Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Numerology a section of Jyotish based on simple mathematic and numbering. It is a language that allows you to express and expand the horizon of your spiritual awareness.

The beauty of this concept of numbers in numerology is that they are naturally and inherently joined.

Numerology is used as a particle method of understanding your own nature deep and deeper. Also it is used to under stand your talent and you life goals. It offers you the opportunities in advance that may arise in future ahead.

Today its popularity is growing and Numerology consultants are consulted with increasing regularity and with respect for every thing from personal things like romance, marriage to business decisions.

It is an ancient spiritual predicting really accrue and able to read your personality. The only main thing is that the input data should be accurate.

Basically numerology is self-help tool. It reveals aspect of your inner self and also your personality, character and self-confident. It gives you self-knowledge. And self-knowledge is the key to success and freedom. Having knowledge of your inner strengths and weaknesses will help you in many aspect of life. It also offer you, your inside offers, opportunities and challenges you have feed and in future.

Numerology, guides you in your life for your betterment.

To do simple mathematics, you need mainly your date of birth which consist of date, month and year in four digit also your full name, first, middle and last or as per your birth certificate. Also we need it any short name or any marriage name.

Using this information you can formulate your chart for numerology

The effect of changing name is really considerable. We formulate our numerology chart base on our date of birth and our full name. And if we charge name, the almost 50% numbers changes. But the new name should be well familiar to you and it must have gone into your inner mind and integrated into your subconscious. Name changed legally is not that much important till it goes into your inside mind.

No any science can predict your heath problem exactly, but only the periods and cycles. Same way numerology can predict your cycle periods of life and tell you which period of your life will be more rewarding and which will be suffering. However every person is having opportunity to change his suffering period into good or at least least suffering.

Numerology can be very highly accurate in such prediction. However your ‘karma’ can change the future life comparable to your effect you have made. Little effect will bring small reward and great effort will bring big rewards. So numerology or any prediction science or theory will discover your future life to guide you to take more effort on certain period which are not good for you.

Can numerology predict my Death?

Practically no, but theoretically yes. Same like numerology other prediction sciences can also predict the cycle of period of your life, but no science can predict it perfect. Why it’s like that? I explain it below.

When we take birth, we bring our ‘Karmas’ along with us. Later on we get our ‘name’ and a numerologist predict our future by utilizing our date of birth, our full name and tells our life cycle periods are like, like and like this. At that time assume it is a perfect prediction. After time the numerologist can predict our death time period. But in prediction. Science’s rules, the prediction of death is not allowed. Then also suppose he charted out our death, it cannot be perfect. Why like this? This is because of your Karma and the effort you make in your life span. So your present ‘Karma’ can charge the prediction of death which is due to your previous ‘Karma’. So even though it is predictable, it cannot fix or prefect. That’s why our ancient says that your hands are your God.

How Numerology Works

What is chart in Numerology?

Chart in numerology is an arrangement of single digit numbers under different heading derived from your date of birth and your full name.

How do we derive numbers?

Numerology deals mostly with single digit number, from 1 to 9. Exception to this rule is some two-digit number of special meanings. And arigathmatic for this is very simple.

The letters of your name correspond to numbers. East letter represent a number by virtue of its position in the alphabet. For example A=1 and B=2 and I=9 again J= 1 and so an. See the numbering below.

A=1 H = 8 | O = 6 | V = 4
B=2 I = 9 | P = 7 | W = 5
C=3 I = 1 | Q = 8 | X = 6
D=4 K = 2 | R = 9 | Y = 7
E=5 L = 3 | S = 1 | Z = 8
F=6 M = 4 | T = 2
G=7 N = 5 | U = 3

Now to derive single digit Number.

Let’s take name ‘MARY’ as an example.

Now will change this name to numbers.

M = 4
A = 1
R = 9
Y = 7

Now we will convert this number into single digit number as follow.


Some times in second stage we get another two digit number and then we have to go one step further and by adding again those numbers we get a single digit number. Like, total 39 again becoming 12 and we have to add it as 1 + 2 = 3

What is the Philosophy?

