Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Numerology a section of Jyotish based on simple mathematic and numbering. It is a language that allows you to express and expand the horizon of your spiritual awareness.

The beauty of this concept of numbers in numerology is that they are naturally and inherently joined.

Numerology is used as a particle method of understanding your own nature deep and deeper. Also it is used to under stand your talent and you life goals. It offers you the opportunities in advance that may arise in future ahead.

Today its popularity is growing and Numerology consultants are consulted with increasing regularity and with respect for every thing from personal things like romance, marriage to business decisions.

It is an ancient spiritual predicting really accrue and able to read your personality. The only main thing is that the input data should be accurate.

Basically numerology is self-help tool. It reveals aspect of your inner self and also your personality, character and self-confident. It gives you self-knowledge. And self-knowledge is the key to success and freedom. Having knowledge of your inner strengths and weaknesses will help you in many aspect of life. It also offer you, your inside offers, opportunities and challenges you have feed and in future.

Numerology, guides you in your life for your betterment.

To do simple mathematics, you need mainly your date of birth which consist of date, month and year in four digit also your full name, first, middle and last or as per your birth certificate. Also we need it any short name or any marriage name.

Using this information you can formulate your chart for numerology

The effect of changing name is really considerable. We formulate our numerology chart base on our date of birth and our full name. And if we charge name, the almost 50% numbers changes. But the new name should be well familiar to you and it must have gone into your inner mind and integrated into your subconscious. Name changed legally is not that much important till it goes into your inside mind.

No any science can predict your heath problem exactly, but only the periods and cycles. Same way numerology can predict your cycle periods of life and tell you which period of your life will be more rewarding and which will be suffering. However every person is having opportunity to change his suffering period into good or at least least suffering.

Numerology can be very highly accurate in such prediction. However your ‘karma’ can change the future life comparable to your effect you have made. Little effect will bring small reward and great effort will bring big rewards. So numerology or any prediction science or theory will discover your future life to guide you to take more effort on certain period which are not good for you.

Can numerology predict my Death?

Practically no, but theoretically yes. Same like numerology other prediction sciences can also predict the cycle of period of your life, but no science can predict it perfect. Why it’s like that? I explain it below.

When we take birth, we bring our ‘Karmas’ along with us. Later on we get our ‘name’ and a numerologist predict our future by utilizing our date of birth, our full name and tells our life cycle periods are like, like and like this. At that time assume it is a perfect prediction. After time the numerologist can predict our death time period. But in prediction. Science’s rules, the prediction of death is not allowed. Then also suppose he charted out our death, it cannot be perfect. Why like this? This is because of your Karma and the effort you make in your life span. So your present ‘Karma’ can charge the prediction of death which is due to your previous ‘Karma’. So even though it is predictable, it cannot fix or prefect. That’s why our ancient says that your hands are your God.

How Numerology Works

What is chart in Numerology?

Chart in numerology is an arrangement of single digit numbers under different heading derived from your date of birth and your full name.

How do we derive numbers?

Numerology deals mostly with single digit number, from 1 to 9. Exception to this rule is some two-digit number of special meanings. And arigathmatic for this is very simple.

The letters of your name correspond to numbers. East letter represent a number by virtue of its position in the alphabet. For example A=1 and B=2 and I=9 again J= 1 and so an. See the numbering below.

A=1 H = 8 | O = 6 | V = 4
B=2 I = 9 | P = 7 | W = 5
C=3 I = 1 | Q = 8 | X = 6
D=4 K = 2 | R = 9 | Y = 7
E=5 L = 3 | S = 1 | Z = 8
F=6 M = 4 | T = 2
G=7 N = 5 | U = 3

Now to derive single digit Number.

Let’s take name ‘MARY’ as an example.

Now will change this name to numbers.

M = 4
A = 1
R = 9
Y = 7

Now we will convert this number into single digit number as follow.


Some times in second stage we get another two digit number and then we have to go one step further and by adding again those numbers we get a single digit number. Like, total 39 again becoming 12 and we have to add it as 1 + 2 = 3

What is the Philosophy?

The universe is functioning orderly and premise of Numerology is human life. This orderliness can be seen in every aspect of nature like season, flower, fruits, days and rights. Even gestation and birth of a child also represent this orderliness’. Everybody is having his own name and that name once integrated with his inner consciousness if produce sound, harmony and melody through out the body when it is celled. And it stared reflecting his inner nature. Master Numbers

There are two number 11 & 22 called master numbers, when routed in single digit number need special attention. They posses more potential than any other number. They are highly a charged, difficult to handle and require effect to integrate into one’s personality.

The first 11 number is more powerfully of all and is channel to the sub conscious and inner nature.

It is having all the aspects of digit 2, charged with charisma. Leadership and inspiration. It is number with duality. It walk on the border of Greatness and self destruction.

22 is also most powerful number. It is having ability to turn the entire big-big dream into reality. 11 is most powerful number, but most of the time it will be in dilemma. And 22 is the most successful because of self-confidence.

This both master numbers are like always pressure cooker and need proper release and guidance at early age.


As I told before, Numerology is based an the ancient idea that our soul takes birth again and again on the earth and brings it’s ‘karma’ along with it. The number that indicate a Karmic debt are 13,14,16 and 19.these number are haring a great importance when they are coming into core numbers, like path, heart’s desire, expression, personality, birth day.

Karmic dept numbers can be found in different places in chart.

The characters of these ceramic debt numbers will see in detail latter on

Your birthday in Numerology.

The time, date and the occasion of your entrance in this world is of the most exciting moment in your life. You stepped into the reality world, in the form of human being and carry all the ceramic debt along with you.

Even that time you are the person of unique characteristic. Like your DNA you are also unique in nature, physics, chemistry, inner mind and future.

The moment your birth provides that broad outline for your life. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been prepared for you.

The most important number in numerology is based on your birth date. This number is called life path number. It gives a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges and lessons that we will encounter in our future.

How to find your life Path Number

Your life path number is the some of your total birth date number, date, month and year.

Let’s say you were born on 25th December 1964, i.e. 25-12-1964. Now let’s convert as below

25 = 2 + 5 = 7
12 = 1 + 2 = 3
1964 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
Now add these single digit numbers together.

7+3+2 = 12 =1+2 =3
the life path number is 3

Numerology's Personal Day; When to Start That Important Job

Ever have one of those days when everything goes right for you? When you make that presentation, or interview for that job and you can do no wrong; everything just clicks. Numerology can predict those days for you, those days when the universe is on your side. We call those days 'Personal days'.

Calculating your Personal Days

To determine if a particular day is a Personal Day for you, we need to calculate the Universal Day number for a particular day and then compare it to your Life path number. The Universal day number is calculated by adding all the digits of the Gregorian date together via faddic addition to get a single digit.

For example, Valentines day 2007 is a Universal day (7). The calculation is:

2 + 14 + 2007 = 2023 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7.

Your Life Path is calculated by adding all the digits of your date of birth with faddic addition:

(For example Johnny Depp, born June 9th, 1963 ; 6 + 9 + 1963 = 1978 = 1978 = 25 = 7)

When the Universal day number equals your Life Path number, then the day is a 'Personal Day' for you; the universe is literally in step with you that day. So, Johnny Depp had a 'Personal Day' on Valentines day this year.

Biorhythms and Bad Days

In a similar vein, you can have days when the universe works against you. Biorhythms predict that certain days can be bad for you. On these days, you will tend to be more accident prone and need to take extra care to avoid mis-haps. To my mind, one of the more interesting situations where these were used was when the Ohmi Railway company in Japan, used Biorhythims to predict bad days for their Bus drivers in the 1970's.

They would produce a card, and notify drivers when they were scheduled to have a bad day ahead of time. They claimed to have a 50% drop in accident rates for their busses when they implemented this.


By knowing your Life Path number, and calculating the Universal Day, you can know ahead of time when to plan your critical meetings, to get the universe working with you. Perhaps part of the effect is a placebo, caused by our knowing ahead of time that today is our lucky day, but even so, if it works you should use it. As for me, I never start a really important job in my life except on a 'Personal day'.

Match Your Spouse Astrologically

Astrology can forecast a suitable marriage partner based on a detailed analysis of the horoscopes of the bride and the bridegroom. In Western Astrology , emphasis is placed upon mutual rising signs, though at present many of my Western counter-parts are considering the importance of the moon in a horoscope. For this the nature of the rising sign at birth and lord of the sign or house is examined. All angular signs or houses are grouped under triplicities.

The basic approach is to classify the signs as belonging to the four elements viz., fire, earth, air and water starting with Aries. Then we the movable, the fixed and the common signs starting with Aries. Also we have the odd and even signs, male and female signs etc. Thus if the marriage partners belong to the fiery signs ( Aries, Leo and Sagittarius ) there will be agreement in general. The owners Mars, Sun and Jupiter respectively are mutual friends, hence, zodiac compatibility exists. But they also represent respectively the movable, the fixed and the common signs!

Thus there will be differences in mentalities or psychological content! Factors like the lord of the rising sign, its strength, placement in the horoscope. play a vital role in astrological prognostications. So to assume compatibility if the rising signs are the same, is a mistaken belief. Zodiac Compatibility is all about matching the mutual strengths and weaknesses of marriage partners and understanding each other. A lot of weaknesses get camouflaged in courtships as every effort is made to impress the other. Hence, the importance of mental framework and psychological build need not be stressed.

