyword. If force is used, you will be met with rebellion. This fiery youngster will learn better by example, so try to stifle the instinct to yell back. Simply suggest some "time out". Not too long, though, because remember, this child forgets quickly. Just give it long enough for the rampant Aries to reflect and for you to gather your wits.

These kids need to be taught to listen and respect other people, and they do want to learn. So, start early by encouraging Aries to take responsibility for disruptive behavior. Encourage this child to look at the cause and effect and accept where they went wrong. Maybe quietly suggest an alternative for future reference. Aries will eventually learn to be more considerate and become easier to live with. No one will be more honest than this child will - they haven't got time to stop and think about lies or deception. They speak from the cuff and give it to you straight. Also watch for a natural sense of fun.

These kids will love to share a joke or a prank with you and will probably laugh at your jokes even when the meaning is way beyond the baby thinking patterns. This is their way of joining in. Competitive sport is a great way of using up some of this remarkable stamina. It will make the best use of the determination and also the sheer energy that Aries will have. It will also encourage team spirit and discipline. Bear in mind that having several planets in the signs, Pisces or Taurus, before and after Aries can add a lot of patience to your young Aries character.

Predictions for Aries in 2007

Chiron is sextile your Aries Sun Sign. This transit will occur only twice in each 50-year cycle of Chiron. During this time, you're likely to have a deflated ego and overall lack of self-confidence. At times it may seem easier to not even try to succeed, rather than risk failure. Be willing to promote yourself and you may be surprised by the outcome. You are particularly charming and persuasive now, and this could open many doors to new opportunities for your own personal and professional advancement. Although you feel a great need to make a difference in the world, you don't need to receive all the credit. Your real rewards come from developing your spirituality and higher consciousness.

You will be presented with many opportunities to clearly recognize patterns you've repeated in your relationships that have caused a great deal of suffering. This is a good time to work on dropping unhealthy habits and patterns from your life so you can stop repeating the same mistakes (and choosing the wrong people). Be willing to accept your share of credit for any "failed" relationships now, and you'll grow a great deal. Be willing to forgive others, and to admit you're wrong if need be. Chances are that they will treat you similarly. The more progress you can make now toward curing self-destructive patterns (usually related to childhood wounds that have never healed), the less difficulty you'll have when Chiron conjoins or squares your natal Sun in a few years.

You are attracted to alternative forms of health care now, and you may even develop healing talents yourself. If you become a healer, you will pursue your new vocation with great intensity and purpose, as though it were your life's destiny. In a way it is, because as you learn to help others, you will also heal yourself in the process. Whatever you choose to do now, you have the power to bring your ideas into reality. Build your self-confidence by creating more of whatever it is in your life that brings you the most joy. Then set new goals (which are likely to be higher than previous ones). Some people will try to convince you that the goals you seek cannot be attained.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Numerology and the Influence of Names

Does the popularity of names within a given nation reflect the influences that emerge within a culture? If the underlying premise of Numerology is that the archetype of Number exerts an influence upon an entity, and we define ( for the moment ) an entity as an individual, than a collection of individuals will influence a culture with a preponderance of that influence they share. In other words, we should be able to see a reflection of the first name influence within the cultural character in which we find the influence.

For example, the most popular names for the current decade ( 2000-2007) are as follows; males:
1) Jacob
2) Michael
3) Joshua

and females:
1) Emily
2) Madison
3) Hannah.

When we calculate the value of these names an interesting patterns appears. The values, in the above order, are 13/4, 33/6, 20/2, 28/10/1, 30/3, 28/10/1. The first pattern we find is that the male names all reduce to ‘female’ numbers ( evens ) and all of the female names reduce to ‘masculine’ numbers ( odds ). The second obvious phenomenon is the repetition of the 28/10/1 influence in the female names. What might this indicate? Only a comparative study of name trends and cultural attributes would allow us to draw conclusions with a reasonable degree of certainty. However, it might be interesting to speculate.

First, we might surmise that the generation currently being born will return to more traditional cultural values as opposed to a superficial reading suggesting some sort of ‘role’ or ‘gender’ reversal. The males all indicate an influence concerned with relationships; to work and honest values ( 4 ), to family and civic life ( 6 ), and to others in general and those in positions of authority in particular ( 2 ). The females, despite the masculine numbers, are firmly planted within the traditional framework. The 1 of independence that appears twice is quite spectacular in this regard: it is the reduction of the 28/10. The 10 is a 1 influence that is self-sacrificing and symbolizes a mastery over internal states and unconscious influences. Now, both the 10 and the 28 are even ‘feminine’ numbers but, the 28 is unique. First, it is related to the moon and the lunar phases and second, because of its relation to the menstrual cycle. Again, the 30/3 is remarkable. The ‘masculine’ 3 is often considered the first ‘real’ number since it is the product of 1 and 2. It is an expressive, artistic number. The addition of the 0 to the 3 in the 30 indicates a perfecting of the 3 influence.