The universe is functioning orderly and premise of Numerology is human life. This orderliness can be seen in every aspect of nature like season, flower, fruits, days and rights. Even gestation and birth of a child also represent this orderliness’. Everybody is having his own name and that name once integrated with his inner consciousness if produce sound, harmony and melody through out the body when it is celled. And it stared reflecting his inner nature. Master Numbers

There are two number 11 & 22 called master numbers, when routed in single digit number need special attention. They posses more potential than any other number. They are highly a charged, difficult to handle and require effect to integrate into one’s personality.

The first 11 number is more powerfully of all and is channel to the sub conscious and inner nature.

It is having all the aspects of digit 2, charged with charisma. Leadership and inspiration. It is number with duality. It walk on the border of Greatness and self destruction.

22 is also most powerful number. It is having ability to turn the entire big-big dream into reality. 11 is most powerful number, but most of the time it will be in dilemma. And 22 is the most successful because of self-confidence.

This both master numbers are like always pressure cooker and need proper release and guidance at early age.


As I told before, Numerology is based an the ancient idea that our soul takes birth again and again on the earth and brings it’s ‘karma’ along with it. The number that indicate a Karmic debt are 13,14,16 and 19.these number are haring a great importance when they are coming into core numbers, like path, heart’s desire, expression, personality, birth day.

Karmic dept numbers can be found in different places in chart.

The characters of these ceramic debt numbers will see in detail latter on

Your birthday in Numerology.

The time, date and the occasion of your entrance in this world is of the most exciting moment in your life. You stepped into the reality world, in the form of human being and carry all the ceramic debt along with you.

Even that time you are the person of unique characteristic. Like your DNA you are also unique in nature, physics, chemistry, inner mind and future.

The moment your birth provides that broad outline for your life. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been prepared for you.

The most important number in numerology is based on your birth date. This number is called life path number. It gives a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges and lessons that we will encounter in our future.

How to find your life Path Number

Your life path number is the some of your total birth date number, date, month and year.

Let’s say you were born on 25th December 1964, i.e. 25-12-1964. Now let’s convert as below

25 = 2 + 5 = 7
12 = 1 + 2 = 3
1964 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
Now add these single digit numbers together.

7+3+2 = 12 =1+2 =3
the life path number is 3

Numerology's Personal Day; When to Start That Important Job

Ever have one of those days when everything goes right for you? When you make that presentation, or interview for that job and you can do no wrong; everything just clicks. Numerology can predict those days for you, those days when the universe is on your side. We call those days 'Personal days'.

Calculating your Personal Days

To determine if a particular day is a Personal Day for you, we need to calculate the Universal Day number for a particular day and then compare it to your Life path number. The Universal day number is calculated by adding all the digits of the Gregorian date together via faddic addition to get a single digit.

For example, Valentines day 2007 is a Universal day (7). The calculation is:

2 + 14 + 2007 = 2023 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7.

Your Life Path is calculated by adding all the digits of your date of birth with faddic addition:

(For example Johnny Depp, born June 9th, 1963 ; 6 + 9 + 1963 = 1978 = 1978 = 25 = 7)

When the Universal day number equals your Life Path number, then the day is a 'Personal Day' for you; the universe is literally in step with you that day. So, Johnny Depp had a 'Personal Day' on Valentines day this year.

Biorhythms and Bad Days

In a similar vein, you can have days when the universe works against you. Biorhythms predict that certain days can be bad for you. On these days, you will tend to be more accident prone and need to take extra care to avoid mis-haps. To my mind, one of the more interesting situations where these were used was when the Ohmi Railway company in Japan, used Biorhythims to predict bad days for their Bus drivers in the 1970's.

They would produce a card, and notify drivers when they were scheduled to have a bad day ahead of time. They claimed to have a 50% drop in accident rates for their busses when they implemented this.


