Friday, October 27, 2006

Why To Blame Astrology

I find it really funny when somebody just wishes to dump astrology without having any rationale behind their conclusions. How can you dump a thing unless you make a thorough study of it and give valid reasons for your conclusions?

Well, I certainly believe in the science of astrology. And this does not mean that I adore astrology as if it is all in all in my life. For, I very well know that stars only impel, they do not compel.

The common question proposed by the school against astrology is- Do stars create your destiny? The answer to this question is- Yes and No. For, the answer depends upon the circumstances and many other variable factors.

In reality, you are the creator of your destiny, not the victim. Have a deep thought. Your inner world and the outer world are absolutely interconnected. Let there be no doubt about it. If you are unable to understand this aspect, don't blame one and all for your ignorance.

Why persons born on the same day will not have identical future? Why, please investigate and find out. Don't blame astrology for that.

Astrology influences your works in a varied way. Just because you are unable to understand these subtle movements, these finer vibrations, don't again blame astrology. If at all, make sincere efforts to understand them.

The science of astrology was drafted by the ancient sages. These sages are the Realized Souls who have crossed the mind barrier. Once they reach there, they can speak nothing but truth. All your quarrels, differences of opinion are mind-level creations. How the science of astrology as perfected by them can give you wrong conclusions?

Karmic Astrology and Your Current Incarnation

It is always amazing to watch people who are proficient at what they do, and the better they are, the more we are in awe. Yet, it also makes us wonder about the source of their accomplishments, especially when some of the world's greatest achievers never even finished school. We see young children capable of complex chess games, teenagers who can excel at sports way beyond what we would expect of them, and even adults whose rise to brilliance in some endeavor seems disproportionately advanced for their life circumstances.

Could it be that the human memory is not of one life alone? Maybe the soul remembers things on quite a subconscious level that it has gained experiences with in former lifetimes. Then, in this life, all it takes to trigger these memories is some similar catalyst, an event, a word from a loved one, that somehow unlocks access to these hidden memories and makes it possible for the person to continue where their soul left off.

This could explain why people find it so easy to learn some things, while others seem beyond comprehension. In fact, sometimes the things they learn easily are the really hard things, so it would make no sense for them to be more proficient at these things, unless they had some unconscious soul memory from a past life serving them with experience.

Astrology in recent years has become more and more interested in this realm and many studies have actually embodied a new astrology that embraces this kind of thinking. Karmic Astrology looks at the individual's current life, not as an isolated instance, but instead as a continuation of the soul, which has reincarnated this time in order to perfect what it could not finish in past lives.

In this sense, it becomes possible, through the study of one's horoscope chart to understand what kind of experiences and soul memories they have brought into this life to improve, and by extrapolation, what kind of lessons they have yet to learn. By looking at astrology this way, the future, instead of being guesswork, is seen as a natural outgrowth of the past, as it evolves itself through experiences that keep increasing the individual's awareness about their life and the world they live in.

In fact, thinking karmically, we cannot help but reach the conclusion that the very sun sign that a person is born under in the current incarnation holds within it the exact lessons they will have to learn in this life. Thus, the challenges we face in life, are really the karmic lessons we have incarnated to learn, and our horoscope as our blueprint for life, holds within it the very energies and proficiencies we need to meet these challenges.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Accuracy of Astrology

The science that studies the association of heavenly bodies and lives on earth is astrology. There is an acceptance among society and in history that the stars can guide and predict human life. In ancient history, people used the stars to anticipate the change of seasons, to judge the best time to plant crops, to measure the length of time for pregnancy, etc. From that practice came the belief that in turn, the stars could influence or prophesy lives here on earthy. Though having waned in influence, it still maintains it’s popularity in our present day and age. Why is there such an ongoing belief it its accuracy?

One reason why people believe in astrology and think it works is that they think it can be used to help understand personality and give accurate personality predictions. Most people only read their own horoscope so do not realise how vague they actually are and that the traits suggested by signs are in fact universal. Everybody behaves in each of these ways at various times, so no matter what your sign is it will agree with a trait you already possess. If astrologers can predict someone's personality from their birth chart (and thus the position of the stars and planets at the time of birth) as suggested, then astrologers using charts should consistently outperform astrologers not using charts, i.e. those just guessing.

The basis of personality prediction is also a bit dubious. Modern astrologers claim their 'science' is not based on magical associations, but its history shows this to be false. Astrology flourished in Ancient Greece where they deified the planets. People where meant to take on the characteristics of the god they were born under. The associations were never based on empirical research but still form the basis for modern astrological predictions.

People also believe that astrology can make accurate predictions in general. After any notable event articles appear in astrology journals showing correspondence between the event and its astrological chart. However, this means nothing unless the chart can predict the event in advance. Scientists analyzed a total of 240 earthquake predictions by 27 astrologers and found their accuracy to be worse than guessing. Culver and Ianna surveyed 3,011 specific predictions made from 1974-1979 in U.S. astrology magazines. Only 338 (11%) were correct, and many of these could be attributed to shrewd guesses, vagueness or inside information.