These can be ascertained from a minute study of the moon in one's horoscope. Moon is the ruler of Cancer, gets exalted in Taurus, is depressed in Scorpio and is considered weak in the 6th, 8th and the 12th houses. Again, it should be seen whether it is waxing or waning. Indian astrology goes further to study the birth star and its pada or quarter i.e., a division of 200 minutes (angular). Each of the (27) twenty-seven constellations excluding Abhijit has a lord or owner in triplicity starting with Krittika who is presided over by the Sun. Indian astrology also considers the moon for time-based predictions which is known as the dasa system, the well-known being Vimshottari i.e., 120 years cycle. The timing of the marriage will be detrimental if the dasas do not match or correspond to each other. Further, divisional charts, especially, Navamsa , as well as Gochara or transit effects and the twelve essential factors of matching ( detailed in an earlier article) are important.

Astrology and Numerology; Why You Need Both

In critical applications in science and industry, backup systems are a must. Weather it's loss of availability of your ATM or Television, of Loss of Life due to equipment failure in a hospital, having a backup is just good common sense. And in analyzing your life and your opportunities; having more than one chart, one way of looking at things is equally as important. After all, it's your life we're looking at.

Redundancy - Tell me Three Times

One of the best ways to insure that information gets from one point to another is to send multiple copies. "Tell me Three times" is a simple method of correcting messages that may have been damaged in transit. The idea is that with (3) copies, at least two of them will have the correct data at any one point in the message.

This is true weather we're talking about text, music, or video. This sampling and correcting process is built into the machines that read our CD's and DVD's. It's why even slightly damaged disk can still be read and played - the process filters out the errors and gives us true information.

This idea can be taken to our Astrology and Numerology charts. By getting both charts and comparing them, we're literally getting a second opinion on our life. And who doesn't want a second opinion on something that important.

Astronumerology - Over 100 Life Combinations

When astrologer Jordan Simon, and numerologist Pamela Hobs Bell got together in 1998 and devised Astronumerology, they were building on this idea of using both tools to produce a quick personality reference which could be easily used by anyone. The combination of (12) Sun signs and (9) Life Paths gives you 108 different personality slots to describe people's general tendencies; a much wider selection than either of the two sciences on their own.

However, the Sun Sign and Life Path values are only the most general traits in a person's chart. They give you a broad category, a thumbnail sketch as it were, of a person's chart. The depth and detail that someone needs to know their inner self is missing here.

Friday, February 23, 2007

How To Get Approved For A High Risk Motorcycle Loan And Financing

Are you in the market for a motorcycle, but have bad credit and need a high risk motorcycle loan? Well don’t worry the goal of this article is provide you everything you need to know about getting approved for a high risk motorcycle loan.

First you must understand how motorcycle lenders go about classifying you as high risk. On the average, when a motorcycle lender is looking to approve any motorcycle financing they have a much higher cut off in the credit score range than an auto lender. This exists whether you have good or bad credit.

So with that said an auto lender may approve a FICO credit score of 610 as not a high risk, but a motorcycle lender would most likely classify a FICO credit score of 610 as a high risk motorcycle loan and may not offer an approval on it.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Motorcycles are much harder to repossess in good condition than an automobile. As a result of this simple fact, if you default on your motorcycle loan it is a higher risk to the motorcycle lender than an automobile lender because it is much harder to repossess a motorcycle in good condition than a car.

With all the new motorcycle riders entering the industry there is a high incident of some form of minor or major damage on many motorcycles, which translates in to a lower amount per unit a lender gets when they repossess a motorcycle for a customer that chooses to get bad credit over paying for their motorcycle loan. The damage could be from the repossession agency or the actual owner but the simple fact is motorcycle fetch much less at repossession auctions than automobiles.

This simple fact is one reason good and poor credit motorcycle loans are offered at much higher interest rates than a car and has an overall lower approval percentages when compared with cars.

2. The average motorcycle tends to depreciate very fast. Since motorcycles have higher accident rates and there are many people who once they crash do not pay off their loan, this results in higher defaults for motorcycle lenders. This is another reason motorcycle loan rates are higher and motorcycles are hard to get approved for.

Ok, now that you have a background in how a motorcycle lender views a motorcycle loan, let’s look at how you can get approved for a high risk motorcycle loan.

Step one is to really understand your credit report and credit score. Sure if you are looking for high risk motorcycle financing, you probably have had some credit issues in the past. But you never know how those credit issues played out on your credit report until you get a copy of it.

Take a look and make sure everything reported on your credit report is actually true. See every year 1000s of people just like you find creditors made errors on their credit report, which negativity impacted their credit score. If your FICO score shows a 610, but there is 1 error on your credit report you could easily raise your FICO credit score to 625 or higher by getting the error fixed. Always get errors fixed on your credit report before you submit a high risk motorcycle loan application.

Step two is to clean up your credit card debt. I know you are probably thinking I can not do this, but it can make a huge difference in helping you get approved for high risk motorcycle financing. See motorcycle lenders do not like to see your personal credit cards maxed out. Therefore, before you submit your application for motorcycle financing you should try to pay down your credit card debt. Even if you have to do it for the short term it can help you tremendously with getting approved.

For instance, if you have a 610 FICO credit score you will probably be declined if you have all your credit cards maxed out. However, if you are able reduce your credit card debt by 50% you stand a much better chance of getting approved for a high risk motorcycle loan. This is a simple concept but you will be surprised by how many motorcycle buyers fail to do this and never get approved.

Step three and the final step is too finally submit your motorcycle loan application. There are many lenders that specialize in high risk motorcycle loans. I recommend tying about 2 or 3 online motorcycle lenders and then move to your local credit unions or financing provide by the dealership such as Suzuki Finance, Honda Financing, Kawasaki Credit Card or the Polaris Star Card.

How To Get A Used Motorcycle Loan

The world of used motorcycle loans is traditionally confusing to many motorcycle buyers involved with purchasing a used motorcycle but it does not have to be if you are equipped with a bit of knowledge.

When looking for used motorcycle financing, you should first consider where you will purchase the motorcycle from. For instance, will you purchase from a dealer, an individual or a vehicle auctions?

This could highly affect your used motorcycle loan decision and the direction you will choose to focus your energy with getting your loan worked out.

Here are some things to consider with each option:

1. Auction Purchase: If you are thinking of purchasing your used motorcycle at an auction it is highly recommend that you have your cash ready to buy ahead of time. Therefore, if you are going to finance the used motorcycle from the auction you will need to line up the financing first as most auctions do not offer financing.

There are several online motorcycle lenders offer used motorcycle loans, so this is a good option. Basically these motorcycle lenders will approve you online and then send you a check for the amount you are approved for to purchase your motorcycle.

Another option for your auction purchase may be to get check your local credit union for used motorcycle loans. Sometime the credit union may offer it under a personal loan but it is all the same.

2. Individual Purchase: An individual purchase will work similar to an auction purchase.

You will need cash in hand to make the purchase so you will have to line up your used motorcycle financing first before the actual purchase. Online motorcycle lenders or your local bank and credit union can help you with this and send you a cashier’s check.

Most individuals prefer a cashiers check or money order so be sure to ask them before you drive all the way to their house to make the purchase.

3. Dealer Purchase: With a dealer purchase you will have a variety of options for used motorcycle loans.

You can still choose to use online motorcycle lenders as they tend to have highly competitive motorcycle loan rates or you can use the dealerships financing. They can get you approved fast and money in your hand in 24 hours typically so making the purchase is simple. You will not have to go to the dealer and wait an hour while they do all the paperwork.

Dealers normally offer consumer financing through GE Capital (AKA GE Money) or HSBC Retail Services which is an option as well. These offers could be on a credit card or a standard installment loan and you motorcycle loan rate will be based on your credit history.

Don’t forget about your credit union and local banks as they can handle dealer purchased as well.

In the end financing a used motorcycle does not have to be difficult, you can easily use online motorcycle lenders for used motorcycle loans at competitive rates or even choose a dealer or local credit union. Online motorcycle lenders may prove to be the best option because you can arrange them in the comfort of your own home without waiting hours in a bank or dealer.

Take Responsibility And Wear A Motorcycle Helmet

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), when comparing a automobile to a motorcycle rider the motorcycle rider has a 35 percent greater chance of getting hurt or dying in a automobile accident compared to a driver in a automobile. When wearing a helmet it is less likely that the motorcyclists will receive a serious head injury and more likely to survive the accident according to the The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Safety helmets for motorcycle users are the law in many states, optional in others. Especially so if the helmet is rated for safety and is properly fit to the wearer. Safety is what it's all about right.

When wearing a motorcycle helmet it will protect your head against the following, it protects your face, your ears and you are able to have an intercom system to talk to others. A helmet protects your head and your face from injuries. There are many different types of helmets ranging from helmets that have a face guard and helmets that have an open face so you can feel the wind on your face, helmets can be customized to your specifications. Looking for full face helmets can be a challenge. On helmets the face shield can retract by lifting up and down.

Because Motorcycles lack the protection of other vehicles, such as a car or truck, severe injury is much more likely. For comfort and protection they generally have fabric and foam interiors. Motorcycle helmets act as a protection device for your head.

When looking at helmets to purchase don’t let the price determine which helmet you will purchase, you will need to look at the protection factor it can provide and how it is rated. Helmet design considerations are all about the tolerable impact the head can handle, which the soft linings provide as protection, and the exterior protection from punctures.

When trying on a helmet press down on the helmet and make sure that it fits properly and it feels comfortable and check to see if it surrounds your entire head. Before putting a helmet on a child, it is a good idea to check for defects such as cracks, loose padding, frayed straps or exposed metal that could be unsafe for the child.

