Thursday, February 08, 2007

Is Numerology Easy?

Back to Hogwarts! For the Harry Potter fans out there, a question: What is Hermione’s favorite subject? Did you say Numerology? Good. Actually, in the Harry Potter series it is called ‘Arithmancy’. Now, why am I bringing this up? For two reasons. First, Hermione is attracted to the subject because it is challenging. In fact, it is considered to be quite hard. Many websites, books, articles, even the Wikipedia claim that Numerology is the easiest of the Divinatory Arts. Um, no. It is one of the simplest yes but, that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Numerology is actually a fundamental study and there is a natural progression from Numerology to Cartomancy to Tarot. Notice how each discipline widens the scope just a little bit. The archetypes move from those of number to number shape and some color, to the oftentimes complex symbolism found in Tarot. Numerology is fundamental and, just as in sports or in life, you always need the fundamentals. A good foundation is something that you build upon and if you ever come across a problem or question that you are having trouble resolving…get back to fundamentals! Beginning your study of the Divinatory Arts with Numerology will save you an incredible amount of time and energy latter on. Ok, and the second reason, I hear you ask. The name J.K. Rowling gives to the discipline – Arithmancy. Modern Numerology could really be split into two branches of learning: the study of the archetype of number, and the study of vibration.

The first study is contemplating the numbers and what they mean individually. How one becomes two and so on. The second is observing how those numbers interact, how they influence. J. K. Rowling has pointed out an important distinction for us: Numerology proper is the study of number; Arithmancy is the use of Numerology for Divinatory purposes.

How Do I Love Thy Zodiac Signs

Alrightly then--It is getting closer and closer to that day of the year when everyone has lovely chocolates in decorative cardboard boxes and big red hearts on their mind. As an Astrologer, susceptible to love, romance, and anything that has to do with chocolate, its hard for me not to think of how all the 12 zodiac signs might enjoy notions of love at Valentines Day. So just for fun, here is a quick run through all twelve Sun Signs.

The Aries sun sign person is always ready, willing, and able to fall in love.

The Taurus sun sign person is never willing to share their chocolates.

The Gemini sun sign person typically may have several valentines to shop for.

The Cancer sun sign person prepares for this special day in advance so it is filled with cards, a homemade dinner, a movie, and a big box of chocolate.

The Leo sun sign person waits intentionally for this day so they can make a big valentines splash with big ticket gifts.

The Virgo sun sign person is the only sign of the zodiac that will let you get away with missing valentines day--but usually keeps the rain check weekend free.

The Libra sun sign person will very usually get everything they want.

Th Scorpio sun sign person wants the kind of gifts they can't show to their mother.

The Sagittarius sun sign person likes to make plans to spend Valentines day somewhere far and away.

The Capricorn sun sign person is the only sign of the zodiac that doesn't have to buy anyone anything--cause they know that just their presence in your life say everything.

The Aquarius sun sign person buys gourmet chocolates that will rotate monthly off the internet.

The Pisces sun sign person will leave love notes for you to find in your pockets, glove compartment, and desk draw. They are prepping you for the big swoop later in the evening.

Wisdom Of The Tarot-The Wheel Of Life

We all tend to view life as something that should be easy. Good things should just happen and bad things shouldn’t. Life should be simple. Life should be just full of good times. The sky should never rain on our lives. But rain waters the plants and makes them grow. It gives us water to drink. Without it we’d die. Maybe things we see as bad are equally valuable.

The Hermit is an example of something we don’t want – being alone. Loneliness is indeed a terrible thing and can blight your life. There is, however, another side to this solitude. The traditional hermit would by choice travel to some out of the way place and live alone for years. Why would they do this? To learn. Perhaps you live a very busy life constantly on the go, constantly striving and trying to juggle your responsibilities. Imagine then no noise, no hustle and bustle, just peace, quiet and time for yourself. Imagine what you could learn having taken the time to listen. Being alone isn’t so bad: it depends on your attitude to it.