Of course such a study offers a number of methadological considerations. The verdict will be out until the current generation being born comes of age but, until then, watch closely the emering trends and ask where its causes rest!

Avoiding Inauspicious Locations - Inauspicious Directions and Inauspicious Stars in Feng Shui

A lot of time, people who are new to Feng Shui are more keen in enhancing wealth, health, and relationships, but often overlook the importance of avoiding the inauspicious locations, inauspicious directions and inauspicious stars.

By avoiding these inauspicious factors, one may be able to avoid potential problems that lie ahead. These inauspicious locations, directions and stars include annual San Sha (3 Killings), Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter), Sui Po, inauspicious locations and directions according to personal gua, annually and monthly 2 Black and 5 Yellow Stars in Flying Stars Feng Shui.

To check your personal gua, your auspicious and inauspicious locations and directions, you may use the Personal Gua Calculator. One should try to avoid facing these directions or staying in these locations.

To locate the annually and monthly 2 Black and 5 Yellow Stars, both Flying Stars Year Chart and Flying Stars Month Chart are required. One should try to avoid facing these directions or staying in these locations.

The table below lists the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) and Sui Po for the next few coming years, please use the 24 Mountains chart with the table. One should try to avoid facing these directions.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Do You Have a Wounded Moon?

Astrologers have known about the wounded Moon for centuries, but most psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists are totally oblivious to how this affliction affects the life of an individual.

What is a wounded Moon?

When the outer planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto form a negative relation to a person's Moon in their birth chart, they are emotionally wounded. This is not a rare occurrence. It is often found in the charts of many people.

It is important to realize that the Moon in your birth chart shows how you receive and give nurturing. When our Moon is afflicted by the outer planets, we often feel totally unstained emotionally by life.

A skilled astrologer can see these aspects immediately and can determine how these planets impact your emotional life.

Here Are Some Indications of a Wounded Moon

When Saturn has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: Saturn has often been called "the leaden planet" because its dark energy leads a person to feel heavy, emotionally depressed, and blocked from any sense of inner nurturing. They are often unaware of the cause of this depression. This person was born depressed, because their life began in a depressing environment. The nurturing energy of the mother (the Moon) was denied them. Even though the mother may be present after birth, the child gets the message that she is cold and uncaring. This Saturn aspect indicates that the mother does not sustain the child emotionally. There may be karmic conditions in which she has no choice. But, regardless of the circumastances, the child feels unloved and unprotected by the mother.

When Uranus has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: When Uranus afflicts the Moon it creates a volatile energy and indicates an emotionally rebellious individual. They cannot tolerate any restrictions or boundaries in their personal life. They may have had some traumatic birth experience where they had a hard time getting out of the womb. This experience could be the cause of why they have such strong reactions to being restricted in any way. Their attitude towqrd their mother or other family members may be unreasonable and emotionally reactive. They seem to be very touchy individuals and can "fly off the handle" in an instant.

When Neptune has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: A Moon that is afflicted by Neptune often reveals a deep sadness in the person. They feel that they were abandoned by the mother and feel totally unsustained by her. This condition creates very deep emotional needs and often leads the person to become a caretaker of others in order to feel nurtured themselves. They have a great "need to be needed" and will often sacrifice their own life caring for others. In this way, they feel connected emotionally. They have a strong feeling that they have never had a home and feel cut off from any inner nurturing.

When Pluto has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: This is a very deep and painful affliction which creates tremendous anxiety within the individual. When there is even a hint that their security is threatened, they will burst out in a most terrifying rage. Much of this exists in their imagination, but nevertheless, very real to them. To most people the event that triggered the rage seems like a very minor one. The negative outburst seems totally uncalled for. This person is always "putting out fires" which don't really exist. They often react with such intensity that people tend to avoid their company. They can be very coercive and emotionally demanding, and they find it practically impossible to adjust their needs to the needs of others. They are simply too busy trying to take care of their own security needs to be bothered by those of other people.

Your Mysterious Horoscope

Many rich and fulfilling answers lie hidden in the horoscope of every human being. Unfortunately, most people are not only suspicious of this wonderful celestial map of the psyche, but even tend toward the tongue in check "What's your sign?" approach.

This unknowing attitude is akin to looking at the clothes I wear and assuming that you understand me.

The "What's your sign?" approach is a very shallow way of looking at astrology.

Because there are nine other heavenly bodies which are also located in a sign. Your Moon could be in Scorpio, your Venus in Libra, your Mars in Leo, your Jupiter in Gemini, your Saturn in Virgo, your Uranus in Taurus, your Neptune in Libra and your Pluto in Libra. Each one of these planets and their relationships reveal a ton of information about you. Now, you can see when you ask someone, "What's your sign?" why you will not find enough information that you can can really depend on.