Even if you don’t choose to wear a motorcycle helmet for safety reasons, there are other reasons. With many designs and makers to choose from, you would surely have your hands full finding one that you will like. There are a lot of motorcycle helmets you can choose from. The designs are made to match the likings of the women to provide more appeal.

Safety helmets successfully reduce the chances of head injury to a great extent. For instance, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated in a report that if you do not wear a helmet there is a 40% chance that the rider will suffer a head injury and a 15% chance of it being a fatal head injury.

Motorcycle Sound Systems: What Is The Right System For You?

Motorcycle sound systems have come a long way in the past couple of years. We all like to hear the wind and rumble of our bikes, but if we are riding for a few hours it's nice to hear some tunes to help the miles roll by.

In the past the choices for motorcycle sound systems have been somewhat limited. Bulky am/fm radios with less-than-spectacular speakers often provided more grief and inconsistent reception than they were worth.

Well, that has changed for the better with the modern electronic revolution. With the advent of i-pods, satellite radio, and MP-3 players, the music of our choice is more available than ever.

The current offerings of sound systems vary widely but most offer better performance than even the top of the line models of just a few years ago.

There are several things to consider when looking at motorcycle sound systems. The ability to plug in your MP-3, satellite radio, and i-pod provides a lot more flexibility in your sound system.

Typically, if you are going on a road trip outside of your usual haunts your standard am/fm radio will be losing channels and you'll need to search for more.

If your sound system incorporates the new technologies you'll be able to listen to your favorite tunes for miles and miles without monkeying around with channel surfing.

Another advancement is the sound delivery system. Gone are the old speakers that strained to deliver clear, crisp sound at 60 mph. New external speakers are driven by small yet powerful amps that deliver clear crisp sound at any speed.

Another excellent advance is the in-helmet audio. The current offerings provide an excellent sound with no external speakers to clog up space on your bike.

Whatever system you choose, just keep in mind that technology will be constantly advancing so if you can get a system that is flexible it will allow you to upgrade as new technologies become available.

Bajaj Kristal Review

Bajaj returns….

The launch of bajaj kristal

The win over Hero Honda (remains the market leader in 100cc segment) in 125cc (with Bajaj discover) and 150cc (with Bajaj pulsar) motorcycle (geared ones) segment does not come without a compromise for Bajaj, it loss it’s scooterette market (once Bajaj Chetak was known as scooter of India) to Honda activa and Hero Honda pleasure. Bajaj is set to regain the scooterette market with Kristal and Blade.

Can Kristal meet its peers?

Honda entered the scooterette market with the 102-cc gearless Activa in 2001. Activa is the market leader in the segment and sells nearly 28,000 units a month. Hero Honda rolled out its first 100cc gearless scooter the “Pleasure” across India in 2005, is proved to be a successful model. Bajaj is going to launch a full-size scooter Blade for men (could feature a 150cc engine), which will compete with the Kinetic Blaze (India’s first maxi scooter-featuring 165cc engine). Bajaj launched its new 95cc scooter Kristal targeting the fair sex (women)

Scooterette are widely used by ladies, hence it demands greater style, light weight, hassle free, greater comfort, good luggage space for shopping compromises can be made on power, mileage and price for the sake of rest.

Kristal features DTSi (digital twin spark ignition), exhausTEC (torque expansion chamber) and SNS (spring-in spring) suspension system.

Ride and comfort:

The Kristal’s engine is a 95cc unit, which puts out a peak power of 7.2 PS at 7,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 7.7Nm at 5,500 rpm. ExhausTEC and DTSi enable it to achieve a better fuel efficiency with lesser pollution. The Kristal also features a one-speed variomatic gearbox. Kristal clocks a top speed of about 75 kmph. Kristal is on par with its peers scooty pep plus and HH pleasure to offer a combined mileage of 48kpl.

Kristal features leading link with co-axial shock absorber &spring at the front and SNS at the back. Kristal’s broad and soft-foam seat makes it comfortable and supportive. Handlebar grips, made of soft and durable rubber, have been designed to give the rider a comfortable feel. Vibration transfer is well contained during speeding, but at idling there is still considerable vibration, though the handlebar grips do a good job of dampening much of it.

Design and dimensions:

When comes to design practicality predominates the style. Thoughtfully made plastic panels at the front are practical enough to save your scooter from scratches. Instrument cluster features a fuel gauge, speedometer, analog distance counter, indicators for the side stand, turn lights and for the high-beam. Kristal weighs about 99 kg and with ground clearance of 131mm makes it easy to handle. With the widest wheelbase (highest in its class) of 1250 mm it makes lot of foot space. With an under seat storage space of 22 litres and an appreciable front glove box space make Kristal a shopping bike.

Special features

It is the special features which make the vehicle a cut over the rest and are good enough to lure the ladies. Kristal does away with the choke it features an electrically operated fuel pump/feeder which eases the starting engine at cold condition. It has the unique Front Fueling system that ensures a convenient refueling to the rider by avoiding the bother of getting off the vehicle while re-fuelling. Kristal provides automatic headlamp controlled by a sensor which senses low light conditions and switches on the parking lamp and it also lights up the instrument cluster, prompting the rider to also turn on the main headlamp. Penta-lock (five) facility –ignition lock, petrol tank cap, side lock, accelerator lock and seat lock shows the producer interest on practicality of the Kristal. A bulb to light up the storage area (only offered in scooty pep plus) and a beeper prevents the seat from accidentally closing at a fuel station and protects your child from crushing fingers. Accelerator lock and side stand alarm offers you better safety.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Zodiac Connection and the Triangle of Compatibility

What has a clock, the elements and animals got to do with one another? The answer is compatibility.

In Chinese Astrology, the year in which we were born is represented by one of the 12 animals in the zodiac and one of the 5 elements in the universe i.e. wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each of the animal symbolism is associated with an element which has a polarity of Yin and Yang. For example, a person can be born in the year of the Rat with the element of Yin Wood. This is based on the Chinese system of counting the years known as the 60 year cycle. In this cycle, the years are formed by the interaction of 10 celestial stems and 12 terrestrial branches. These stems and branches are also called heavenly stems and earthly branches, simply because our luck is governed partly by heaven’s decree and partly by human action. The 60 year cycle is an important feature in Chinese Astrology known as the Four Pillars of Destiny which takes into consideration the year, month, day and hour of birth. For want of simplicity, we can take just the year pillar to determine the compatibility between animal signs.

Most people are familiar with the 12 animal signs in the zodiac namely Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

But do you know that by looking at the positions of these animals relative to one another on the face of a clock, we can find out their compatibility?

For instance, if you belonged to the animal sign of Rat, you are most compatible with the Dragon and the Monkey. How? Well, a clock has 12 divisions based on the hour hand. By positioning the Rat at 12 o’clock, you can see that the Dragon and the Monkey, being 5th and 9th in the order by which they take their place in the Zodiac, are 4 and 8 positions apart respectively from the Rat and therefore, takes up positions at 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock on the face of the clock. In other words, they are also 4 hourly apart from one another. On the face of the clock, they formed a “triangle of compatibility” also known as 3 harmonies based on the Four Pillars of Destiny. Hence, these animals get along well with one another. By extension, all animal signs that are 4 numbers apart in the zodiac are considered most compatible with one another

The combinations of animal signs and their intrinsic elements that form the triangles of compatibility are listed below:-

Pig (Yin Water) - Rabbit (Yin Wood) - Goat (Yin Earth)
Tiger (Yang Wood) - Horse (Yang Fire) - Dog (Yang Earth)
Snake (Yin Fire) - Rooster (Yin Metal) - Ox (Yin Earth)
Monkey (Yang Metal) - Rat (Yang Water) - Dragon (Yang Earth)

If you were to observe closely, in each of the above 3 animal combinations, they are all 4 numbers apart in the zodiac and correspondingly, 4 hourly apart on the face of the clock.

On the contrary, if these animal signs are 6 numbers apart from one another in the zodiac or directly opposite each other on the face of the clock, they are considered to be most incompatible. For example, the Rat and the Horse, being 1st and 7th in the zodiac, takes 1 o’clock and 7 o’clock respectively on the face of the clock and hence, formed one of the most incompatible twosomes in Chinese Astrology. In other words, they clash with one another.

The following are the 6 clashes between the animal signs in the zodiac:-

Rat – Horse
Ox – Goat
Tiger – Monkey
Rabbit – Rooster
Dragon – Dog
Snake – Pig

Numerology Readings Aren't Always Accurate

I've done hundreds of Numerology readings over the years, and almost all of them have errors and contradictions in one form or another. The question is, why is this so, and how can you determine what's true and what's false in your own reading.

The answer lies in the method used to create both Numerology and Astrology readings - something I call slotting.

People are more complex than Nine categories

In Numerology, most values in your chart are reduced to a single whole digit number (1 through 9) and then referred to a table of traits / attributes that correspond to that number. But, nine categories is simply not diverse enough to cover all of the ground of human possibilities. This is particularly true of the primary values in a chart; your Life Path, Birthday, and Goal numbers. To compensate for this, numerology charts will list several traits for each category which are tendencies of people with that value. Most of these traits will be true for you - but some will not.

Note that this is also a problem in Astrology where we're dealing with 12 Sun signs or Moon signs. Twelve slots presents us with the same problem as Nine do. People don't always fit perfectly into one category, and some of the exceptions to the classic traits can make a reading seem completely wrong for that person.

The best example I can think of for this in Numerology readings is the tendency for Life Path (7) Loners to have a strong spiritual potential, and be drawn to the occult. This tendency, though usually very strong in these people can be completely absent, making them question their entire reading.