The Tower indicates another example of something we don’t want - a crisis. Sometimes things happen and we know that we will never be the same again. The Tower shows people falling from a tower. They think that they can fly but they are going to discover that they can’t. It’s about seeing the truth. Sometimes this is painful. It always means that something significant has changed. We go on in life altered by this event. In the future, though, we are stronger because we had this moment of clarity: it focuses your mind, it shows you what can and can’t be achieved. The challenge of the Tower is to pick yourself up and rebuild. Without the lightning strike of the Tower we’d never get a chance to rebuild, bigger and better. Sometimes you have to tear it down in order to start again.

The Wheel of Fortune finishes our triptych of cards. Sometimes really bad people have very good luck. Really good people sometimes have very bad luck. They’re on the Wheel, as we all are. The Wheel turns and life gets wonderful, we are incredibly lucky and we get everything we want. It turns again and everything goes wrong, nothing seems to work out the way we want it to. It turns once more and luck and joy flows into our lives again. This is the truth of life. This is one of the most important lessons in life: everything changes, nothing stays the same.

If you are lonely, you won’t be forever. Try to use this time to grow and learn. If you are going through a crisis, it won’t last. Try to learn what you can and get through it. If you are happy with everything going your way, don’t become complacent. Try to cherish this upward turn of the wheel.

The Wheel of Fortune will continue to turn and we can fight it or we can work with it. Try to learn from everything that happens to you because then you are growing in wisdom no matter what life throws at you. Wisdom is the insulation from the harsher turns of the Wheel. Wisdom gives us the ability to appreciate love. Wisdom enables us the help others when the Wheel turns downwards for them.

'To everything – (turn, turn, turn) There is a season –( turn, turn, turn) And a time for every purpose under heaven' (The Byrds)

A Cheeky Look at "Setting up Business" by the Stars

It takes all types to set up a business. Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes and with differing levels of experience. But you may well wonder why some are more successful than others, even given the same level of knowledge and experience. Perhaps the answer lies in the Stars...


This is your office? Papers strewn everywhere, a collection of interesting moulds (some of which have developed personalities), growing in an assortment of chipped cups –- you do like to throw things; probably explains the dent in the wall! What is it with you? Always in such a hurry! We would expect some impressive results from all this hyper-activity, but you are the master of unfinished business. Why are you so impatient? Oh well, we will leave you alone and perhaps you might finish all those half-completed tasks... except, oh dear... something new has come along and you're eager to make a start on that.

Marketing advice: Stop scaring your clients and they just might return one day.


Is this an office or a take-away shop? Must you eat in here? I'm sorry, but I can't find a PC in this joint. Where's your computer? Oh, I see... No, there's nothing wrong, but you might want to consider updating. Typewriters are so... yesterday. And you might feel more enterprising if you brightened up the office... pardon? No, there is nothing wrong with beige walls, but they can be a little mind-numbing, don't you think? I'm only suggesting a little external stimulation might help. No, no, of course, you aren't a dullard! However, modern technology can work wonders for your business, and it's such a shame to use those unopened packets of software as bickie platters!

Marketing advice: Sitting in front of your old Remington with your cheese sandwich might not be enough. May we suggest networking?


Oh, my! Not sure what this one is doing – travelling faster than the speed of sound, papers in one hand, address book in the other, one foot working the keyboard (needs the other to balance while figuring out how to levitate, because then she could do FOUR things at once), and a mobile wedged permanently beneath the left ear like some new-fangled ear-ring. This one tries to do everything at once, and she has more irons in the fire than a blacksmith on a horse ranch. If you could stop yakking for a minute you might get some work done, but you do like a good gossip, and you're more restless than a can of worms!

Marketing advice: Can you sit still long enough to do one thing at a time? (She's not even listening!)


Come on out from under the desk... I haven't started yet! Such a sensitive soul, but very eager to please. This one would rather go to the bathroom in public than cold sell! Networking in person is not your forte, is it? Never mind, thank goodness for the internet. As for the office, well, it is supposed to be an office – this looks like a rumpus room. All little Johnny's crayon drawings will have to go! You need to learn to say no – or get a lock on the office door to keep out the family who, apparently, can't manage without you.

Marketing advice: Don't be shy. I know you can do it, you know you can do it... but do they know you can do it!?