One session with a competent astrologer will instantly change the way you look at your horoscope. For instance, in a matter of minutes, a skilled astrologer can tell how you think, what your talents are, what you don't like, and the kind of people you are attracted to. Of course, he can tell you much more. This is only the beginning. There are many things that he can see right away. Other insights will follow as he delves deeper into your horoscope.

If you have a session with a skilled astrologer, I assure you that you will never again ask "What's your sign?" You will understand that a horoscope contains a great well of information about who you are, where you are going, and what you are destined to do.

I can make such a statement, because I have read thousands of horoscopes and I am still discovering new insights. This shows that this wonderful map of the psyche is far deeper than any person who reads it. No matter how long I study it, it still holds many mysteries yet to be understood.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The World of Astrology Matching

Many centuries ago, people considered astrology as both an art and a science. Those who practiced it were held in great respect. They gave advice to ancient kings and emperors on important matters like when to go into battle and when to marry. However, the astronomers and the astrologers gradually separated from each other as the years go by. In our modern age, these wise sages appear in the magazines to give all of us our horoscope. I admit that I find astrology matching a fascinating subject, even if I am not really interested in its fortune telling aspect.

In some people’s opinion, the idea of our personalities being shaped by the position of the stars at the time of our birth is a ridiculous notion. I have read about the twelve signs of the zodiac and the merits and faults of each one. I am surprised to find that many things ring true when I observed my family and friends. Astrology matching is probably the most complex issue of all. In this method, you can evaluate how different signs will get along. You can apply astrology matching to family relationships, friendships, business relationships and romantic ones.

A few weeks ago, I purchased a big, fat book on astrology which focused on the idea of astrology matching. The first thing I looked at was if me and my husband's match is a good one. Apparently, we are one of the best matches because I am Cancer and he is Scorpio. However, this winning combination didn't do Prince Charles and Princess Diana any good so there are also exceptions when it comes to astrology matching.

The various zodiac signs falls into the four classic elements of air, water, fire and earth. This means that those who are under the fire signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery, passionate persons. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini fall which in the Air signs are the cerebral thinkers. The Earth signs which include Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are the no nonsense, salt of the Earth types. Lastly, the Water signs which include Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio are the emotional, sensitive ones. These elements are important when it comes to astrology matching.

The topic of finding a soul mate always comes up whenever astrology matching is being discussed. This is not focused on finding an identical person, but someone who will complement you with their own attributes. The pairing of two signs together is not always a good idea because it doubles up on too many things. For example, two Cancers together could make for too much sulking and two Leos could be a little too volatile. Make sure that matching through astrology should not have too much influence on your choice of mate. You should just give it some notice and you may be surprised by the outcome.

What Do The Stars Predict For Your Future? Try Astrology To Find Out

If you like astrology, you'll be happy to get astrology readings both via the Internet and offline. For myself, I get a number of freebies every day by e-mail, and it's quite comical how they all vary! What can you expect though, given that they're not calculated using my own birth data - for which reason I see this kind of astrology only as a source of entertainment.

So, as a mere fun interest, naturally I'd never suggest basing any serious life decisions on something like astrology. I see it in terms of an oddity or curiosity, even if it does have some sort of impressive history in dating way back to Ancient Babylon. Regardless of what my newspaper horoscope tells me, I favour an approach of combined reason and intuition - unless of course I have some irrational but overwhelming feeling that I ought to purchase a lottery ticket, in which case it's only a small price to pay for being wrong.

To sum up: my own view of astrology readings that are based on your sun sign alone and nothing more personal are just a harmless piece of fun. If you want to go more in-depth, have a full birth chart calculated on the basis of your place of birth, date and time. (A chart can still be done without a precise time but it won't be as personal as one without.) This can give a detailed character analysis; in addition, if you want such extra services, you can check out your horoscope compatibility with your partner, which is technically known as synastry.

Naturally, having the full works done, allows your astrologer to make more personalized and specific future forecasts - although whether or not you choose to believe in their validity is another matter entirely. For myself, I simply enjoy the psychological aspects of chart analysis and how this can sometimes shed interesting light on a subject's character. I've never really been sure how much in life is fated or merely random; and I have to say that astrologers seem pretty much divided over this deep philosophical question too.

Whatever the truth of the matter, you might be interested in having some free astrology readings done from mere curiosity. There are sites which offer sample readings, possibly leading to a fuller, paid one if you're sufficiently interested. Although you may know your Western star sign, you may not know your Eastern or Vedic astrology sign, or indeed your Chinese astrology one. You might even like to sample them all to see which system describes you best. After all, it can be either free or very low-cost to try an astrology reading. offers a tempting selection for those curious about this ancient celestial art.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jakob Steele's Predictions for 2007

Each year pundits, psychics, paupers and pawns make their predictions for the upcoming year. Many go undocumented and are later subject to the whims of memory and second hand accounts. For that reason these ten predictions will be fully documented. I encourage you to take note of them and inform others.