Astrology is also used to aid career choices. In the early 1980s Alan Smithers examined the jobs and birth dates of 2.3 million people listed in Britain's 1971 national census. The results were reported over four days in The Guardian in March 1984. Before beginning analyses 16 expert astrologers made predictions of the correlations that would be found. The results were marginally better than chance. However this could be partly explained by seasonal trends. A 10% sample from the same census showed that the professional and managerial classes in Britain are significantly more likely to have there babies in spring and summer, whereas the opposite applies to manual workers and the unskilled. The results may also be due to self-attribution, people choosing a particular line of work because it matches their star sign. It would only require 1 person in 60 to think this way to account for The Guardian results. As Dean showed, 1 person in 3 believes in astrology enough to shift their self-image in the direction their star sign suggests. It would only need 1 in 20 of those to choose a job accordingly.

Another claim made by astrology is that people should choose partners born under compatible star signs. However studies have shown that sun signs have no influence on marriage or divorce. For instance Bernard Silverman found no link among the records of 2978 couples who married and478 couples who divorced in Michigan during 1967. Astrologers also widely disagree as to which sun signs are compatible.

Another use for astrology is for counseling purposes. Skaft tested the effect of introducing popular astrology into personal and vocational counseling. She found that this provides a focal point for discussion and often stimulates clients to talk openly about them, and the mutual interest quickly creates closeness and rapport that would otherwise take many sessions to establish. The focus on individual qualities also meets the clients need to feel special. Therefore astrology can be valuable and work without necessarily being true. An astrologer can provide good, practical advice with a sympathetic ear, which could cost far more if provided by a psychiatrist.

Self-fulfilling prophecies help to maintain people's beliefs in astrology. People act in ways to ensure that their beliefs are correct. Hindsight bias, or the I-knew-it-all-along effect, is when once we know the answer we find plenty of evidence to support it, so we feel we knew it all along when in fact we did not. Therefore, once a match has been found between a chart and a person it will be hard to see how it could be any other way. Self-attribution is another self-fulfilling prophecy which involves people role playing their birth chart, for example, choosing a particular line of work because it matches their star sign as mentioned earlier.

Although one of the main reasons people belief in astrology is that they think it works, and can be used to make valid predictions, personality assessment, career choices and for compatibility, evidence does not seem to support this. There are also a number of psychological and social reasons that can explain why people belief in astrology and why this belief is maintained. Some of the most potent of these human judgment biases are the Barnum effect, or how people accept vague statements as being specific for them, how people try to avoid cognitive dissonance and the illusory correlation effect, seeing correlations where none exist.

Law of Attraction and Astrology Choose Your Astrology Wisely

Are you held hostage by your astrology? Does your world stop when Mercury retrogrades? Do you blame bad habits on your birth chart?

Anyone who’s taken a good look at their astrology (and no, I don’t mean the daily horoscopes) has likely discovered truths about themselves in the stars. Fire signs are bold and assertive; hard angles predict challenges, Saturn returns foretell impending crises. The list goes on and on.

While it’s undeniably entertaining, often revealing, and can provide comfort as it lends self-understanding, there’s a hidden danger that our belief in astrology overpowers our ability to create what we want in life.

What’s At Play
The school of thought based on the Law of Attraction tells us that "as we think, so shall it be." The concept that we create our life experiences is reflected in commonly-used phrases such as "you reap what you sow" and "like attracts like." The philosophy dates as far back as Hermes Trismegistus’ Emerald Tablet (rediscovered in roughly 1350 BC).

Well known figures subscribing to the Law of Attraction include Plato, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Carl Jung, to name just a few. Close examination of this universal law reveals essentially that thoughts become things. We create our world with our vibrations of thoughts and emotions.

Which is why it’s crucial we become very conscious of what we place our faith in. Including our astrology.

When you believe in something more powerful than you, you give your power away. This can actually serve you if you haven’t fully embraced your creative abilities and assigning your power outside yourself enhances expectations of success. (Like going to the doctor for a prescription, or hiring an investment manager for your portfolio.) The pitfalls are when you assign your power to something that doesn’t serve you.

Astrology’s Role
How does astrology fit in? For those who believe there is valuable information in the arrangement and movement of the planets, we face both opportunities and potential sabotage.

Interpreting a particular aspect as fortunate or a predictor of good news gives us "reason" to believe good things will happen. Since our thoughts create our reality, this would serve us. Anything giving reason to believe good awaits us is helpful, even if we’re assigning our power outside ourselves.

On the other hand, becoming aware of astrological configurations and occurrences that cause us to expect bad news gives us "reason" to believe bad things are in store. That thought pattern handicaps our success.

The beauty of astrology is that there are so many ways to interpret it. Evolutionary astrology, as defined by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green, specifically embraces the core perception that "we interact creatively and unpredictably with our birth charts, that all astrological symbols are multidimensional and are modulated into material and psychic expression by the consciousness of the individual." (

According to Salt Lake City astrologer, Laura Ellingson, that means the power lies in the interpretation and can be expressed in many different ways depending on the individual’s state of mind.

Another branch of astrology asserts that planets don’t cause our reality, but rather reflect the reality we create through our internal workings. That is, planets correlate to the reality we make up. Is that true? Don’t ask me! We each choose our own truth, since our attention to it creates it.

Avoiding the Pitfalls
While writing this article I encountered the challenge of allowing my astrology beliefs to overpower my creative abilities. After a new love interest made the unwitting error of providing his birth date, I scrutinized his chart for over an hour.

His Sun Moon conjunction in Virgo was particularly troubling, since I wasn’t interested in someone described as "highly discriminating, critical, finicky and conventional." Grant Lewi himself called a person with this aspect a "moralist!" Probably not a good match for me. As I predicted the demise of our relationship before our first date, I realized I’d just fallen victim to my astrology.