Well, this is one glam office! (Vogue's been here!) You do get the work done, and very efficiently, but it does interfere so with your preening. Is it really a necessity for you to keep grooming aids on your desk? You're not really a snob, just selective about choosing assignments. One requires a task suitable to one's standing. And it's just as well you work alone – you're so bossy.

Marketing advice: Lose the mirrors! Nobody can see what you look like over the internet and visiting clients might get the wrong idea – especially when they spot the nude statue in the corner by the bar!


I must say, I've never seen a tidier office... but do you really need all those cleaning products on the bookshelf, all neatly lined up in alphabetical order? Virgos don't take coffee breaks; they take dusting breaks - and you are concerned because there are specks on the window, hidden by curtains, but you know they are there and it upsets you. How can you work when there are specks on the window! How, indeed! And is this an office, or a chemist? There are more vitamins and tablets cramming your shelves than a health shop. On the plus side, such thoroughness extends to your work practices. You never lose anything!

Marketing advice: Don't be so finicky... or maybe you should go into the cleaning business?


You have charmed your way into the good books of every contact you've made. The work offers are there, but which assignment should you choose first? You don't want to offend anyone by placing their work second, and you do so want everyone to like you! Oh, why can't just one nice person (who likes you very much), offer one job one day, and then another nice person (who likes you very much), offer their job on the second day? Sadly, even if you could decide between jobs, there's this other problem of deciding between which software to use, and which browser... Of course, you've studied them all, but you don't like to take sides!

Marketing advice: Forget it... your Client has already found somebody else!


From one extreme to the other... This one is working determinedly, with a definite no-nonsense glint in the eye. Intensity personified! Nothing really out of the ordinary in this office. It is designed strictly for business. The only other place you'll find this much stainless steel is in a gourmet kitchen! These people mean business, and that is what they're doing, and you'd better not get in their way – or else! Scorpio gives new meaning to the word ambition. (This one doesn't need contacts; they can take care of you themselves!)

Marketing advice: Well, you really don't need any – but may I just quote this: "All work and no play..."


Hey, this is a fun office! Radio blaring, funky music, brightly painted murals on the walls - you once tried to set up your office on the back lawn, but forgot about the rain – and you go around humming "Don't fence me in". Yesterday you lost a contract because the client told you what to do. (He said he was only trying to explain how he'd like it done!) And as for that one little assignment sitting all alone beside the pending tray (you feel less committed that way), well, maybe the client will forget all about it, because, quite frankly, it's a boring piece of work and you've lost interest! Anyone for tennis?

Marketing advice: Find yourself a Libran friend to tutor you in tact and diplomacy. Are you really sure you want to do this? You hate being locked in the office!


This looks like one of those old-fashioned offices from the sixties: dark timber panelled walls, framed diplomas, and solid sensible furniture. No, of course I'm not suggesting you are a fuddy-duddy! You are so desirous of acquiring prestige, you will do almost anything to achieve it. You take everything seriously. (Probably even these comments!) Capricorns perform with careful deliberation, meticulously, and professionally. Always courteous – but jokes are often wasted on them, and so is this!

Marketing advice: You don't really need any, but lighten up a little – it's only life, after all!


Welcome to the twilight zone! Your office décor is, shall we say, interesting. You've got everything that opens and shuts here, and even you don't know what everything does, but you're in the process of pulling it all apart so you will soon find out. You don't go after the conventional contracts – your address book includes NASA, and a couple of Einstein's buddies who not only need help typing their abstract theories, but welcome new ideas - yours! I'm not sure if you are simply a very intriguing individual, or just a complete fruitcake – but you do get the work done – your way, in your time.

Marketing advice: Can you give an Aquarian marketing advice? Do we need to?


I think you're awake... eyes are open, but they have that glazed, dreamy look. A-ha... off with the fairies again! Your office is in nice pastel shades. Nice wallpaper... Laura Ashley, if I'm not mistaken. You aren't as intense about your business affairs as some of the others, but you do like a good mystery. Sadly, the FBI does not require your services. Still, you're not in any hurry, right? You are so agreeable, you let your clients use your PC to type their own work, then give them a discount! One day you will find the perfect business.