Owing to the complexity of the prediction process, the exact Numerological procedure will be left out and only the predictions themselves given. This will keep the article as simple as possible. Those who may be interested in the method of prediction may visit The Number Wizard for more information.

• 2007 will bring a dramatic upswing in reports of UFO activity around the world with startling revelations of government complicity.

• Stunning announcements from NASA. News pertaining to both the Moon and Mars. Technological advances.

• Sex crimes involving children will surge, including inappropriate student-teacher relationships. Solicitation of minors over the internet will gain national attention and lead to new federal regulation of the internet. Several high profile media cases involving child predators.

• A viable third party candidate will arise with the help of the world wide web and blogosphere. This candidate will not win but, will open the door to ‘internet candidates’ and lend credibility to the emerging ‘online democracy’.

• Democrat Party suffers from internal tensions. Splinter groups within the Party raise questions concerning their ability to govern with so much dissension from their ranks. An apparent failure to govern.

• Trouble in the American Southwest.

• Another 9-11 type event in the United States. Radiological or, possibly small nuclear event.

• New sector of the economy emerges as the ‘Medical Tourism’ market opens up. Dissatisfaction with health care in the U.S. will lead to more people traveling overseas for medical care.

• Tremendous activity in the ‘Ring of Fire’. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tidal waves with a large portion of the activity occurring during the late summer months. Natural disasters in the Pacific Ocean.

• War between Iran and Israel. Antisemitic sentiments will rise.

President Bush and Pyramid Numerology

Can Numerology reveal the future? Some think so and most Numerologists are familiar with the predictive aspects of the Art. One of the most common, and perhaps reliable, techniques is Pyramid or Pinnacle Numerology. Each Pinnacle represents a long term cycle of learning and challenge as we walk upon our Life Path. With the exception of the first, each cycle is nine years long. Transitions between Pinnacles are almost always strongly felt and correspond to a psychological shift in perspective. There is usually a two year overlap, before and after the Pinnacle date, where we prepare for and then become comfortable with these momentous changes. The first shift is usually the most difficult but, it is the gateway to maturity and usually provides a sense of direction and identity.

Note: One of the most profitable areas in Numerology is Comparative Life Cycle studies. What follows is a study of the Pinnacle Cycles of President George W. Bush. It is not intended as a critique, political or otherwise, but merely as a learning tool. Policy and politics are not the subject matter but rather, the information revealed by the Pinnacles as compared to the events in the President’s life. We shall discuss the Pinnacle first and then compare the events, as we know them. You may draw your own conclusions to its accuracy. Keep in mind, no other predictive tools or methodology are being used.

1st Pinnacle: The 4 vibration was influencing President Bush until the age of 30. This represents hard work and its rewards. This is the time to build solid, long lasting foundations. The 4 pinnacle gives ability to organizational and managerial skills and places success within reach. It is success that must be built piece by piece though – imagine a child playing with Legos or building blocks. Slowly but surely crafting in the material world what only he sees in imagination. This means that while the ultimate goal will be realized there will be frustrations and challenges along the way. Growth takes time and is a slow process. Often, people under the 4 vibration oscillate between the solidity of the 4 and a drive toward chaos. The negative side of the 4 influence is an unwillingness to accept the need for order, discipline, and rules. The child who faces this pinnacle as his first is often stirred by an inner need to move beyond the limitations, real or perceived, of his parents but, should avoid jumping into the harsh world of practical affairs too soon.

Major Events from Birth to 1976: True to form, the President begins laying his foundation in this period. Among other accomplishments he receives a degree in history from Yale in 1968 and an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1974 He works in various political campaigns at this time including two of his father’s Senate campaigns.. He is a member of the Texas Air National Guard and then the Alabama Air National Guard. The negative aspects of this Pinnacle were felt as well. President Bush himself has characterized this period of his life as ‘irresponsible’. A time in his life which he has admitted was fueled in part by substance abuse and disorderly conduct. Now, take note of the shift year 1976. Firmly stuck between the energies of the two Pinnacles – an often traumatic time with strong psychological implication – the President is arrested and charged with a DUI on September 4, 1976.

2nd Pinnacle: President Bush’s 2nd Pinnacle is the 8 influence. This is a cycle of harvest when material growth will occur. It enhances success in business and finance. It also strengthens personal power which is the basis for success. Other people recognize this about you and defer to your judgment. People place their faith in you and desire to share your vision. Problems become challenges as you grow in stability and develop the organizational skills to head large enterprises. Your influence upon others will be almost supernatural and you move ever closer to the realization of your dreams. The challenge in this period is the development of your spiritual self. This pinnacle is a test of balance between material and spiritual abundance. If you do not find this balance you become a slave to the almighty dollar, if you do you find a reawakening to the true values of life.