So I gave it another shot. I reviewed other traits of a double Virgo: loyal, affectionate, sentimental, and domestic. I must have skipped over those as I dug out the dirt on him. Even if he is picky - well, he’s interested in me, right? That has to be a good sign. A peek at his Sun Pluto conjunction also revealed "magnetic charm, strong physical desires, with an interest in correcting social injustices." Okay, sign me up!

If I insist on giving attention to astrology, the least I can do is allow it to support me in achieving what I want. By knowing I have the power to craft this art-science in ways that bring me success, I’m no longer at the mercy of particular star pattern interpretations. When I know I’m the ultimate trump, I use astrology to my benefit by powerfully embracing thoughts supporting what I want. It’s as simple as that.

The Art of Selective Believing
As a Law of Attraction Coach with an irrefutable belief in astrology, I know I can manage it to my benefit by sifting through the information gleaned from the planets, giving attention to the aspects and interpretations that support what I prefer to experience.

For example, rather than focusing on the limits of my Capricorn ascendant (cold, calculating, having rotten childhoods and inferiority complexes), I dwell on the positive traits that rising Caps are durable, steadfast and grow younger with time.

Instead of believing my date’s 12th house natal Venus means he’s predisposed to clandestine affairs, I expect it manifests as valuing the mystical, spiritual aspects of life. Instead of anticipating a 6th house transit of Mars as potential conflict at work, I choose it means I’ll have extra energy and drive to succeed while serving others.

Because if I’m thinking about possible problems with co-workers, I create that outcome by entertaining those thoughts. As I think about extra energy for success, I attract extra energy for success. I’m the powerhouse here, not Mars. But my belief in Mars’ 6th house transit allows me to expect (and thus create) conditions and situations that enhance my life.

Leveraging Your Astrology
There are many ways to use your belief in astrology to enhance the life you’re creating, rather than just respond as powerless victim to the stars.

1. First know you are the ultimate authority of your life. There is nothing "out there" more powerful than you. Whether it’s an astrology report, a session with a psychic or a medical diagnosis, you are your own best expert. You’re in charge of you, and anything you hear, read or think is true only if you accept it.

This isn’t just sugar-coating, or refusing to acknowledge the "truth." You create your truth, and you do so according to the thoughts you entertain. Since a belief is nothing more than an often-repeated thought, you decide what’s true simply through your choice of thought. Deliberately selecting supportive thoughts allows you to live the reality you prefer, rather than being stuck living out someone else’s idea of the truth.

2. Get in the habit of creatively analyzing your astrology in ways that support what you’re up to. Know that each sign, planet and aspect has challenging and transformative qualities. Consider perceiving difficult aspects as opportunities to learn. As you embrace interpretations that feel good, you’ll manifest success.

One astrologer advised a friend whose chart revealed an impending Pluto Jupiter conjunction to "lay low" until it passed, as it meant bad news. Another astrologer told him it was a wonderful opportunity to achieve great success, and that he should exploit it by taking strong action. Which interpretation would you give power to?

A Saturn return doesn’t have to mean life crisis or hardship, astrologer Laura Ellingson reminds us. Let it be a new chance to sort yourself out, embrace new responsibilities and prune that which no longer serves you. Even a challenging-placed Saturn can have a positive spin!

3. Last, if you find more limits than opportunities in your astrology, consider giving up the habit. If you can’t make it work for you, or if it doesn’t feel good, don’t dwell on it. This is good advice in all areas of life: if it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it. (Yes, that includes relationships, jobs, diets and exercise.) You can’t get to where you want by doing something you don’t enjoy!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Astrology? It's Element - ary, My Dear Watson

What kind of RAT are you?

The Five Chinese Elements are WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL & WATER. If you are a Water Rat, you are not the same sort of Rat as your friend who is a Wood Rat. Ditto Fire Horses. Fire Horses are feistier and more obstreperous than calmer, more serious Earth Horses. Here's how it works:

To allow for movement to occur and bring about change, Chinese philosophy calls upon the five elements as agents of change and reaction. Change, the Chinese think, derives from the influence of the five main elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water—on the basic Yin or Yang energies. Like in the old rock, paper, scissors game that we played as kids, each of these five Chinese elements has the ability to control and/or destroy the previous element, and is capable of producing the element that directly follows it. In the regenerative cycle of the elements, Water engenders Wood. Wood begets Fire. Fire burns to Earth. Earth creates Metal and Metal gives way to Water.

Wood is characterized by the color green. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Wood’s influence affects the liver, the gallbladder and, by extension, the digestion. Wood needs moisture to thrive. Its two opposite yet equally emotional forces are rage and altruism. The Wood person will be expansive, outgoing and socially conscious.

Wood, in its turn, can create and nourish Fire. Fire’s signatory color is red. Fire is hot weather, satisfaction of nature, aridity and dust. The tongue and the small intestine are the centers of attention in the Fire person’s body. Fire makes heat, which either warms or burns. The Fire person must constantly seek to balance a tendency to explode and possibly destroy, against a desire to create coziness and warmth. Passionate by nature, this impatient, ebullient person must strive to keep his flame under control.