Filtering out the Truth

What is needed is some interpretation; reading your chart and discerning what's true and what's false. The best method I've found for doing this is to use a form of 'Map Dousing'. Sit down with a printed copy of your Numerology reading, a couple of highlighter pens in different colors, and a small pendulum. Go over your report, marking those things you know to be true in one color, and those you know to be false in another.

When you come across a trait that you're not certain about, use your pendulum in your primary hand, while pointing to the trait on the page with your other hand and ask your subconscious to show you if the trait is true for you or not.

Secret Knowledge Revealed

The most interesting parts of any Numerology reading are those areas where your conscious mind does not immediately know if a trait is true or not. This is where we can learn and grow as a person. Here is where our hidden strengths and weaknesses are revealed to us. And, though someone else can take your report, and use a pendulum to check out unusual details - no one can do as good a job as you can.

Using Satellite Photographs, Topographic Maps, Google Earth 3D For Feng Shui Research

Recently, I came across a software which allows me to access great deal of satellite photos. Then an idea comes to my mind, I can perform some research with these satellite photos. If we have access to topographic maps, aerial photographs, together with the use of satellite photos and maps, we will be to make a great deal of landform research without leaving our homes.

This software which gives me the access to satellite photographs is Google Earth 3D. Although it is a free software, it also provides paid premium services. As a start, the free version is good enough for me as it already allows me to access the satellite images of great deal of cities (New York, London, Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, Singapore, and alot more) and places. I can even locate the house I'm staying in with Google Earth 3D. With the software, we can also tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings, providing even more flexibility for the research.

Besides displaying these satellite photographs, Google Earth 3D also let us find the distances between places, which is another big plus.

We can perform research on things like incoming roads, incoming water, outgoing water, incoming mountains around the places of our interests. These satellite photographs should provide us with great deal of information and idea of the places before we personally going down to perform even more refine research. The terrain feature and the ability to zoom in and out also allow us to perform analysis from the town aspect, or even from the city aspect. We can trace the rivers which run over a great deal of distances, the great mountains which link to the smaller mountains. There is some much we can do with this free resource.

Today's high tech resources have enable us to carry out even more research, and the access to these satellite photographs is definitely one of the fantastic resources out there.

Astrology, History And Man

Astrology has played a role in history throughout the ages as man has accepted its theories and over time, discarding it at times and re-inventing it with passion and attraction other times.

Astrology is thought of by many as a reflection of Man's existence in the universe. The general concept behind astrology is that all living beings or organisms are governed by forces and regular occurring patterns of recognizable energy.

Nature's law relates the macro to the micro in that every living organism from the simplest form of life embodies a higher more complex form where the micro form is but only a reflection of the macro whole.

Man's recorded history relieves startling evidence that astrology has been a voice that serves and acts within everyone. History has mapped man's journey throughout the many changes from the most basic and instinctive forms of life through to the progress, development and advancement of our senses, the structure of the brain and the connection of higher consciousness via our minds.

Man's evolution and destiny depends on each unfolding in its proper place.

The seven major energy centers of vital importance within the physiology of the human body are referred to as chakras and they are aligned from the seventh center at the tip of the head all the way to the base of the spinal chord where the first center is located.

The other five chakras that follow include the third eye, the throat, the heart center, solar plexus and the reproductive organs.

There exists a system that few outside the astrological and metaphysical world that understand the relationship and interconnectedness of these seven centers with the seven endocrine glands of the human body, the seven planets of the solar system and human behavior.

It is through this understanding of the inner workings of these systematical interrelationships that is most basic to the alignment between how planet movements, cycles and human nature that allows us to better understand why astrology is such an art form.

As the greater macro organism the solar system expresses itself through the seven major planets (not nine) and lives within the creation of yet a greater whole in the image of it's creator in which it reflects.

So once we understand that our solar system is still part of wider system, part of this grander cosmic plan which consists of seven solar systems with the sun as its center as the heart is to the body. The life of the Cosmic Being governs the seven stars of the constellation of the Great Bear which in turn are the lifeline of the seven rays of the life force that reflect and flow through the whole solar system via the seven planets. This philosophy is the basis the entire science of astrology is built upon.

Each one of the seven rays expresses a related virtue of the force, the source, God which is a reflection through the heart representing the sun, the ray of love and wisdom. When the beat of the sun pulsates with energy of love and wisdom it expresses the quality of its existence, its consciousness.

Valentine's Day Astro Speak - Looking Into The Future

Aries: This year will be an unpredictable one for most Arians. The unattached will find new love, while those already going around may have to really work hard to sustain their relationship. March and April are important months for the unattached as love comes their way. Those looking for a soulmate will get lucky. Your circle of friends may also undergo a major change.

Taurus: You need to realise the difference between love and lust. This year there are chances of you getting into unconventional relationships that may seem very promising in the moment, but do remember that moments never last a lifetime. Those who are hitched need to be careful. Letting go of your present partner for new temptation would be a mistake, so keep a check on your emotions. No matter what, avoid acting in haste.

Gemini: There's a good news. The chances of you meeting someone either through work or at work in the coming three months are very strong, with some even getting involved with The Boss! I would not call this last 'love', rather it's just about having fun. Those in love may also be separated from their loved ones for a short while post-June.

Cancer: All right!!!! its time to rock. Love is right there knocking at your door. The lucky ones may tie the knot. Those of you planning to tell your parents about your love will be able to do so, and also convince them to give you their blessing. Some may even find a special sweetheart through the Internet. And despite the physical distance the relationship will grow.

Leo: Planning to get your lover home? Well now's the time. The route? Via Mommy dearest. The unattached may go through a very stressful time as you may get attracted or even get involved with someone with whom the future looks bleak. Some may end up in a relationship triangle, which makes them feel insecure. Attachments with a married person are also on the cards. However, things will balance out after October and you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Virgo: A past relationship may get revived, but only to go away after six months. So it's advisable not to build up your hopes for a long term future again. Marriage is a strong possibility though you may have to compromise and/or go away to a far off land. Those who are married will find the revival of romance in their present relationship, as their spouse does things that make them happy.

Libra: Some may have a change of heart, with a present relationship breaking up. Hasty decisions will have to be avoided during the months of May/June. It's best to remember, at this time, that hasty decisions are often regretted later on. The unattached find new friends though it's advisable to go a bit slow. Only go ahead after you have come to really know this person, as this new person could be very addictive. You may also make a life-time commitment towards the end of the year.

Scorpio: Your time for love is already here. Some may find true love while others may find a true companion. It would be a spiritual connection as Jupiter aspects not only your love life but also others houses that are religious and spiritual. You are ready to tie the knot. The chances of travelling with a loved one increase this year. It could also be that you undertake pilgrimages with a soulmate.

Sagittarius: This year is more about physical pleasure than mental or spiritual bonding. You may get involved with more than one person simultaneously. Travel and pleasure seem go hand in hand. Some of you may even spend a lot of money. But, whatever you do, be sure to keep a check on your health.

Capricorn: Though your love life seems fine this year, some of you may be forced into a commitment in spite of your not wanting it. You may be a bit confused but if the person is Important to you then please go ahead, as after October there are chances of you losing a loved one due to your avoidance of commitment. Tension with your spouse is possible, so weigh your words before speaking.

Aquarius: You need to be patient as you will go through a lot of confusion on the love front. Things may not be as they seem or you may just land up having constant arguments with your lover. Any which way, you will have to balance things to sail through this period on an even keel. Some may experience a tendency to doubt your loved one in the coming seven months.

Pisces: You have a reason to smile. Singles will find their partners, and there's also a chance of travel with a loved one. For those already in relationships, your lover may be very demanding at the moment. Things may even go a hill haywire in the coming four months but that's a temporary phase, so curb your irritation. Be still and silent for a while and you'll be amazed at how much better your relation is.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Is Numerology Easy?

Back to Hogwarts! For the Harry Potter fans out there, a question: What is Hermione’s favorite subject? Did you say Numerology? Good. Actually, in the Harry Potter series it is called ‘Arithmancy’. Now, why am I bringing this up? For two reasons. First, Hermione is attracted to the subject because it is challenging. In fact, it is considered to be quite hard. Many websites, books, articles, even the Wikipedia claim that Numerology is the easiest of the Divinatory Arts. Um, no. It is one of the simplest yes but, that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Numerology is actually a fundamental study and there is a natural progression from Numerology to Cartomancy to Tarot. Notice how each discipline widens the scope just a little bit. The archetypes move from those of number to number shape and some color, to the oftentimes complex symbolism found in Tarot. Numerology is fundamental and, just as in sports or in life, you always need the fundamentals. A good foundation is something that you build upon and if you ever come across a problem or question that you are having trouble resolving…get back to fundamentals! Beginning your study of the Divinatory Arts with Numerology will save you an incredible amount of time and energy latter on. Ok, and the second reason, I hear you ask. The name J.K. Rowling gives to the discipline – Arithmancy. Modern Numerology could really be split into two branches of learning: the study of the archetype of number, and the study of vibration.

The first study is contemplating the numbers and what they mean individually. How one becomes two and so on. The second is observing how those numbers interact, how they influence. J. K. Rowling has pointed out an important distinction for us: Numerology proper is the study of number; Arithmancy is the use of Numerology for Divinatory purposes.

How Do I Love Thy Zodiac Signs

Alrightly then--It is getting closer and closer to that day of the year when everyone has lovely chocolates in decorative cardboard boxes and big red hearts on their mind. As an Astrologer, susceptible to love, romance, and anything that has to do with chocolate, its hard for me not to think of how all the 12 zodiac signs might enjoy notions of love at Valentines Day. So just for fun, here is a quick run through all twelve Sun Signs.