Major Events 1977 – 1985: The years of 1976, 1977, and 1978 are all very important to the President. Notice how close they are to the Pinnacle shift. He enters the oil industry at this time. In ’77 the President is introduced to Laura Welch. A short time later ( 3 months ) they will marry. In 1978 the President ran for congress and lost The loss was only by a small margin and his political opponent, Democrat Kent Hance, will later donate money to the President’s campaign for the Governorship. Finally, in 1981 his twin daughters are born and the President joins his wife’s church.

3rd Pinnacle: The next Pinnacle exerts the 3 influence and acts upon President Bush until the age of 48. In this period self-expression comes to the fore. It is a highly social time when friends and admirers will be attracted to you. Under this influence your ability to inspire and motivate others will be very strong and your positive outlook and energy will cause others to want to work for you. This tends to be a very lucky period will problems seem to melt away. However, this can lead to a less vigilant attitude toward your accomplishments. Focus and discipline are called for and you should be wary of impulsive behavior and chaotic thinking else you squander your opportunities.

Major Events 1986 – 1994: In 1986, again notice its proximity to the shift, the President quits drinking and begins reading the bible. After a meeting with Reverend Billy Graham he is born again. Two years later he moves his family to D.C. to work on his father’s Presidential campaign. He helps develop a strategy to court conservative and Evangelical voters – a strategy that works. He delivers numerous speeches at fundraisers and rallies, and meets with religious and conservative organizations on behalf of his father. In 1989 he purchases a share in the Texas Ranger baseball team serving as managing general partner where he led team projects, remained active in the team’s PR, and regularly attended games – choosing to sit in the open with the fans. The Rangers were, for the most part, successful during Bush’s tenure, acquiring Hall-of-Famer Nolan Ryan. In 1993 he completed the Houston Marathon. And precisely at the Pinnacle shift in 1994 we find: He is involved with the construction of ‘The Ballpark’ in Arlington, the Rangers win their first division title, and he declares his candidacy for Governor.

4th Pinnacle: This Pinnacles acts upon the President until the age of 57 and its influence is the 9 vibration. This is a period where President Bush will begin to identify himself with a goal that is universal in scope. Social activism is prominent as is being an agent of societal change. He will attempt to apply himself to the good of the community. Sacrifice is called for and his personal ambitions must be subordinated to the larger good. This is a period where the President will face a large challenge. The inner impulse is one of greater love and compassion for community, country and world, and a sense of social responsibility develops. He begins to see humanity as a whole. People under this pinnacle are often drawn to religious or philosophical teachings and may begin to spread some particular doctrine or belief system. The challenge is again remaining wed to material reality and not becoming overly idealistic. If the ideal is too large failure may result. Travel in this period will be prominent and he will find himself meeting people from many varied cultures.

Major Events 1995 – 2003: Bush’s run for Governor is crafted around the theme’s of ‘personal responsibility’ and ‘moral leadership’. The campaign focused upon the issues of education, tort reform and crime His popularity grew after an impressive performance at a debate ( believe it or not ) with political rival Ann Richards. He is elected and in his first term makes good on his promises by increasing education funding, legislating tort reform, and reforming the criminal justice system. In 1998 the then Governor of Texas won reelection in a landslide victory. He is one of the most popular Governors in the United States at this time. Bush runs for the Presidency under the rubric of ‘compassionate conservatism’. He is elected to the office of president. 9-11. In March of 2003 he invades Iraq.

5th Pinnacle: The President’s 5th Pinnacle is a 7 and will exert its influence until 2012 when President Bush turns 66. This will be a time of inner reflection and soul searching. Spiritual growth continues to develop and faith is strengthened. During these periods the universe itself seems to propel a person. People begin to specialize during this time and pursue some particular course. As intuition develops he will have an uncanny sense of ‘the next step’. However, this in turning of consciousness makes it difficult to clearly articulate ideas. Nevertheless, expertise in some area will be his as he learns to see beneath the surface of things. The challenge is to refrain from becoming cynical or critical. President Bush must not withdraw from society. Sarcasm does not suit him.

Major Events 2004 – 2012: In 2004, precisely at the Pinnacle shift, he is re-elected to the Presidency. His inaugural address centers upon the theme of universal freedom and democracy – still feeling the effects of the last Pinnacle? Since then we have seen broader discussion upon the Iraq War and the War on Terrorism. The President seems more open to advice and input from others. The 7 Pinnacle can lead to either inaction or informed action. It remains to be seen which direction shall be taken. Although it is quite likely that his ability to articulate his ideas and ‘sell’ them to the public will continue to suffer, the actions he takes in the next two years seem to moving toward a reevaluation of the ‘bigger picture’. We can look for some stunning moves out of this President as policy shifts owing to the increase in introspection. Many questions will emerge in the geo-political realm, problems which can only be solved with an intuitive approach. The world, as of January 1, entered a 9 year. This year will see a resolution to questions of policy and a reevaluation of goals and strategy. The President will regain popularity in the poles and his second term on a surprising high note.