Earth is created from the ashes of the Fire. Now we are in the soothingly satisfying late summer cycle. Earth’s favorite color is yellow, which represents the equanimity between beginnings and. endings. The weather of Earth is mild or temperate. In the human body, Earth influences spleen, pancreas and mouth. Earth's two opposite but equal forces which need to be kept in constant balance are enhancing and smothering. On the one hand Earth gives care and allows for growth and improvement. On the other, Earth buries roots and snuffs out breath. Earth people are gifted for fairness and have the ability to commit themselves to protracted projects and complete Herculean tasks with ease. They must struggle against a penchant for worry.

The Earth grows Metal in her veins. Metal says white and autumn. Metal is cool, crisp weather. Metal’s effect on the body centers in the lungs and respiratory system. It only secondarily rules the large intestine and the nose. Metal people like to communicate. They need to keep discord and harmony in constant balance. Metal signifies the onset of winter. Its influence can sometimes add sadness or gloom to an astrological chart. Two of Metal’s emotional forces are melancholy and romance. I see Metal as Wagnerian. Metal people must guard against a tendency to wallow in nostalgia.

Lastly, Metal begets Water—groundwater trickling its way through layers of the Earth’s ore. Water’s color is blue. Its season is full-blown winter. Water is always moving, fluid, and mutational. In our bodies, water’s influence affects our plumbing systems, the kidneys and the bladder. The ear, too, comes under the spell of Water. Hence people born in Water-ruled years are frequently musical. They pick up on everything. Be it good or bad, they never miss a vibe. Water-ruled creatures are always very sensitive and sometimes even mentally fragile. The downside of Water’s influence, then, is a stressful nervousness. To balance that fidgety, squeamish, overly sensitive side, Water endows its subjects with the noblest quality of all, kindness and sympathy. Sometimes too permeable, the Water-ruled must take precautions against drowning in the chagrin of those they see as less fortunate than themselves.

So, the five elements cause a lot of the commotion and are responsible for creating and maintaining both balance and imbalance—for moving things around and making life interesting. These purveyors of change can be controlled or not, depending on how one manages them.

Each animal year of the Chinese zodiac has been assigned one of the five elements. That element turns up twice in the cycle going away for another ten years. The five elements are always presented in the above order. Once we know this, we can understand how the elements directly affect us and pertain to individual characters.

For more information on which of the five Elements enhances your Chinese animal sign, Google Suzanne White.

Don't you deserve to know who you really are? Are you a Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat/Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog or Pig? Are you a shrinking violet Earth Pig? Or perhaps you will find out that you are a bossy Metal Rooster or a picky Fire Dog. Whatever your Chinese animal sign, it is governed by one element and that element modifies your basic character - big time!

Find out all about who you are, what the future holds and what other animal signs you are compatible with. Which animal sign years should you have your kids in? What is it about you has been causing you so much stress? Which of your characteristics makes certain people recoil from you? What signs are fatally attracted to yours? There's a world of information to for you on Ms. White's web site. Google Suzanne White and see for yourself. Suzanne White's books and consultations will open all the doors of perception that you will ever need to walk through to find peace of mind and true felicity.

Psychic Readings - What Can a Psychic Really Tell You?

If you are familiar with me and my concepts, then you may already be aware that I have been trying to help change some of the negative views that many people have about psychics and what they do. Since I have covered some of those aspects in other articles I want to focus more on what a psychic should be and what you can reasonably expect to learn from a psychic reading.

The most profound concept that came into my awareness at the beginning of this journey for me as a “psychic” advisor was the idea that we are all here to learn something; to grow and evolve towards perfection of the soul. When a real psychic is doing their job, they are assisting you in an awareness of certain aspects of your life when you seek out psychic advice. The reason psychic advice can be so powerful is because it can provide much needed insight into your life that you would otherwise not be aware of because you may be so embroiled in the day-to-day activities and events of your life that you shut out your own intuition and your own ability to access your Higher Self. Psychics are accessing unseen elements in nature; however within all of us exists a hidden, decipherable code that persons with highly developed psychic intuition and/or with the use of certain divination tools, can more readily access. These persons were either born with a natural gift and/or has developed it.

Once I found my true path, I decided to make it my mission to help those who seek it to find the power of their inner world and to access Higher Consciousness through spiritual practice. A psychic (a term which really is not to me accurately descriptive of what we do) is supposed to help you to help yourself. Not take the place of your own inner powers, insights or judgment by showing you that you can do this for yourself. A true intuitive psychic should be used for guidance and to give you probable outcomes based on the energy that you are channeling at the time of your reading. You see, a prediction can change because you have the power to change it, especially after someone tells you they see a thing that will happen but which you have the power to change. This is particularly useful when your advisor sees a possible negative outcome to a situation. This is in actuality an opportunity to change that possibility by changing your thinking, action, reaction or beliefs about a situation. Every conflict is just an opportunity to harmonize energy based on your thoughts and actions. Every outcome is not necessarily pre-ordained and fixed.

Many people need help to find their way and when you are speaking with a talented, authentic psychic, you are opening up more possibilities in exercising your free will to be at cause in your life as opposed to being effected by uncontrollable circumstances. Deep profound insights into your life can have a powerful affect on your consciousness and bring about the very thing you want, empowerment. It’s a much touted word these days, but it is for real. It is the quest that all souls (whether they know it or not) are moving towards as we travel the spiral upwards to perfection.

Having said all of that, what a psychic can tell is varied. First, you have to establish what kind of information you are seeking. Second, you have to find the right psychic who can provide you with this information. Now, not all psychics are created equal and this article assumes that you have done your homework and have established that you are working with a professional and ethical practitioner.