The Aries sun sign person is always ready, willing, and able to fall in love.

The Taurus sun sign person is never willing to share their chocolates.

The Gemini sun sign person typically may have several valentines to shop for.

The Cancer sun sign person prepares for this special day in advance so it is filled with cards, a homemade dinner, a movie, and a big box of chocolate.

The Leo sun sign person waits intentionally for this day so they can make a big valentines splash with big ticket gifts.

The Virgo sun sign person is the only sign of the zodiac that will let you get away with missing valentines day--but usually keeps the rain check weekend free.

The Libra sun sign person will very usually get everything they want.

Th Scorpio sun sign person wants the kind of gifts they can't show to their mother.

The Sagittarius sun sign person likes to make plans to spend Valentines day somewhere far and away.

The Capricorn sun sign person is the only sign of the zodiac that doesn't have to buy anyone anything--cause they know that just their presence in your life say everything.

The Aquarius sun sign person buys gourmet chocolates that will rotate monthly off the internet.

The Pisces sun sign person will leave love notes for you to find in your pockets, glove compartment, and desk draw. They are prepping you for the big swoop later in the evening.

Wisdom Of The Tarot-The Wheel Of Life

We all tend to view life as something that should be easy. Good things should just happen and bad things shouldn’t. Life should be simple. Life should be just full of good times. The sky should never rain on our lives. But rain waters the plants and makes them grow. It gives us water to drink. Without it we’d die. Maybe things we see as bad are equally valuable.

The Hermit is an example of something we don’t want – being alone. Loneliness is indeed a terrible thing and can blight your life. There is, however, another side to this solitude. The traditional hermit would by choice travel to some out of the way place and live alone for years. Why would they do this? To learn. Perhaps you live a very busy life constantly on the go, constantly striving and trying to juggle your responsibilities. Imagine then no noise, no hustle and bustle, just peace, quiet and time for yourself. Imagine what you could learn having taken the time to listen. Being alone isn’t so bad: it depends on your attitude to it.

The Tower indicates another example of something we don’t want - a crisis. Sometimes things happen and we know that we will never be the same again. The Tower shows people falling from a tower. They think that they can fly but they are going to discover that they can’t. It’s about seeing the truth. Sometimes this is painful. It always means that something significant has changed. We go on in life altered by this event. In the future, though, we are stronger because we had this moment of clarity: it focuses your mind, it shows you what can and can’t be achieved. The challenge of the Tower is to pick yourself up and rebuild. Without the lightning strike of the Tower we’d never get a chance to rebuild, bigger and better. Sometimes you have to tear it down in order to start again.

The Wheel of Fortune finishes our triptych of cards. Sometimes really bad people have very good luck. Really good people sometimes have very bad luck. They’re on the Wheel, as we all are. The Wheel turns and life gets wonderful, we are incredibly lucky and we get everything we want. It turns again and everything goes wrong, nothing seems to work out the way we want it to. It turns once more and luck and joy flows into our lives again. This is the truth of life. This is one of the most important lessons in life: everything changes, nothing stays the same.

If you are lonely, you won’t be forever. Try to use this time to grow and learn. If you are going through a crisis, it won’t last. Try to learn what you can and get through it. If you are happy with everything going your way, don’t become complacent. Try to cherish this upward turn of the wheel.

The Wheel of Fortune will continue to turn and we can fight it or we can work with it. Try to learn from everything that happens to you because then you are growing in wisdom no matter what life throws at you. Wisdom is the insulation from the harsher turns of the Wheel. Wisdom gives us the ability to appreciate love. Wisdom enables us the help others when the Wheel turns downwards for them.

'To everything – (turn, turn, turn) There is a season –( turn, turn, turn) And a time for every purpose under heaven' (The Byrds)

A Cheeky Look at "Setting up Business" by the Stars

It takes all types to set up a business. Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes and with differing levels of experience. But you may well wonder why some are more successful than others, even given the same level of knowledge and experience. Perhaps the answer lies in the Stars...


This is your office? Papers strewn everywhere, a collection of interesting moulds (some of which have developed personalities), growing in an assortment of chipped cups –- you do like to throw things; probably explains the dent in the wall! What is it with you? Always in such a hurry! We would expect some impressive results from all this hyper-activity, but you are the master of unfinished business. Why are you so impatient? Oh well, we will leave you alone and perhaps you might finish all those half-completed tasks... except, oh dear... something new has come along and you're eager to make a start on that.

Marketing advice: Stop scaring your clients and they just might return one day.


Is this an office or a take-away shop? Must you eat in here? I'm sorry, but I can't find a PC in this joint. Where's your computer? Oh, I see... No, there's nothing wrong, but you might want to consider updating. Typewriters are so... yesterday. And you might feel more enterprising if you brightened up the office... pardon? No, there is nothing wrong with beige walls, but they can be a little mind-numbing, don't you think? I'm only suggesting a little external stimulation might help. No, no, of course, you aren't a dullard! However, modern technology can work wonders for your business, and it's such a shame to use those unopened packets of software as bickie platters!

Marketing advice: Sitting in front of your old Remington with your cheese sandwich might not be enough. May we suggest networking?


Oh, my! Not sure what this one is doing – travelling faster than the speed of sound, papers in one hand, address book in the other, one foot working the keyboard (needs the other to balance while figuring out how to levitate, because then she could do FOUR things at once), and a mobile wedged permanently beneath the left ear like some new-fangled ear-ring. This one tries to do everything at once, and she has more irons in the fire than a blacksmith on a horse ranch. If you could stop yakking for a minute you might get some work done, but you do like a good gossip, and you're more restless than a can of worms!

Marketing advice: Can you sit still long enough to do one thing at a time? (She's not even listening!)


Come on out from under the desk... I haven't started yet! Such a sensitive soul, but very eager to please. This one would rather go to the bathroom in public than cold sell! Networking in person is not your forte, is it? Never mind, thank goodness for the internet. As for the office, well, it is supposed to be an office – this looks like a rumpus room. All little Johnny's crayon drawings will have to go! You need to learn to say no – or get a lock on the office door to keep out the family who, apparently, can't manage without you.

Marketing advice: Don't be shy. I know you can do it, you know you can do it... but do they know you can do it!?


Well, this is one glam office! (Vogue's been here!) You do get the work done, and very efficiently, but it does interfere so with your preening. Is it really a necessity for you to keep grooming aids on your desk? You're not really a snob, just selective about choosing assignments. One requires a task suitable to one's standing. And it's just as well you work alone – you're so bossy.

Marketing advice: Lose the mirrors! Nobody can see what you look like over the internet and visiting clients might get the wrong idea – especially when they spot the nude statue in the corner by the bar!


I must say, I've never seen a tidier office... but do you really need all those cleaning products on the bookshelf, all neatly lined up in alphabetical order? Virgos don't take coffee breaks; they take dusting breaks - and you are concerned because there are specks on the window, hidden by curtains, but you know they are there and it upsets you. How can you work when there are specks on the window! How, indeed! And is this an office, or a chemist? There are more vitamins and tablets cramming your shelves than a health shop. On the plus side, such thoroughness extends to your work practices. You never lose anything!

Marketing advice: Don't be so finicky... or maybe you should go into the cleaning business?


You have charmed your way into the good books of every contact you've made. The work offers are there, but which assignment should you choose first? You don't want to offend anyone by placing their work second, and you do so want everyone to like you! Oh, why can't just one nice person (who likes you very much), offer one job one day, and then another nice person (who likes you very much), offer their job on the second day? Sadly, even if you could decide between jobs, there's this other problem of deciding between which software to use, and which browser... Of course, you've studied them all, but you don't like to take sides!

Marketing advice: Forget it... your Client has already found somebody else!


From one extreme to the other... This one is working determinedly, with a definite no-nonsense glint in the eye. Intensity personified! Nothing really out of the ordinary in this office. It is designed strictly for business. The only other place you'll find this much stainless steel is in a gourmet kitchen! These people mean business, and that is what they're doing, and you'd better not get in their way – or else! Scorpio gives new meaning to the word ambition. (This one doesn't need contacts; they can take care of you themselves!)

Marketing advice: Well, you really don't need any – but may I just quote this: "All work and no play..."


Hey, this is a fun office! Radio blaring, funky music, brightly painted murals on the walls - you once tried to set up your office on the back lawn, but forgot about the rain – and you go around humming "Don't fence me in". Yesterday you lost a contract because the client told you what to do. (He said he was only trying to explain how he'd like it done!) And as for that one little assignment sitting all alone beside the pending tray (you feel less committed that way), well, maybe the client will forget all about it, because, quite frankly, it's a boring piece of work and you've lost interest! Anyone for tennis?

Marketing advice: Find yourself a Libran friend to tutor you in tact and diplomacy. Are you really sure you want to do this? You hate being locked in the office!


This looks like one of those old-fashioned offices from the sixties: dark timber panelled walls, framed diplomas, and solid sensible furniture. No, of course I'm not suggesting you are a fuddy-duddy! You are so desirous of acquiring prestige, you will do almost anything to achieve it. You take everything seriously. (Probably even these comments!) Capricorns perform with careful deliberation, meticulously, and professionally. Always courteous – but jokes are often wasted on them, and so is this!

Marketing advice: You don't really need any, but lighten up a little – it's only life, after all!