By knowing your Life Path number, and calculating the Universal Day, you can know ahead of time when to plan your critical meetings, to get the universe working with you. Perhaps part of the effect is a placebo, caused by our knowing ahead of time that today is our lucky day, but even so, if it works you should use it. As for me, I never start a really important job in my life except on a 'Personal day'.

Match Your Spouse Astrologically

Astrology can forecast a suitable marriage partner based on a detailed analysis of the horoscopes of the bride and the bridegroom. In Western Astrology , emphasis is placed upon mutual rising signs, though at present many of my Western counter-parts are considering the importance of the moon in a horoscope. For this the nature of the rising sign at birth and lord of the sign or house is examined. All angular signs or houses are grouped under triplicities.

The basic approach is to classify the signs as belonging to the four elements viz., fire, earth, air and water starting with Aries. Then we the movable, the fixed and the common signs starting with Aries. Also we have the odd and even signs, male and female signs etc. Thus if the marriage partners belong to the fiery signs ( Aries, Leo and Sagittarius ) there will be agreement in general. The owners Mars, Sun and Jupiter respectively are mutual friends, hence, zodiac compatibility exists. But they also represent respectively the movable, the fixed and the common signs!

Thus there will be differences in mentalities or psychological content! Factors like the lord of the rising sign, its strength, placement in the horoscope. play a vital role in astrological prognostications. So to assume compatibility if the rising signs are the same, is a mistaken belief. Zodiac Compatibility is all about matching the mutual strengths and weaknesses of marriage partners and understanding each other. A lot of weaknesses get camouflaged in courtships as every effort is made to impress the other. Hence, the importance of mental framework and psychological build need not be stressed.

These can be ascertained from a minute study of the moon in one's horoscope. Moon is the ruler of Cancer, gets exalted in Taurus, is depressed in Scorpio and is considered weak in the 6th, 8th and the 12th houses. Again, it should be seen whether it is waxing or waning. Indian astrology goes further to study the birth star and its pada or quarter i.e., a division of 200 minutes (angular). Each of the (27) twenty-seven constellations excluding Abhijit has a lord or owner in triplicity starting with Krittika who is presided over by the Sun. Indian astrology also considers the moon for time-based predictions which is known as the dasa system, the well-known being Vimshottari i.e., 120 years cycle. The timing of the marriage will be detrimental if the dasas do not match or correspond to each other. Further, divisional charts, especially, Navamsa , as well as Gochara or transit effects and the twelve essential factors of matching ( detailed in an earlier article) are important.

Astrology and Numerology; Why You Need Both

In critical applications in science and industry, backup systems are a must. Weather it's loss of availability of your ATM or Television, of Loss of Life due to equipment failure in a hospital, having a backup is just good common sense. And in analyzing your life and your opportunities; having more than one chart, one way of looking at things is equally as important. After all, it's your life we're looking at.

Redundancy - Tell me Three Times

One of the best ways to insure that information gets from one point to another is to send multiple copies. "Tell me Three times" is a simple method of correcting messages that may have been damaged in transit. The idea is that with (3) copies, at least two of them will have the correct data at any one point in the message.

This is true weather we're talking about text, music, or video. This sampling and correcting process is built into the machines that read our CD's and DVD's. It's why even slightly damaged disk can still be read and played - the process filters out the errors and gives us true information.

This idea can be taken to our Astrology and Numerology charts. By getting both charts and comparing them, we're literally getting a second opinion on our life. And who doesn't want a second opinion on something that important.

Astronumerology - Over 100 Life Combinations

When astrologer Jordan Simon, and numerologist Pamela Hobs Bell got together in 1998 and devised Astronumerology, they were building on this idea of using both tools to produce a quick personality reference which could be easily used by anyone. The combination of (12) Sun signs and (9) Life Paths gives you 108 different personality slots to describe people's general tendencies; a much wider selection than either of the two sciences on their own.

However, the Sun Sign and Life Path values are only the most general traits in a person's chart. They give you a broad category, a thumbnail sketch as it were, of a person's chart. The depth and detail that someone needs to know their inner self is missing here.