Know Your Psychic – Different Psychics Have Different Areas of Expertise

There are some psychics out there who claim to be 100% accurate, can tell all, knows all, that they are a psychic, a medium, an astrologer, crystal reader, reiki master, etc. I find that psychics that claim to be everything to everyone, most likely are probably neither professional nor ethical. Find out specifically what your psychic does best! Many professional psychics will tell you what they can and cannot do. For instance, a medium can be a psychic but all psychics are not mediums. So if you are wishing to contact a loved one who has crossed over, then you should seek an authentic psychic medium. All psychics are NOT mediums. Some psychics are clairvoyant (which means clear seeing) and have visions. In my experience, I have talked with many clairvoyant psychics who are indeed able to “see” visions in the past, present or future. The same goes for someone who is empathic who can “feel” another’s emotions. Some psychics can do both, but some can do only one or two practice areas very well.

Different Psychics Have Different Methods

Whether your psychic is clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic, telepathic, a medium, uses divination tools such as Tarot, Runes, I Ching, or even numerology and astrology, the extent to which they can tell you certain information will be based on their experience in their craft, their skill, knowledge and natural gifts. All these elements play a part in getting you accurate psychic information during your reading and you especially want someone who is knowledgeable if they are going to be able to help you based on channeling from a higher realm. Some psychics use tools, some do not. Depending on how a psychic worker discovered their gift and how they have practiced it, will determine their skill level. I recall seeing a program on television where this psychic actually read peoples' butts (yes, their behinds). There were actually people showing her their butts and she would read them. Go figure. No one should ever judge what it is that connects a person with higher consciousness. For some it may be the Tarot for others could be butts, but spiritual gifts come in all shapes and sizes, no pun intended. It is mastery that should concern us. Psychic mastery is a discipline like anything else and anyone seeking psychic advice should want someone who has mastered their gift to a certain degree in order to help others with it.

Some Common Pitfalls to Watch Out For

I have found through many years of using psychics, clairvoyants, etc. that some can see certain types of things but may not be able to assist you at all with what it is that concerns you. For instance, you call someone who claims to be clairvoyant and you want to know whether or not you will have a reconciliation with your lover and she sees that you have a new puppy and that you’re wearing a yellow scarf and you are blown away by this information. Wow, incredible. That is a gift for sure--to be able to do that and see that without seeing or knowing the person. So many everyday people have psychic gifts but that does not necessarily make them capable of helping you with a serious situation in your life that requires specialized help or someone who is experienced and knowledgeable and skilled in their craft at getting you real psychic answers channeled from Higher Consciousness.

Now even though that particular clairvoyant was able to see what you were wearing and that you had a new puppy does not mean that they can see clearly and profoundly the answers you seek. Their ability may not be a match for your concerns. I have found that people who are amazed by just small, little things like that tend to believe everything that clairvoyant says when in reality their gift is a gift of seeing “You” physically and what is in your physical surroundings, which is an excellent talent called remote viewing BUT is not a skill match for your reconciliation question or your career question. It is worth developing as a methodology for certain types of readings. But the tendency to “believe” everything from that point on is very strong because to an inexperienced seeker of psychic advice, this is amazing enough to cause you to make the erroneous determination that this person can see “everything”. And that is not the case many times over. So all this is to say, ask the psychic you may be calling or contacting to spell out exactly what their expertise is and you make the determination that this psychic is the one for you.

If a psychic is empathic, they can “feel” another’s feelings/emotions. If a psychic is telepathic, they can know another’s thoughts. If a psychic is clairvoyant they can see the past, the present and the future through visions. If a psychic is clairaudient, they receive/hear information even sounds in their mind. If a psychic is clairsentient, they can actually capture information through physical sensations associated with you or a person you are asking about. Keep in mind that the skill level of each practitioner is going to vary and this is another bit of information you want to inquire about. How much experience do they have?

All these abilities alone if untrained or at the beginning stages may not be able to assist you but when combined with training, experience and knowledge, you can a have a most unique experience with an authentic intuitive advisor that can help you in powerful ways that will assist you in your personal empowerment, provide insightful answers to your questions and probable outcomes. Remember, outcomes are based on the current energy that surrounds you at the time of your reading and without a doubt can change. Many people are under the mistaken perception that if it’s meant to be, then there is nothing you can do to change a thing. There are indeed some things that occur in every life that are destined to be because of certain preordained events that must take place in the life for your soul’s growth or in many, many cases, due to karmic debts and the resulting correction of imbalances created by misuse of certain energies in previous lifetimes. Then there are other life experiences where free will is at play and it is your very decision or action that is the thing that is being tested. So a psychic reading is not meant to bypass experience because your soul will undergo what it must to complete its “stopover” on this plane of existence, but an expert psychic reading can help you to identify that which is eluding you or some point you seem to be missing and help point you in the right direction. Or, your psychic can identify a block or a karmic pattern that you are having trouble dealing with. Sometimes it’s not just what Mom and Dad did to us as children. Sometimes just to become self-aware is empowering in and of itself. To become aware of something significant through guided spiritual forces can have an overwhelming effect on a person. It could be that very moment which becomes a turning point in your life. The true psychic spiritual advisor has done their job well if they can help you in this way. But they are not a substitute for experience and a professional, ethical psychic would never try to make you dependent on them.