Welcome to the twilight zone! Your office d̩cor is, shall we say, interesting. You've got everything that opens and shuts here, and even you don't know what everything does, but you're in the process of pulling it all apart so you will soon find out. You don't go after the conventional contracts Рyour address book includes NASA, and a couple of Einstein's buddies who not only need help typing their abstract theories, but welcome new ideas - yours! I'm not sure if you are simply a very intriguing individual, or just a complete fruitcake Рbut you do get the work done Рyour way, in your time.

Marketing advice: Can you give an Aquarian marketing advice? Do we need to?


I think you're awake... eyes are open, but they have that glazed, dreamy look. A-ha... off with the fairies again! Your office is in nice pastel shades. Nice wallpaper... Laura Ashley, if I'm not mistaken. You aren't as intense about your business affairs as some of the others, but you do like a good mystery. Sadly, the FBI does not require your services. Still, you're not in any hurry, right? You are so agreeable, you let your clients use your PC to type their own work, then give them a discount! One day you will find the perfect business.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Are Online Tarot Readings Any Good?

With the proliferation of online and computer generated tarot readings, including numerous free ones, we can question what the value of such readings is.

Tarot cards are an ancient method of foretelling events which may occur in a person's future. It is the most widespread method of divination in the western world. It is based on the premise that the larger movements in a person's life are reflected in the smallest ones, such as tarot cards. As above so below! Online tarot readings is simply consciousness' modern way of bringing insight through the medium of technology.

How to use online tarot readings properly? Same as when you used to do it with a psychic or by yourself:

1) Focus on your question. You may like to say it aloud if that helps. It is best to do this in a calm and relaxed atmosphere
2) Choose a spread (most programs offer several options)
3) Click on the button to get the interpretation.

Using online tarot readings on a regular basis will also help you in developing your intuition and psychic ability as well as learning the significance of the cards. Enjoy the process. It is fun and easier than trying to learn with a book. The online tarot spreads are fully interactive and give a detailed introduction to the tarot cards, their meaning and how to interpret them.

The imagery of the cards is also profound and deeply evocative, helping you gain insight into what is going on in your universe. While it is important to get the know the general significance of the cards, you may also resonate more with some tarot decks than others. Being strongly symbolic, it is important that you like the cards you deal with, that they 'speak' to you in a sense. This goes for both online and physical tarot decks. If you can relate to the imagery it is easier for you to interpret the cards and access your intuitive powers.

A note about the reversed cards. Online tarot spreads seem to deal a lot of reversed cards. These are NOT bad cards! They simply have a different meaning than when they are upright.

As with any form of divination, intuition should guide the reading. With online tarot readings, all the computer does is deal the cards. If you have taken the time to focus on your question, then it is no different than dealing the cards yourself or asking someone else to do it for you. The difference with computer and online readings is that you get a quick interpretation from the generally accepted meaning of the cards. Then you can add your spin on it according to a number of factors such as:

- the card position
- the neighbouring cards
- cards trends such as repeating numbers or suits
- your own intuition

The more familiar you become with the cards, the more you will be able to interpret them. You can also add various systems of interpretation such as Jungian psychology, the MYERS briggs model, astrological signs and many more archetypes.

Birth Time & Vedic Astrology

Astrology is the science of the planets and stars and it has been used by different societies to explore the relationship between human beings and the universe since time immemorial. It gives us an insight into how the universe and the planetary positions influence our lives. This is possible through the study of “horoscope” or a birth star chart. The time of birth is the starting point of anybody’s life and so it is of paramount importance to get the time of birth recorded accurately. The birth sign indicates the position of the sun during your birth. This sign along with other signs like the Ascendant, Moon sign and signs of other planets influence your deep spiritual growth, energies and also your character. So it is of paramount importance to get your birth time right so that astrologers can read your horoscope precisely. It is really needless to say that without accurate birth time, very few astrologers could succeed properly in their prophecy.

So, when was I born? Real astrology starts from here. But most often than not, people seldom get a totally correct birth time. The time keeping during the birth process often is neglected (naturally!), and there are many other sources of errors, too. Recorded birth times may be incorrect by 10 and more minutes. To be really sure, you require a mathematical correction of your birth time. But how to get your birth time correct to the exact second? Vedic astrologers calculate the birth time scientifically. This service is based on the dates of major life events. The result is accurate to the second and can be used in any horoscope or any individual astrology chart. Many astrologers recommend this rectification service.

Today, there are probably only five persons in the world who are able to calculate the exact birth time back to 1 second accuracy. That is a unique ability and Vedic astrology cannot be done completely accurately and properly without having the totally accurate birth time including hour, minutes and seconds. The Vedic knowledge is more than 5000 years old and there are many important informations found in the original Sanskrit scripts of Astrology. The secret formula of birth time calculation has been rediscovered in the texts of the Vedic sage Parashara. According to him, Vedic Astrology is a science of ultimate precision and every physical atom is guided by astrological law.

Astrology and horoscope has been made accessible online by a famous astrologer called Dr. Heinz Krug through his website birthtime (dot) info. He is one of those rare five astrologers in the world who can correctly determine the birthtime of any person to the exact second. So, one does not have to toil hard to find a good astrologer because now he or she can have the correct birthtime with a mouse click from the comfort of home. It is fairly simple for the clients. You would merely fill in a form with dates of your major life events and send it through the website. And your data will be sent on time. What's more—the site also offers money back guarantee.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What is a Feng Shui Life

Many people have heard of Feng Shui, and have wondered what having a Feng Shui life consists of. Some believe it is but silly superstition or ancient fairy tales. In fact, Feng Shui is the knowledge that comes from studying and understanding how the environment around you impacts you and your daily life.

In the Chinese language, Feng (fung) means “wind” and Shui (schway) means “water”. These two basic elements are considered to be the fundamental elements for life to exist. Feng Shui dates back over 3,000 years, and continues to evaluate how ch’i, Chinese for “energy,” flows in one’s environment and the impact that this flow has on one’s life.

At it’s inception, the art and science of Feng Shui focused on the arrangement of the home for optimum safety, comfort, and security. One’s bedroom would be positioned properly for the deepest and most restful sleep. Doors would be placed in such a way as to provide security from negative energies. Every detail was accounted for, including the stove’s proper placement to ensure that the rice would be cooked properly, each and every time.

As the years have passed, Feng Shui masters have developed more sophisticated ways of evaluating the impact of our increasingly complex environments on ch’i. These methods include the measurement of magnetic flow based on compass direction, and the natural real world effects of color, shape, and the conglomeration of elements in a person’s living space.

The common misconception many people have is that a Feng Shui life brings with it wealth and almost magical tidings. For better or for worse, this could not be further from the truth. A Feng Shui life is really about creating an environment for opportunities. It allows you to make good use of the understanding of nature and life together. This understanding can effectively help you make the most of the opportunities that come before you, and hopefully open you to more of those opportunities.

The modern Feng Shui life must continue to evolve in order to address contemporary problems. Environmental factors such as the effect of electromagnetic radiation, indoor plumbing, and other innovations have the potential to clutter the environment and can have a hand in obstructing ch'i flow and disturbing the delicate balance of life.

Many people who work to live a Feng Shui life stress the importance of embracing other life-enhancing factors as well. Since Feng Shui is a holistic lifestyle, it is reasonable that consideration must also be given to the quality of food that we eat, the quality of cosmetics or personal hygiene products that we put into our bodies, and the choices we make concerning products that may or may not use toxic elements so that we may continue to support the environment.

With our world constantly moving and changing, you can never have the best of circumstances all the time. With day there must be night, and times of good luck must come with times of bad, this is one of the primary principles of Yin and Yang. A Feng Shui life can help to manipulate the influences in your life and make it easier for you to be able to meet and handle these changes. It can allow you to make wise and effective decisions which, in turn, can help you achieve wealth and success.

A Feng Shui Life is certainly not some fairy tale or superstition. In fact, Feng Shui is a profound life tool that can be used by anyone to make life better and more harmonious.

Astrology and Etiquette In the 21st Century

Last week I went out for coffee with a Libra Man. Libra is known for having good manners and it was the first time we’d gotten together. We’re both gym rats who pay attention; and we were trading notes on our impressions of things we see in the gym as well as how we felt about each other…

“And then one day I held the door for you,” he said. “And you went by me and I thought, now that's something. I thought you had “IT”.”

“Really?” I thought backwards as fast as I could. This door opening is a big deal to me. It's significant. I could almost remember this specific day. “Well I like that. I like men to open the door for me. So I'm sure I was glad about it.”

“You must have been. Because you stood there and waited for me to get the next door, too.” He smiled.

“I did? Good. That sounds like me. But I would not have done that if you weren't the way you are. Super manly, I mean. Because do you know this door-opening… well men are no longer expected to open doors for women.”

He looked unconvinced.

“Seriously. I've written about this. Last year. Because this happens all the time at the gym. Men don't get the door. I think men should get the door, but others think differently and it turns out they're right. Because when I wrote about this, several people who teach etiquette showed up to say men opening doors for women is antiquated. It's over. People are supposed to get doors for people,” I said.

He looked unconvinced.

“I know. I don't like it. I teach my son (Libra Moon, Libra rising) to get the door. He's seven and I have him hold the elevator door until all the women are in, or out. And he's does it. He looks good doing it too, but he's like a throwback to some other era.”

“I would always get the door for you. For any woman."

