Saturday, December 16, 2006

Here Comes the Sun (Signs) - Romance, Astrology and You - Water Signs

Cancer – Caring - (June 22 – July 22) Cancer is ruled by the Moon and its symbol is the crab. It is a Water sign, and as such is connected to the world of emotion and the instincts. People react in a positive way to your sensitive intuitive nature. If it’s a love interest you are after, you instinctively know how to get the attention you desire. Because you are a good friend and confidante, people have a tendency to confess their sins to you. When it comes to flirting you prefer a more demure or reserved approach to one that is overt. You are a caring, nurturing lover and enjoy cuddling and hand-holding. You may seduce the object of your desire with a home-cooked meal of fare that is fit for a king or queen. You tend to fuss over the object of your affections, a clear indication that you are interested in pursuing the relationship further. Pampering and affection are your signatures in romance. You are also very protective of your love interests (all relationships for that matter) and will go to the ends of the earth to make those in your life feel safe and secure. Family is important to you and you enjoy sharing family traditions as well as starting those of your own creation. For you, home is where the heart is. A Cancerean in full courtship mode will invite their love interest to meet the family. You make those you love feel like the center of the universe.

Scorpio - (October 24 – November 21) Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars and is symbolized by the scorpion. As a Water sign it is connected with the world of emotions. You can be intently focused, even absorbed on the object of your desire. You are send by others as sultry, emotional and even a "dangerous". Your passionate nature can smolder for days, weeks and even months and then it all of the sudden erupts into a volcanic fire that is almost impossible to contain. You have a sexy animal magnetism" that can subtly seduces the object of your desires. There is a mesmerizing way about you; when you look into the eyes of your love it is as though you are looking deep into their soul. You are a born detective and will go to almost any lengths to find out about someone to whom you have an interest in. You are intense and emotionally perceptive. When hurt, you don’t mend easily and don’t forgive quickly (if ever). You know how to channel your energy and power into exploring your lover’s sexuality. You are intuitive and inquisitive; there are no secrets you won’t discover. However, your nature is such that you may keep a few secrets of your own. Ever resourceful and self-confident, you know what’s best for you and think you know what’s best for others. Sex with a Scorpio is anything but subtle, it is full of energy, daring and can even involve some risk taking. You are looking for a fearless lover, one willing to create a romance that will unleash your passions.

Pisces - (February 22 – March 21) Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune , and its symbol is two fish bound together. Pisces is a water sign, emotional and compassionate. You have an air of mystery and love a good secret. You love affairs of the heart and could become involved in a love tryst or steamy affair. You can be shy or coy, and your sensitive side and air of vulnerability can and will often work to your advantage to attract the object of your desires. You love romance and fantasy and sometimes have a hard time separating the two. You are able to share your deepest feelings with the one you love and often connect on a soul level. It is said the eyes are the window to the soul and you often find yourself flirting with your eyes. Pisces men are often seen as gallant (opening doors, and offering a hand) and both sexes can be self-sacrificing often putting the needs of their lover ahead of their own. You tend to daydream and often have your head in the clouds. You would rather go with the flow than ruffle feathers. You love to serve your lover and shower him or her with delightful fantasies. You have a spiritual nature, and are very creative. When it comes to romance, you can be unpredictable and truly enjoy the game of love, although you will pursue the object of your affection with slow, careful intent.

How to Use Zodiac Sign to Resolve Conflicts

The best way to understand the zodiac signs is to think of them as twelve separate energy fields in space that consist of either fire, earth, air, or water. This is easy to understand if you think of what happens when you pour water on fire. Obviously, you know that the fire goes out. In a sense, water has eliminated it. We all know that fire and water are not compatible.

It is helpful to know that all of us are made up of various combinations of fire, earth, air, and water energies. Our particular combination of these elements are revealed in our astrological birth chart. They reveal who we are as a human being.

For example, if you have a lot of fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) in your nature you would not get along with a person who was born with a lot of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). You would feel that the water person is too emotional, sensitive, and incapable of facing reality.

On the other hand, the water person would view you as blunt, impulsive, arrogant, and insensitive to their feelings. People encounter these kinds of dramas every day of their lives, but are not conscious of what is behind the conflicts they have with other people.

To be more specific, if you have your Moon in Cancer and your co-worker has his Mars in Aries, he will always be seen by you as a real jerk because his impulsive reactions irritate you emotionally. If you knew that these are the signs that are at the source of your problems, you could find a way to work with them. You would be able to talk about these differences and work out a solution. You might even find it humorous!