What a Psychic Should Not be Telling You

Also, conversely, we should take a look at, what a psychic should not be telling you. A psychic should not be telling you what decisions to make. Always take away from your reading empowering elements that help you to make your own decisions about your life. An ethical and responsible psychic should never predict death. They should not propose doing spells for you that will change the course of events or another person or to negatively affect another’s life supposedly for your benefit. Engaging in this type of activity will only bring about negative karma on you and this psychic, and the karmic consequences could be devastating. This is totally unethical. A psychic should never tell you that they can make something happen for you because that is patently false. No one else can “make” something happen for you because a psychic advisor does not have any special powers to control your fate or others behavior. Psychic advisors are suppose to be spiritual people who have chosen to help others using spiritually developed talents but never choosing to use those talents to boost their own ego, control another’s will, or make you psychologically dependent. Those types are out there. Beware of psychics who tell you that they will need to perform “energy work” on you through long meditations at a great cost. If they tell you you have a negative block or curse this is a notorious psychic scam. If you encounter a psychic like this, even if they do seem to have psychic ability, do yourself a favor and hang up or leave immediately. You may want to read my article How to Spot a Fake Psychic to expand your knowledge in this area.

So, know your psychic, have a clear idea of what it is you need to know so you can make the best selection. Ask your psychic what they specialize in because no one specializes in everything. Let them stick to what they know or at which they are best doing. And make sure that they have training and experience. There is nothing worse than getting a psychic reading from someone who does not know what they are doing even if they may have a gift that is undeveloped and not qualified towards something specific. Do your homework, ask the right questions and realize the limitations of a psychic practitioner. No one but God is all-knowing and 100% accurate. Ignore anyone that makes these types of claims. That’s just for the gullible and uninformed.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Numerology and Life Paths; What's your 'Path'

Ever have someone come up to you and ask the age old question; "What's your Sign?" This classic pick up line has been used by a whole generation of guys trying to pick up girls - with mixed results. If you ladies want a really good comeback for them, or if you are a sensitive guy who wants something fresh to use for an old cliche, try asking them for Numerology's equivalent to Astrology signs; "What's your Path?"

Life Path - Your chief number in Numerology

Your Life Path, is your main number in Numerology; It shows what opportunities will come your way, and where your main talents and abilities lie. It's calculated using Fadic addition. This is the process of adding together your meaningful numbers, and reducing the result to a single digit.

We do this recursively. As an example, lets calculate Johnny Depp's Life Path. Depp was born on June 9th, 1963; so first we add together the month, day, and year of his birth; then we add together the individual digits of the sum to get (25); and finally we sum the (2) digits of the sum (25) to get a single digit (7).

6 + 9 + 1963 = 1978; 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 25; 2 + 5 = (7)

So Johnny Depp has a Life Path of (7).

There are (9) major Life Paths which everyone fits into. There are also two sub-paths corresponding to the Master Numbers (11) in Life path (2), and (22) in Life Path (4). But, these are sub-categories of the major Life paths. I've listed them below with a brief description and a few famous people in each Life Path.

Life Path (1) the Path of the Leader

In this Life, your goal is to be self-sufficient and stand on your own two feet. These people live to take Action about their Life. Highly motivated and focused, these people are ambitious; they also don't take advice well. They also have to struggle with being perfectionist, and not being able to tolerate any flaws in their own work.

Life Path (2) the Path of the Cooperator

In this Life, your goal is to master the skill of cooperation. These people have great sympathy for the feelings of others. They are natural diplomats and always work towards compromise in problems between people. They are honest and humble, and tend to inspire the people around them. These people have some problems in competitive situations, and don't handle time pressure well.

Life Path (3) the Path of the Entertainer

In this Life, your goal is to entertain other people and make them happy. These people crave love and attention, and tend to use their sharp wit and vivid imagination to get it. These people seem to live a charmed life, getting all the lucky breaks and attracting wealth and prosperity with little effort. They cannot handle boredom, and fear being alone. They also tend to have problems handling their funds wisely.

Life Path (4) the Path of the Builder

In this Life, your goal is to build a life's work based on your own work and sound effort. These people are meticulous planners, thrifty, practical, and love to see the results of their own efforts. They are also very conservative in their thinking and lack flexibility in their thinking. They often fear new and untested ideas.

Life Path (5) the Path of the Seller

In this Life, your goal is to create freedom by bringing about change in both your own life and in the lives around you. These people love change for it's own sake. They are versatile, adaptable, multi-talented; in short these are born salesmen. These people thrive on competition and pressure to succeed. Risk taking and a wild life-style can be problems for them.

Life Path (6) the Path of the Teacher

In this Life, your goal is to create balance and responsibility both in your own life, and in those around you. These people love beauty, harmony, and personal peace. They are trustworthy, loyal, and seem to draw life's responsibilities to themselves. These people hate injustice, and love fair play. They tend to meddle too much in their friends lives, and worry too much over trivial things.

Life Path (7) the Path of the Loner

In this Life, your goal is to learn things by personal experience. These people are individualist, and need time to themselves daily to stay sane. They have great powers of intuition and strong powers of reason. These people are perfectionist, and hate to work on other peoples schedules. They also have difficulties taking advice from anyone, and a strong dislike of manual labor.

Life Path (8) the Path of the Warrior

In this Life, your goal is to set small goals, and then achieve them through battle or struggle. These people love the struggle for power which fulfills their lives. They are strong, tough, and ruthless in the pursuit of their goals. Success does not come easy for these people, they must attain their goals through struggle. They are the beast of the business jungle. These people also tend to have problems in showing affection to loved ones, and in balancing their career and domestic lives.