“Well, thank you. And I would always let you. But I better know about this, because if you were a 23-year-old man and I stood waiting for you to get the door, I'd be standing there until I am blue. This is just not what they teach anymore. The professional manners people say otherwise. I don't really like men who don't get doors for women. It just seems wrong to me. It’s almost an affront when a man passes in front of a woman. I think it’s gross but I am just telling you this a day that’s gone by. We’re out of the loop. It's just not what is taught anymore and I have had to come to terms with this. But it sure made me feel good when you did that. You were classy, the way you did that. I have "IT"? I think you have "IT". Because I am telling you the men around here do not hold the door. It almost never happens and that day when you did... you held both doors, I liked it. It helped my day. It was as if something were right in the world."

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Astrology Sign Compatibility - 2007 Astrology Forecast

Astrology Sign Compatibility - Can it really help to find the right partner? Will it help me connect to a mate?

Astrology Sign Compatibility is widely used as a way of indicating the compatibility between family, friends, bosses or lovers and those you would like to know more about. Each persons natal horoscope is compared to see how the 2 astrology charts interconnect and the way in which they will effect a relationship. They will show what parts of either persons personality will either hinder or help the relationship. Using astrology sign compatibility is a great way in dealing with other on all levels of your life.

However there is much more to it than just a simple comparison between the Sun signs. But whilst the Sun Signs is a very good place to start it is only the first of many factors which need to be considered in astrology sign compatibility. This is helpful for your 2007 astrology forecast.

The true art of astrological chart compatibility is both complex and fascinating as well as being maddeningly elusive. What should be remembered that each astrologer has their own pet theories regarding the subject of astrology sign compatibility and in some cases may be directly opposite to what another astrologers pet theories are with regard to this subject. This is why there may be different views on the 2007 astrology forecast.

Luckily for those of us who are interested to know about our astrological compatibility with another person that virtually every astrologer around the world has spent many hours of their time in order to understand the subject of compatibility.

There are certain questions you will asked with regard to astrology sign compatbility and these are as follows:-

1. Date of Birth

2. Place where you were born

3. The time at which you were born (this time determines the Ascendant/Descendant axis and house placements). So this is critical for the astrologer to know in order to determine your compatiblity with another person.

Over the last few years astrology sign compatibility has gained great popularity and as many astrologers will tell you that there is much more to it than just astrological compatibility but for many of them the sun sign comparisons is a good place for them to start from.

Astrological Compatibility - Don't Knock It Till You Try It!

Astrological compatibility charts are designed to compare birth signs for compatibility in the areas of romance, career, and all sorts of other things. It can neither be proved that it truly works nor disproved that it is just myth, but there are some people who swear by these charts and will never make a crucial decision in their life without first consulting their horoscope, so it is basically up to you to either believe in them or not. One thing for sure is that the many people who are responsible for creating these charts have become quite wealthy, so something must be working for them.

As for romance, maybe some people believe that they can choose their soul mate by using these charts and comparing birth dates and also the time of birth. For instance whether it was in the morning, or midnight, or afternoon, because all these make a difference in deciding how you choose the right person who is most compatible to you as these are all factors in making you who you are according to astrology. Others use these charts to make decisions such as is the time right for them to change their jobs or go on that job interview and things like that. Basically it is really up to the individual and his or her beliefs that probably play an important part as to whether these charts actually work.

Women tend to be more prone to using these charts than men, because they are more inclined to look towards the spiritual world and are the ones who would quickly believe in their astrology to help them make the right choice when it comes to romance. To these women choosing a partner using these charts would mean that they absolutely cannot go wrong, because they actually believe that they are going to select their perfect soul mate, the one person that they are supposed to be with for the rest of their lives. Most men on the other hand even if they did believe in this sort of stuff would much prefer to go out and have a chance encounter with someone who may well turn out to be their perfect soul mate.

So as to whether astrological compatibility really works, it is left to you the individual to decide because it is really nothing more than what one believes in. So if you are not one to check your horoscope in the newspapers on a daily basis before you even make a decision, then this will definitely not be your first choice on how to choose that perfect someone. On the other hand if you are the type of person who just cannot make a decision without consulting your horoscope first, then using this method will probably give you the best choice of deciding who your perfect mate should be.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Living With Your Aries Child

The Aries child is a "doer". Aries Children have natural enthusiasm and will spur everyone else along. The energy is boundless. This daredevil will want to live and experience everything. There will also be a strong competitive instinct along with a great stamina. This kid will never consider coming second - the "winners" podium is theirs.

Aries will be impatient and will tend to start many projects losing interest long before completion. Frustration is a super-quick instinct with these children - frustration with their own abilities, and frustration in the inability or lack of pace of others too. No one will be in any doubt on how Aries feels.

These children say it as they see it because there is no time for niceties. Time waits for no man. And, the Arian child, unless very well trained, waits for no man either. Aries will actually be quite temperamental but will seldom sulk or carry a bad moment for long. These kids will be genuinely baffled when someone takes offence with an outburst. It is the exclusive right of the Arian character to throw a huff without explanation, but there is little understanding as to why anyone else should react or take things personally. Careful nurturing into tact, diplomacy, sharing and caring -is needed, but "nurture" is the keyword. If force is used, you will be met with rebellion. This fiery youngster will learn better by example, so try to stifle the instinct to yell back. Simply suggest some "time out". Not too long, though, because remember, this child forgets quickly. Just give it long enough for the rampant Aries to reflect and for you to gather your wits.

These kids need to be taught to listen and respect other people, and they do want to learn. So, start early by encouraging Aries to take responsibility for disruptive behavior. Encourage this child to look at the cause and effect and accept where they went wrong. Maybe quietly suggest an alternative for future reference. Aries will eventually learn to be more considerate and become easier to live with. No one will be more honest than this child will - they haven't got time to stop and think about lies or deception. They speak from the cuff and give it to you straight. Also watch for a natural sense of fun.

These kids will love to share a joke or a prank with you and will probably laugh at your jokes even when the meaning is way beyond the baby thinking patterns. This is their way of joining in. Competitive sport is a great way of using up some of this remarkable stamina. It will make the best use of the determination and also the sheer energy that Aries will have. It will also encourage team spirit and discipline. Bear in mind that having several planets in the signs, Pisces or Taurus, before and after Aries can add a lot of patience to your young Aries character.

Predictions for Aries in 2007

Chiron is sextile your Aries Sun Sign. This transit will occur only twice in each 50-year cycle of Chiron. During this time, you're likely to have a deflated ego and overall lack of self-confidence. At times it may seem easier to not even try to succeed, rather than risk failure. Be willing to promote yourself and you may be surprised by the outcome. You are particularly charming and persuasive now, and this could open many doors to new opportunities for your own personal and professional advancement. Although you feel a great need to make a difference in the world, you don't need to receive all the credit. Your real rewards come from developing your spirituality and higher consciousness.

You will be presented with many opportunities to clearly recognize patterns you've repeated in your relationships that have caused a great deal of suffering. This is a good time to work on dropping unhealthy habits and patterns from your life so you can stop repeating the same mistakes (and choosing the wrong people). Be willing to accept your share of credit for any "failed" relationships now, and you'll grow a great deal. Be willing to forgive others, and to admit you're wrong if need be. Chances are that they will treat you similarly. The more progress you can make now toward curing self-destructive patterns (usually related to childhood wounds that have never healed), the less difficulty you'll have when Chiron conjoins or squares your natal Sun in a few years.

You are attracted to alternative forms of health care now, and you may even develop healing talents yourself. If you become a healer, you will pursue your new vocation with great intensity and purpose, as though it were your life's destiny. In a way it is, because as you learn to help others, you will also heal yourself in the process. Whatever you choose to do now, you have the power to bring your ideas into reality. Build your self-confidence by creating more of whatever it is in your life that brings you the most joy. Then set new goals (which are likely to be higher than previous ones). Some people will try to convince you that the goals you seek cannot be attained.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Numerology and the Influence of Names

Does the popularity of names within a given nation reflect the influences that emerge within a culture? If the underlying premise of Numerology is that the archetype of Number exerts an influence upon an entity, and we define ( for the moment ) an entity as an individual, than a collection of individuals will influence a culture with a preponderance of that influence they share. In other words, we should be able to see a reflection of the first name influence within the cultural character in which we find the influence.

For example, the most popular names for the current decade ( 2000-2007) are as follows; males:
1) Jacob
2) Michael
3) Joshua

and females:
1) Emily
2) Madison
3) Hannah.

When we calculate the value of these names an interesting patterns appears. The values, in the above order, are 13/4, 33/6, 20/2, 28/10/1, 30/3, 28/10/1. The first pattern we find is that the male names all reduce to ‘female’ numbers ( evens ) and all of the female names reduce to ‘masculine’ numbers ( odds ). The second obvious phenomenon is the repetition of the 28/10/1 influence in the female names. What might this indicate? Only a comparative study of name trends and cultural attributes would allow us to draw conclusions with a reasonable degree of certainty. However, it might be interesting to speculate.

First, we might surmise that the generation currently being born will return to more traditional cultural values as opposed to a superficial reading suggesting some sort of ‘role’ or ‘gender’ reversal. The males all indicate an influence concerned with relationships; to work and honest values ( 4 ), to family and civic life ( 6 ), and to others in general and those in positions of authority in particular ( 2 ). The females, despite the masculine numbers, are firmly planted within the traditional framework. The 1 of independence that appears twice is quite spectacular in this regard: it is the reduction of the 28/10. The 10 is a 1 influence that is self-sacrificing and symbolizes a mastery over internal states and unconscious influences. Now, both the 10 and the 28 are even ‘feminine’ numbers but, the 28 is unique. First, it is related to the moon and the lunar phases and second, because of its relation to the menstrual cycle. Again, the 30/3 is remarkable. The ‘masculine’ 3 is often considered the first ‘real’ number since it is the product of 1 and 2. It is an expressive, artistic number. The addition of the 0 to the 3 in the 30 indicates a perfecting of the 3 influence.

