Friday, August 18, 2006

Free Tarot Card Readings

All of us want to know our fate. So many of us make use of tarot card readings because it’s not only about fortune telling, but it is also a form of counseling. But how much will it cost for you to know your fate? Are there any free tarot card readings available?

The answer is yes, and there are plenty. Many websites offering professional tarot services also provide free ‘do-it-yourself’ readings. These sites let you choose cards using your mouse – one each for your ‘situation,’ ‘self,’ and ‘challenge or opportunity’ position.

Some sites work differently. You are asked to give your name, type your question, choose a type of deck and spread, select your significator, and then generate your tarot cards from there.

Some websites give a general interpretation of the cards you choose, but others trick you into choosing cards and then asking for a fee if you want to find out what the cards mean. Some websites also require you to register for its mailing list before you can get a free tarot card reading. This is fine, for as long as they do not ask for financial and personal information.

Remember that the results generated by free online tarot readings are very general in nature, and may not apply to your situation. But if you are just looking for fun and broad interpretations, then these should do.

Free online tarot card readings will help you know your fortune and allow you to save money at the same time. So why go to those psychics and spend money when there are free tarot card readings? All you have to do is browse for sites that offer free tarot card readings, and your questions will be answered.

Psychic Advice

The term psychic was derived from the Greek word ‘psyche’. In earlier times, the word meant breath of life and was used in reference to soul and spirit. Subsequently, the meaning changed to refer to mind and emotions, which further led to psychology coming into existence. These days it is used in a wider sense and represents all types of mental occurrences, higher sensitiveness, hypnotic receptiveness, stimulated foresight and clairvoyance.

A psychic reader, commonly called a psychic, is a person who is considered gifted. A psychic is born with extra sensory perception or may have developed it during his or her lifetime. They are able to understand people’s lives by studying specific patterns in relation to the soul, spirit, mind and emotions. Psychics are known to be highly intuitive.

Different methods may help people determine if the psychic advice provided is comprehensive. After a psychic reading, people need to introspect and realize if all questions have been answered. It is important to ask as many questions possible so the mind is at peace. The setup and surroundings may at times be overwhelming. In most cases, this makes people agree in totality during a psychic interaction. It is important to sit back and understand the sequence of events before agreeing in totality.

The purpose of opting for psychic advice is to understand and address all queries in the mind. The event is meant to provide a healing experience and help cope with present and forthcoming circumstances. Hence, it is vital that people feel good about everything at the end of a reading. If people’s readings include unpleasant news, it is necessary to receive advice on how to deal with the problem. A complete and true psychic reading is almost always able to provide answers pertaining to any subject.

Consumption of drugs and alcohol will not provide good results. If a person has just been in a fight or is unwell, it is not possible to have a good reading. People should have a clear head and be in a calm space for a psychic reading. Having an open mind, to listen to and process what the psychic has to say, is also beneficial.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Chinese Astrology Discover Your Future

One's destiny is greatly influence by Heaven, Earth and Human Luck. And each of these lucks would actually account for 33% of one's path of life.

From the day we were born into the world, each of us are predestined or prearranged with this special code of destiny that influences various parts of our life. Some believe that it actually account for more than 40%.

Can one be able to create a new destiny or change one's fate and take control of one's life?

Some believe that our destiny is not predestined and can be changed. How true it is? We want to be master of our own destiny, and believe that if we try hard enough, we can be just anything we want. But can it really happen or is it just that we are not trying hard enough?

To be trying hard isn't a bad thing but to be trying in the wrong way, it is.

In actual fact, this predestined code cannot be changed but one can choose to avoid making the undesirable actions by discovering the future. We can in a way, preplan our journey and avoid the unpleasant.

Life reading or Fortune telling is the practice of predicting and unlocked the secrets of the future. Common Pre-Reading methods ;

- Chiromancy
(palmistry, study of the lines and signs of the hands)

- Bazi
(Four pillars of destiny)

- Zi Wei Dou Shu
(Purple Star Astrology)

(Ancient Chinese Astrology)

- Tarot, Numerology

(Reading of a crystal ball or sphere)

These Life Readings give an accurate description of a person's life according to the year, month, day and hour of birth. Beside one's personality, it also reveals individual strengths and weaknesses that may be applied to career choices and other major life decision.

Code of Destiny reading is like interpretation of a movie script, a script of one's very own. These scripts can be pre-written to help determine the outcome of our future.

Life is full of ups and downs and we are constantly striving in search for new solution with better decisions. By understanding the pre-written code, one can make better and favorable decisions that would help them in his or her life's achievement.

Productive and Destructive Cycle of Five Elements

The Five Elements

To be talking about Feng Shui, we have to understand the five elements; the relationship of the very five elements which bring about the formation of this Universe. They are the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

All forms in this Universe belong to either one the above-mentioned five elements and are in one way or another, mutually affecting one another, which in turn affect our life. This is an ever-going cycle in the law of Nature.

The Productive Cycle

Water generates Wood:
The rain nourishes the Earth, bringing about the growth of the plants and trees.

Wood generates Fire:
The plants and trees are by nature, combustible matter which generates fire.

Fire generates Earth:
Under flames, article turn into ashes which form soil.

Earth generates Metal:
Soil contains minerals which over time, form metal.

Metal generates Water:
Under flames, metal melt into liquid state and likewise water dew is formed quickly on cool metal surfaces.

The Destructive Cycle

Water destroys Fire:
Water can extinguish fire

Fire destroys Metal:
Fire can melt metal

Metal destroys Wood:
Metal cut wood apart

Wood destroys Earth:
Wood can thrust into soil

Earth destroys Water:
Soil is able to retain water, preventing flood

Too much or too little of the presence of any of the above element is never desired. A balance is always sought. For instance, too much of a heat from the sun can cause drought while too much of a rain can inversely cause flood and so on¡K

Now, in the practice of Feng Shui, a balance is in the same way sought.

In the Chinese astrological sciences, the time, year and date of birth are categorized as under one of the five elements. Similarly, the five elements are also associated with colors, seasons and directions¡K

Based on the philosophy of the productive and destructive cycle of the five elements, the application of Feng Shui help to incorporate one's astrological element accordingly; to be in harmony with the surrounding, bringing about beneficial gains.