Life Path (9) the Path of the Humanitarian

In this Life, your goal is to show compassion for the world. These people want to change the world and make it better for everyone. They are charismatic and creative as befits someone with such lofty goals. These people are frequently drawn to positions of leadership in great causes, or religious sects. They are also tolerant of the needs and desires of others. These people can also be hot tempered when their causes are threatened or put down. They are also not usually good detail people.

Psychic Abilities and Money in Palmistry

This is an important part of the reading, as everyone who has been to any sort of reader before will have been told that they possess psychic abilities, latent perhaps (very latent even!) but there nonetheless. Consequently, you will have to make some mention of this as well, because it will add credibility to your reading.

There are two main positions to look at on the palm for this, and they are shown on the drawing below.

Psychic Abilities

The first of these is a semi-circle around the base of the first finger, usually about half an inch away from the bottom of the finger. This is called the Ring of Solomon. When I see this I say:

“This is known as the Ring of Solomon. IT gives an interest in the psychic and is possibly why you are her today.”

I then look diagonally across the palm for a Line of Intuition, which is a small line running into the centre of the palm from the bottom end of the hand on the same side as the little finger. This line is often hard to see, or not present. If it is there I comment:

“This is your Line of Intuition. Your Ring of Solomon gave an interest in the psychic. This gives ability at it. It it very rare, in fact only about one person in a hundred has it (not true). You should always act on your hunches or feelings as, with this line, they would always be correct.”

If the person has long fingers, I add:

“However, you are basically a very logical person, so you may have to learn to put aside your rational, logical mind and let your feelings flow. It may not be easy, but with this line, your feelings would be right, so you could ultimately take it a long way.”

If someone has two Lines of Intuition, (two lines close together) I say:

“Your feelings could come very well through dreams. It is not always easy to remember your dreams, but if you tried, and possibly keep a dream diary by your bed, you could take in a long way.”

Occasionally you will find a Line of Intuition which comes right down the hand and reaches either the Destiny Line or the Head Line. If it reaches the Head Line I say:

“As your Line of Intuition comes right down to your Head Line, you would make a very good psychic or spiritual teacher. It looks as if you have developed your abilities quite a bit, but you are going to take these special gifts much, much further in the future.”

If, however, it comes across to the Destiny Line, I say:

“With your Line fo Intuition coming across to join your Destiny Line, you will find that your psychic abilities will take you long way ultimately. This could come about through telepathy, clairvoyance, even through foreseeing the future. You could spend time and effort on developing intuitively and spiritually, as this will make your ultimate progress that much more successful.”

There is also what is known as a Psychic shaped hand. This is a long slender, graceful hand, normally covered with a myriad of worry lines and a pronounced Girdle of Venus. However, I ignore hand shapes in doing a quick reading, as they are not necessary. If you become interested in Palmistry as a study on its own, you will find the shape of the hand is extremely important in character analysis. However, it is outside the scope of this work.


This is another subject you must cover as everyone is vitally interested in obtaining money, or in being secure in their old age.

Earned money

Earned money is shown by a triangle formed on two sides by the crossing of the Destiny and Head Lines. Usually there is a third line forming the third side. The larger this triangle is, the greater the potential for earning money. It doesn`t mean they will earn all the money indicated by this triangle. It is simply a potential. The other main money sign is a little line between the third and fourth fingers. This indicates inherited money. Some fortunate people have a number of these fine lines. I cover money this way:
“You have a good money sign (indicating vaguely the triangle at tine intersection of the Destiny and Head Lines). This is a potential only, but it does look as if you will do well financially over a lifetime.”

If the person also has a gap between the Head Line and the Life Line, (illustrated in the last lesson) I say instead of the above:

Monday, October 23, 2006

Astrology Love Elements

Astrology can be a very complex science. There are many aspects to consider when determining compatibility between two signs. One of the best, easiest, and often overlooked way to see if two signs are compatible is by simply understanding the elements.

There are four elements, and each one is attributed to three specific signs.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Each of these elements have certain characteristics, and I will give you a brief summary of what those are.

Positive, Assertive, Determined, Active

Social, Intelligent, Doers, Communicators

Stable, Enduring, Structured, Introverted

Passive, Receptive, Reactive, Intuitive

It could be possible that you are beginning to understand which elements are the most likely to blend well together. As a "general" rule, in dealing with the elements, Fire mixes with Air, and Earth mixes with Water. I know it seems far too general, and much too simple to be taken seriously, but in my experience it can create a solid foundation in considering compatibility. If you are a casual Astrology fan, and calculating planetary aspects between two charts is not your bag, then this is a much simpler formula you can incorporate. You will find that it sells itself in the end. You can also get insights as to why you are most attracted to certain types of people, when the "general" rule does not seem to apply to you specifically. Of course, a natal chart would most definitely complement this, because you would be able to see exactly why you find yourself leaning towards a certain type. There is a great number of free sites that you can find on the web that will generate a natal chart for you. For instance, my personal natal chart does not contain a single Earth, or Water element sign. I often find myself very drawn to the Earthy signs, and Alpha personalities. But, on the other hand, very distant from Water signs. This is because I am predominately Air influenced. Air, and Water signs have the most trouble blending together. Those relationships can be difficult if there is not some sort of balance elsewhere in the horoscope. Which is a good start at better understanding who your attracted to and why. Chinese Zodiac Signs are also element influenced.