Addendum: The Pinnacles are not the only predictive tool in Numerology. And a full examination of future potentialities would need to include such factors as Challenge Numbers, Essence and Transits, Personal Years, Months, and Days as well as many other contributing elements.

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Secrets Locked & Hidden Inside Your Name Phrase

All of us, at one time or another, felt silly yet compelled to write our first name along side the first name of someone who we romantically desired. After that, you may have shaped a heart around your names wishfully thinking it would seal your fate together.

You’ll be glad to learn that this stringing of names together was exactly the right thing to do. Sealing your fate by shaping a heart around it, before you knew what that fate would be, was not. Here’s why.

I call two names strung together a “name phrase”. For example, TOM AND JERRY, and ROMEO AND JULIET are two separate name phrases.

Name phrases are potent, and very powerful entities in and of themselves. A name phrase when written, spoken, or thought of, carries with it a frequency of sound vibrations. When you strung your names together side by side you were instinctively listening to how well your names sounded when spoken together. Sound has the power, under the universal laws of magnetics, to attract and to manifest into matter.

# You can learn what will manifest into matter from your relationship with someone by breaking down your name phrase to its lowest form.

# To break you name phrase down; you form all the other possible words that can be made using only the letters that are comprised in your name phrase.

# The words that you discover are your name phrases’ children. These children-words can then be darned together into poetic verses to tell a story of startling truth about your relationship with this other person.

Like for example, I found the words, MANY ADORE A MAN-MADE TEAM locked inside the name phrase of the renowned cartoon characters, “TOM AND JERRY”. Also hidden inside the name phrase are the words that say “TOM A TAMED DEMON, JERRY A RODENT. If you are a Tom and Jerry fan, then you know that Tom is the domesticated cat who is always looking to eat Jerry the house mouse. Do you see how the children-words told a known truth about Tom and Jerry?

It should come to no surprise that one should find the words AN ARDENT DUO ENDURE A DIRE END in the name phrase of ROMEO AND JULIET. So you see, it really wasn’t a silly thing to do stringing your first name along side the first name of the one your heart desired. You just didn’t know that the words hidden within your name phrase could be discovered in your wonder and listened to with a different ear. The words hidden inside your name phrase will startle you, warn you, or please you, and they will always tell you a story of unerring truth. Your relationships don’t have to be a mysteriously sealed fate.

In the word phrase SOUL MATES hides the words AT LAST. Now isn’t this what we’re all seeking? That one person we can feel a deep and meaningful connection...someone who we think we’ve known before. A someone, who for a lifetime, will be our TEAM MATE.

Yet we all STEAM and MELT too fast. We get LOST in LUST, and USE MOTELS TO MOLEST A MATE. Then we go on TO ASSUME LOTS only to LOSE A LOT, and then MOUE (pout).

We need to TAME before we MATE, so we don’t HAVE TO TUSSLE A LOST ASSET. We need to LET A TALE SAUTE’. Than we can SOLUTE and MATE with our SOLE TEAM MATE after a MALT and a MEAL.

Mercury and the Computer

The planet Mercury has its abode in Houses Gemini and Virgo. Gemini is Mercury’s positive swakshetra; Virgo being its negative house. Mercury is exalted in 15 deg. Virgo. Mercury represents all that is quick, grasping, knowledge, arrangement, alignment, maintenance etc. On the higher pedestal, he is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is being assigned the work of maintenance of this world; whereas the work of creation to Lord Brahma and the work of destruction to Lord Shiva. Mercury represents computer.

Aptly Lord Vishnu himself must be a super big computer to look after the task of maintenance the world or all the worlds. Mercury representing computer derives power from Moon. Moon is the power giver to all the planets. Even though Mercury is considered as enemy of Moon, the Moon is not the enemy of Mercury. The power required for a computer comes from electricity. Without the electricity, there is no Computer. This electricity is generated from Hydro source. The Hydro source represents Moon. If the source of electricity is Thermal, then it is Sun is the source doing the job for and on behalf of Moon. The Sun and Moon bestow their powers on Mercury .

Mercury is intelligence. Software of computer; Whereas the Mars is the hardware, representing engineering. Attainer of perfection ; Buddhi& Buddha; Mercury is telecommunication ; Yet Mercury is child ; Childish. Afflictions to Mercury indicate child-hood difficulties such as speech defects, separation from parents. Yet the child full of capabilities. He is the child of the father. Sriramachandra when he was child cried for Moon to be caught in his hand. Mercury is child of Moon.

While the house Gemini being Mercury’s positive swakshetra, all the energy of Mercury is exerted, manipulated and spent in the work of maintenance. The house Virgo is the negative ; Gathers power and stores. The exclusive and characteristic power of Mercury is represented by Virgo in its healing power, as the Greek Demi god Centaur. Mercury has its exaltation upto 15th deg, Moolatrikona at (16-20) deg and the last 10 deg as swakshetra. Thus Mercury has three types of qualities in Virgo.