Of course such a study offers a number of methadological considerations. The verdict will be out until the current generation being born comes of age but, until then, watch closely the emering trends and ask where its causes rest!

Avoiding Inauspicious Locations - Inauspicious Directions and Inauspicious Stars in Feng Shui

A lot of time, people who are new to Feng Shui are more keen in enhancing wealth, health, and relationships, but often overlook the importance of avoiding the inauspicious locations, inauspicious directions and inauspicious stars.

By avoiding these inauspicious factors, one may be able to avoid potential problems that lie ahead. These inauspicious locations, directions and stars include annual San Sha (3 Killings), Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter), Sui Po, inauspicious locations and directions according to personal gua, annually and monthly 2 Black and 5 Yellow Stars in Flying Stars Feng Shui.

To check your personal gua, your auspicious and inauspicious locations and directions, you may use the Personal Gua Calculator. One should try to avoid facing these directions or staying in these locations.

To locate the annually and monthly 2 Black and 5 Yellow Stars, both Flying Stars Year Chart and Flying Stars Month Chart are required. One should try to avoid facing these directions or staying in these locations.

The table below lists the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) and Sui Po for the next few coming years, please use the 24 Mountains chart with the table. One should try to avoid facing these directions.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Do You Have a Wounded Moon?

Astrologers have known about the wounded Moon for centuries, but most psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists are totally oblivious to how this affliction affects the life of an individual.

What is a wounded Moon?

When the outer planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto form a negative relation to a person's Moon in their birth chart, they are emotionally wounded. This is not a rare occurrence. It is often found in the charts of many people.

It is important to realize that the Moon in your birth chart shows how you receive and give nurturing. When our Moon is afflicted by the outer planets, we often feel totally unstained emotionally by life.

A skilled astrologer can see these aspects immediately and can determine how these planets impact your emotional life.

Here Are Some Indications of a Wounded Moon

When Saturn has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: Saturn has often been called "the leaden planet" because its dark energy leads a person to feel heavy, emotionally depressed, and blocked from any sense of inner nurturing. They are often unaware of the cause of this depression. This person was born depressed, because their life began in a depressing environment. The nurturing energy of the mother (the Moon) was denied them. Even though the mother may be present after birth, the child gets the message that she is cold and uncaring. This Saturn aspect indicates that the mother does not sustain the child emotionally. There may be karmic conditions in which she has no choice. But, regardless of the circumastances, the child feels unloved and unprotected by the mother.

When Uranus has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: When Uranus afflicts the Moon it creates a volatile energy and indicates an emotionally rebellious individual. They cannot tolerate any restrictions or boundaries in their personal life. They may have had some traumatic birth experience where they had a hard time getting out of the womb. This experience could be the cause of why they have such strong reactions to being restricted in any way. Their attitude towqrd their mother or other family members may be unreasonable and emotionally reactive. They seem to be very touchy individuals and can "fly off the handle" in an instant.

When Neptune has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: A Moon that is afflicted by Neptune often reveals a deep sadness in the person. They feel that they were abandoned by the mother and feel totally unsustained by her. This condition creates very deep emotional needs and often leads the person to become a caretaker of others in order to feel nurtured themselves. They have a great "need to be needed" and will often sacrifice their own life caring for others. In this way, they feel connected emotionally. They have a strong feeling that they have never had a home and feel cut off from any inner nurturing.

When Pluto has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart: This is a very deep and painful affliction which creates tremendous anxiety within the individual. When there is even a hint that their security is threatened, they will burst out in a most terrifying rage. Much of this exists in their imagination, but nevertheless, very real to them. To most people the event that triggered the rage seems like a very minor one. The negative outburst seems totally uncalled for. This person is always "putting out fires" which don't really exist. They often react with such intensity that people tend to avoid their company. They can be very coercive and emotionally demanding, and they find it practically impossible to adjust their needs to the needs of others. They are simply too busy trying to take care of their own security needs to be bothered by those of other people.

Your Mysterious Horoscope

Many rich and fulfilling answers lie hidden in the horoscope of every human being. Unfortunately, most people are not only suspicious of this wonderful celestial map of the psyche, but even tend toward the tongue in check "What's your sign?" approach.

This unknowing attitude is akin to looking at the clothes I wear and assuming that you understand me.

The "What's your sign?" approach is a very shallow way of looking at astrology.

Because there are nine other heavenly bodies which are also located in a sign. Your Moon could be in Scorpio, your Venus in Libra, your Mars in Leo, your Jupiter in Gemini, your Saturn in Virgo, your Uranus in Taurus, your Neptune in Libra and your Pluto in Libra. Each one of these planets and their relationships reveal a ton of information about you. Now, you can see when you ask someone, "What's your sign?" why you will not find enough information that you can can really depend on.

One session with a competent astrologer will instantly change the way you look at your horoscope. For instance, in a matter of minutes, a skilled astrologer can tell how you think, what your talents are, what you don't like, and the kind of people you are attracted to. Of course, he can tell you much more. This is only the beginning. There are many things that he can see right away. Other insights will follow as he delves deeper into your horoscope.

If you have a session with a skilled astrologer, I assure you that you will never again ask "What's your sign?" You will understand that a horoscope contains a great well of information about who you are, where you are going, and what you are destined to do.

I can make such a statement, because I have read thousands of horoscopes and I am still discovering new insights. This shows that this wonderful map of the psyche is far deeper than any person who reads it. No matter how long I study it, it still holds many mysteries yet to be understood.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The World of Astrology Matching

Many centuries ago, people considered astrology as both an art and a science. Those who practiced it were held in great respect. They gave advice to ancient kings and emperors on important matters like when to go into battle and when to marry. However, the astronomers and the astrologers gradually separated from each other as the years go by. In our modern age, these wise sages appear in the magazines to give all of us our horoscope. I admit that I find astrology matching a fascinating subject, even if I am not really interested in its fortune telling aspect.

In some people’s opinion, the idea of our personalities being shaped by the position of the stars at the time of our birth is a ridiculous notion. I have read about the twelve signs of the zodiac and the merits and faults of each one. I am surprised to find that many things ring true when I observed my family and friends. Astrology matching is probably the most complex issue of all. In this method, you can evaluate how different signs will get along. You can apply astrology matching to family relationships, friendships, business relationships and romantic ones.

A few weeks ago, I purchased a big, fat book on astrology which focused on the idea of astrology matching. The first thing I looked at was if me and my husband's match is a good one. Apparently, we are one of the best matches because I am Cancer and he is Scorpio. However, this winning combination didn't do Prince Charles and Princess Diana any good so there are also exceptions when it comes to astrology matching.

The various zodiac signs falls into the four classic elements of air, water, fire and earth. This means that those who are under the fire signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery, passionate persons. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini fall which in the Air signs are the cerebral thinkers. The Earth signs which include Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are the no nonsense, salt of the Earth types. Lastly, the Water signs which include Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio are the emotional, sensitive ones. These elements are important when it comes to astrology matching.

The topic of finding a soul mate always comes up whenever astrology matching is being discussed. This is not focused on finding an identical person, but someone who will complement you with their own attributes. The pairing of two signs together is not always a good idea because it doubles up on too many things. For example, two Cancers together could make for too much sulking and two Leos could be a little too volatile. Make sure that matching through astrology should not have too much influence on your choice of mate. You should just give it some notice and you may be surprised by the outcome.

What Do The Stars Predict For Your Future? Try Astrology To Find Out

If you like astrology, you'll be happy to get astrology readings both via the Internet and offline. For myself, I get a number of freebies every day by e-mail, and it's quite comical how they all vary! What can you expect though, given that they're not calculated using my own birth data - for which reason I see this kind of astrology only as a source of entertainment.

So, as a mere fun interest, naturally I'd never suggest basing any serious life decisions on something like astrology. I see it in terms of an oddity or curiosity, even if it does have some sort of impressive history in dating way back to Ancient Babylon. Regardless of what my newspaper horoscope tells me, I favour an approach of combined reason and intuition - unless of course I have some irrational but overwhelming feeling that I ought to purchase a lottery ticket, in which case it's only a small price to pay for being wrong.

To sum up: my own view of astrology readings that are based on your sun sign alone and nothing more personal are just a harmless piece of fun. If you want to go more in-depth, have a full birth chart calculated on the basis of your place of birth, date and time. (A chart can still be done without a precise time but it won't be as personal as one without.) This can give a detailed character analysis; in addition, if you want such extra services, you can check out your horoscope compatibility with your partner, which is technically known as synastry.

Naturally, having the full works done, allows your astrologer to make more personalized and specific future forecasts - although whether or not you choose to believe in their validity is another matter entirely. For myself, I simply enjoy the psychological aspects of chart analysis and how this can sometimes shed interesting light on a subject's character. I've never really been sure how much in life is fated or merely random; and I have to say that astrologers seem pretty much divided over this deep philosophical question too.

Whatever the truth of the matter, you might be interested in having some free astrology readings done from mere curiosity. There are sites which offer sample readings, possibly leading to a fuller, paid one if you're sufficiently interested. Although you may know your Western star sign, you may not know your Eastern or Vedic astrology sign, or indeed your Chinese astrology one. You might even like to sample them all to see which system describes you best. After all, it can be either free or very low-cost to try an astrology reading. offers a tempting selection for those curious about this ancient celestial art.