Medical Astrology

Astrological research centre goes by the precept that why should one be afflicted with a disease? If one does his or her solutions before the onset of disease toward off disease then how will the person fall sick.

It is said that if wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost. If character is lost, everything is lost. Which means that health is placed second but today every person is facing stress which gives rise to disease and on the other hand, eating habits, excess of workload also increase the risk of disease and as a consequence sugar, blood pressure, heart attack and such health problems are given rise to. Even brain tumour and brain hemorrhage have become common nowadays.

Lagna (Ascendant) or 1 st house – brain, head
2 nd house – right eye, neck, throat
3 rd house – lungs, shoulders, right ear
4 th house – heart, intestine
5 th house - back, ability for procreation
6 th house – intestine, stomach
7 th house – kidney, waist
8 th house – anal diseases, private parts
9 th house – hips, thighs
10 th house – knees
11 th house – left ear, legs, ankles
12 th house – left eye, feet and fingers of feet

In the same manner, we tell about different diseases from nine planets

1-Sun – boils and pimples, fever
2-Moon – watery disease
3-Mars – blood related problems, blood pressure
4-Mercury – gastric problem
5-Jupiter – stomach, liver
6-Venus – sexual strength, sugar
7-Saturn – iron related disease
8-Rahu – gas related problem
9-Ketu – gas related problem, wound, skin disease

All these are divided separately. We do not have equipment like medical science but we do have 12 houses and nine planets of a horoscope. We try to recognize disease from these only. In the same manner, if medical science has medicines to treat patient then we do have our astrological solutions for appeasing the planets and it is observed normally that doctors do prescribe medicines but they do not work but after solution of the concerned planet is done these medicines start working

In the same manner, if one is more accident prone then it is seen whether mars is related to rahu or ketu.

Astrological research centre astro expert work on different diseases and may suggest som remedy or solutions ( if required ) to overcome your health problem.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Fascination With Astrology - How Good

In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. Two sisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden. It was an unbelievable event. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. The fairies were made of paper. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later. But thousands of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. No one has explanations. All the same, people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits.

Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer. Believe the stuff or scoff at it. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Knowing the same, people flock to them.

Science and scientists try a lot. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff. Human beings are a curious lot. Issues with explanations satisfy them. But things with no explanations fascinate them. Take this one. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Both became presidents after similar victories. Held office for nearly same number of days. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. Science does not have any explanation to this. People are intrigued by such happenings.

Human minds are adventurous. Always in search of thrills. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular. Everyone knows it's all make believe. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Forget the common man, British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else.

Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic. All the science-fiction novels, movies is make-believe. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way. Giant spaceships, alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. What's true, what's not only time will tell. Now if there were a time machine to travel in the future like in the movies...

Different Types Of Psychic Abilities

In the swirl of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and general confusion surrounding the fields of parapsychology and psychic activity, most people have no idea how to make distinctions between different types of psychic abilities. Wait a minute, you say, I didn't even know there were different types! You're in the same boat as most everyone else who has a basic understanding of psychic reading and activity. Little does the general public know, it's not all tarot cards and psychic phone reading -- There are sharply defined distinctions between everything from the obvious (tarot reading and telepathy) to the surprising (clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance).

First, let's discuss what defines psychic ability in the first place! Extra-sensory perception (ESP), prophesies of the future, and a “sixth sense” could all be defined under the blanket term “psychic ability”. But where does psychic ability come from? Actually, no one really knows – not even psychic readers. People who claim to have psychic abilities describe a sense of just “having it” without having any conception of how it got there. Most say that it is part of their regular consciousness, and that they simply “know” or “feel” things before, during, or after they happen – despite being unable to explain how. Though parapsychology has been heavily criticized, scrutinized, and stigmatized, the truth is that as much evidence points towards its veracity as against it.

So what are some of the different types of psychic abilities? To begin with, there is the art of “channeling,” which is defined as the ability to receive and transmit information from another external consciousness while in a decidedly altered state of mind. Though each incident varies in intensity and resulting activity, many share the same basic traits: a semi-trance like state and the appearance of an outer entity expressing itself through the channeler. Many people have been able to obtain a psychic reading of another entity and consciously channel that entity – but professional parapsychologists don't recommend trying it until you've been well-trained and prepared.

Three more (related) types of psychic ability are clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. Clairaudience is generally defined as the ability to hear or sense sounds that cannot be perceived by a non-psychic person. Clairsentience is another type of extrasensory perception in that clairsentient people can sense past, present, or future events through “sensing” them, though non-clairsentient people cannot perceive them. Clairvoyance is a synonym for extrasensory perception – any knowledge or consciousness of an event outside of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, or smelling it.

Divination is another often-misunderstood type of psychic ability. Divination is the act of making prophesies or predictions through the practice of occult arts. Contrary to popular belief, this is different from intuition – which is defined as the ability to perceive or act based on “just knowing” that it's the right thing to do. Tarot Cards and tarot reading is a form of divination. Although the mainstream ideas of divination and intuition have been tweaked to seem like anyone can tap into this psychic energy field, the truth is that only a few people take the time to hone and develop their extrasensory perception skills.

What's the difference between psychometry and psychokinesis? Well, psychometry is defined as the ability to glean information about an object by obtaining physical contact with the object. Good examples of this are seen in countless movies. Envision it: The hero touches a book and, upon contact, is filled with images of its previous user and the fate that befell him or her. Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects through willing it or thinking it.