For worshipping Mercury, the seed mantra is “ Om, Aim, Bum Budhaya namha:”. The deity is Lord Vishnu. He is best worshipped and pleased through Lord Lakshmi Narasihma or Sita , Lakshmana Hanumatsameta Kodanda Rama. Offer Sri Tulasi mala to the deity of Lakshmi Narasihma or Kodanda Rama; Offer Lotus flowers to Sita Mata or Lakshmi; and then fruits to Lord Hanuman, starting the pooja on a First Wednesday of Shukla paksha. Continue the pooja for five Wednwesdays.

You will see miracles in your life. If the Mercury is in difficult houses in a birth chart, aspected by malefics, then wear Mercury Yantra, On Wednesday of starting of Pooja as above mentioned. Do not wear gem stones such as Green Emerald or any others, if the Mercury is in difficult houses or aspected by malefics. This tends to increase the difficulties. The famous and legendary film artist Amitabh Bachan wore green emeralds when the Mercury was in difficult houses, first associated by Ketu in Virgo and then aspected by Mars, who in turn aspected by Saturn. Amitabh Bachan got a jolt and admitted to hospital.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Does Numerology Really Work ?

Numbers and Vibrations have fascinated Man for a very long time. Thousands of people have changed or tuned their Birth Names hoping to benefit from it. Whatever the Numerology Method - whether it's Kabbalah or Pythagorean or Chaldean, does Numerology really work ? If No, Why ? If Yes, then How ? Read on for some real life, practical FAQs.

The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers) listed below are the most important and the most practical ones that are being asked around, more than anything else. If you wish to tune your Birth Name Vibrations, you should read them, to get guidance and clear your doubts. If you have already undergone Name Energy Correction or Numerological Correction, then you too must read them, to understand why it has not worked out to your expections.


Everybody told me about numbers and their Vibrations. I had the spelling in my name changed by an Expert Numerologist. But nothing much seems to have changed. Why ?


(1) You are right about the numbers : they do have vibrations. But have all the vibration inputs been taken into account ? Not all Numerologists consider all the right factors. The parameters to be considered are : Birth Name; Date, Month & Year of Birth; Day of Birth & the Time of Birth. All of them are equally important. Even if one of these parameters are not included, the input system itself will be incomplete. If any of these factors (say, the time of birth) is not available, there are Clairvoyant methods to see through this.

(2) There is an even important contributing input that eventually influences the name : the person's Karma. Without accessing the Karmic Vibrations nothing can be decided. This is another reason why the Numerologist should also be an Advanced Level Clairvoyant.

(3) Assuming you have changed your name into right vibrations (after rightly analysing all the correct inputs) how much will the changed vibrations bring you what you desire ?

Let us look at this logically. When YOU pronounce your name (with the corrected spelling), your name vibrations are activated and REACH OUT to the person/persons you are talking to. I agree.

(1) But what about other people you are linked with ?

(2) Can you talk with every other person about your changed name ?

(3) What about people whom you knew in the past but are not in speaking terms now ?

(4) What about people whom you have no knowledge of, but are going to get involved with you in your future ?

How will your altered personal vibrations reach them ?

The conclusion is that you need an Energy Tool (which has been exclusively programmed for you) to keep transmitting your changed personal name vibrations 24/7 to all those who are currently involved with you, involved with you in your past and going to be involved with you in future. Then and only then you can reap the benefits of the corrected name vibrations.

That is exactly what I do for you when I implement my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. After diagonising the full range of inputs and scanning your karmic vibrations, I arrive at the primary objectives to be achieved and the negativites to be shed. These steps are then Programmed into a Crystal (after selecting the size, shape and colour of the Crystal most suitable for you) and then Energised. Now this Crystal will be broadcasting 24/7 the customised vibrations that will reach all the persons you need to deal with, to your terms. It could be an estranged business partner, a dear friend who had misunderstood you, a good old customer who had disappeared, a relative who hates you or a person who had felt blocks in reaching out to you.

In the NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, the word Kabbalah is spelt in many ways : kabala, kabbalah, kabbala, kabalah, qabala, qabalah, qabbalah, cabala, cabbala, cabbalah, cabalah.


I had my birth name tuned with a popular Numerologist. When I complained to him after an year that there had been no positive results, he advised me to write and rewrite my tuned name 48 times a day, for atleast the next 10 years - for empowerment, he said. I find it labourious and it also eats into my precious time. Is it worth it ?


It simply is not worth it. The concept that the name vibrations should be empowered is very correct. I agree. But how do you do it ? Definitely not by writing and rewriting it daily. I mean, how can you empower vibrations by just repeatedly rewriting it ? It is merely wasting the time and energy and nothing else.

There are dedicated tools and methods for creating, empowering, amplifying and broadcasting the name vibrations, to bring about sustained results. The best way of doing this is to dedicate the ideal crystal for this job, program it for solving the problem or meeting the purpose and activate it. These energy techniques are of very advanced level and have no similarities with energy healing methods like Reiki.


I have changed my name as per Numerology. Accordingly, I have changed my signature too. Shall I have to change my name in government documents, share certificates, gazette, etc. ?


Yes, because you are forced to announce the name change and it will have it's own definite legal implications. You have to go through all the red tape and spend time and money in these procedures.

But not in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. Because the converted vibrations reach and attract all those who have to be reached and informed - in your personal life and professional life, permanently.

In fact, what is nice about this whole system is that you need not announce the name change itself to anybodyelse. Whether you announce or not, you fully get to have all the benefits of the newly tuned name.

Which means there is no necessity whatsoever to change your signature or go through tedius red tape procedures with governmental agencies, etc. and waste both your time and money. Fantastic, isn't it ?


I had my Company's name changed as per Numerology, after a heavy slump in it's fortunes. Now I am forced to readvertise massively the newly tuned name and my advertising bills are becoming very heavy. Not only that, I have lost a lot of good will and reputation that was identified with the previous name. My Numerologist says you can't eat the cake and have it too. Is there a way out ?


Yes, there is. I can custom build a Crystal Energy Field for your re-tuned Company name which will be transmitting positive vibrations 24/7, so that your original purpose is fully solved.No need to relaunch expensive media campaigns in the new name/brand. You can continue to display your old and trusted Company name but still enjoy all the new benefits ! Yes, you can eat the cake and have it too !

In fact, in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, there is absolutely no need to announce the name change at all. That way, you get to save a lot of good money wasted on re-advertising.

A Tale of Two Enemies Sun and Saturn

In astrology Sun and Saturn are considered enemies of each other. The gods or the demi-gods cannot behave like mortals. So we have to analyse the concept of enemies in a context and appropriate meanings. The Sun is truth, Sun is Knowledge; Sun is light. It is the place where our ancestors would ultimately go. After vasu and rudra , where our fathers are believed to have attained the status and receive pinda from us, the ultimate loka or state comes Aditya . Vasu rupe~, Rudra rupe~ and finally Aditya Rupe~.. The Sun is the embodiment of all gods. He is the ultimate. He is the destroyer of sins.

The concept of sin is co-terminus with the life we live in this world. The past actions which are sinful, in our past lives give the results of miseries in this present world. The miseries depend upon the degree of sins we committed in our past lives. There two gods who are attributed with the quality of destroying one’s sins. Firstly- Lord Shiva. Secondly the demi god Sun. It is easier to pray Lord Shiva and wash out our past sins. But the Second way is tougher one. Adithya is not easier to please. He is a strict disciplinarian. In the first and easier way of pleasing Lord Shiva, there are chances of we committing sins again. But the Second and tougher way is final.

It is born out of ultimate truth, knowledge and karma. It is this tough path that is chosen by the Rishis in doing tapasya. ( For detailed study – see concept of sin). Step by step one attains the state of Aditya and his material life comes to an end, which is the goal of all truth seekers. It is the freedom from bondage of birth and re-births. It is the attainment of god-hood.

The Sun burns everything. Our ignorance, our beliefs, our knowledge, which are born out of lies, images, maya , which is thrown by Rahu on our monds. The knowledge and beliefs are so strong and deep rooted in our minds, in our actions, we refuse to believe the ultimate truth. We are programmed to take shelter under clouds, false roofs, such as a frog taking a shelter under a serpent. This state of mind and our actions are created and developed by Saturn. Saturn is the representative of our false shelter. He creats maya through Rahu. All the dirt, whether in mind or in our physical presence in this world, is the abode of Saturn. He will not direct us to the path of truth, knowledge and god. He creates falls, pits and blindness, so that we eternally revolve round and round this maya. This maya is so powerful and strong, even the mighty Sun cannot escape.

So the two planes of operation of the fields are quite different. The concepts of Sun and Saturn go directly opposite to each other. Both act according to our past actions or karma. They are not enemies of each other. Because no two gods have the feelings of hatredness or love. They are above all those trivial behavior. They are above such meanness. They act according to their natures. Both are necessary embodiments of this worldly life. Sun is the enemy of ignorance, false-hood, indiscipline, and maya. The Saturn is the enemy of light, discipline, truth and knowledge. The Saturn is the creator maya.

All these qualities are the embodiments of mortal lives in this world; and definitely not the qualities of either the Sun or Saturn. In this way both are supplementary and complementary to each other. They are not enemies; But the gods acting in tandem, in harmony. One takes up where the other ends. They are the enemies of certain actions of mortals. It is the mortal to choose his action. If one sincerely attempts , penaces and disciplined it is the Saturn who is more pleased and he withdraws the curtain of Maya from one’s path of seeking truth. Then the Sun condones and destroys the earlier sins and shows the path of liberation through his light.