It is helpful to know that there are three fire signs, three earth signs, three air signs, and three water signs. When planets are found in these signs, they activate the energies of the signs. This is the valuable information that a skilled astrologer can find for you. He can even tell you what your relationship would be like with any other person BEFORE you even get to know them.

If you practice looking at your relationship problems in this way, you will find answers that you never thought imaginable. All you need to do is explore these secret realms of consciousness and you will be well-rewarded with great insights into human nature.

Friday, December 15, 2006

How the Planets Reveal the Secret Dramas of Your Life

At this very moment, the planets are silently moving through your inner world while astronomers observe them in the heavens, never suspecting that they are looking in the wrong place for the deeper answers to life.

For instance, do you know where Mars is right now? No, I don't mean in the sky. Shut down your telescope and look within. The inner sky where the planets are silently moving and setting the stage for your next event. That event could be taking a trip, writing a book, washing your car, cooking dinner, buying a house, or making love. Such events are seen by the astrologer who observes the movements of the planets that pass through your psyche.

I have often said that each one of us is a miniature solar system, but few people understand or even believe this.

I know. You don't believe it, either. But that's all right. I know you could never believe this if you didn't investigate these hidden truths on your own.

For those adventurous souls with less conventional minds, I say put your date, time, and place of birth in one of those online programs that offer you a free birth chart and print out this amazing wheel. This wheel with all of its strange symbols, will tell you what tendencies you were born with and when the future movement of planets will trigger these tendencies.

A Brief Look At The Puranas (Origin of planets) Enjoy Indian Astrology

Astrology or Jyotish is an integral part of the Vedas. Though in the Vedas the emphasis is more on Astronomy, there was hardly any distinction between Astrology and Astronomy in the Vedic period. Both were studied to determine the auspicious timings for making offerings to propitiate the Gods. The Vedas, therefore, made detailed studies of the stars and the movement of planets across the sky. Eclipses had to be timed because they signified evil portents. The obliteration of the luminaries, however temporary, could not be good for the mere mortals.

The stories regarding the birth of planets are found in the Puranas, which are of a later vintage. There are 18 Puranas. They deal with the story of creation, the tussle between the Gods and demons, the various forms and reincarnations of Lord Vishnu and sometimes even the genealogy of kings on earth. The same story appears in several Puarnas and predictably, the versions differ from one another.

In the early stages, Puranas were also an oral tradition. While elaborate care was taken to preserve the integrity of the Vedas so that distortions might not creep into them through repeated retelling, no such precaution was thought necessary for the Puranas. The Vedas were sacrosanct. The Puranas were not quite as sacred.

Methods of memorizing the Vedas were very interesting. Let us assume that we have a sentence in the Vedas - "God is good". (Actually, Vedas do not dish out such simple sentences. We have cooked up an example to illustrate a point). One student would memorize it as "God is good". That is normal. We all go through a similar exercise the night before our exams.

But a second one would do it in a strange form:

"Doog si dog" - memorizing it backwards. There would be a third who would do something even more strange:

"Go od di is sg go oo od".

This gobbledygook can be easily unscrambled to find the original message. There were many more ways; all were simultaneously practiced to ensure that if corruption took place in one it would be rectified by comparing it with the others.

In one method two sentences would be mixed up in a manner not entirely unlike sending scrambled digital packets across the broad bandwidth.

But enough of that! Let us go back to the story of the planets as given in some of the Puranas. These were subsequently changed, modified, expanded until they became part of a rich folklore of India with all its sectarian bias and regional garnish.

So the stores we bring to you here originated in the Puranas but got extensively revised through successive retelling!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sagittarius Sign North Node Your Soul’s Mission and Path to Fulfillment

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chart that possess priceless information about one's karmic past and soul-destined future.Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his partner's, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, a Sagittarius sign north node is paired with an Gemini sign south node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that resides within the Sagittarius north node/Gemini south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situation that could go on for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life - professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn't understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is power...and that's why I offer a bit of it to give you the strength and courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week I'd like to begin with a brief overview of the Sagittarius sign north node/Gemini sign south node position.

To start, let's take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents the comfortable but not necessarily healthy habits within your personality - patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and released.

The north node, on the other hand, represents your soul's potential - the direction of the future...the behavioral habits that will lead you to greater happiness and the kind of life that you will find fulfilling.

Here are a few Gemini sign south node traits that should be put to rest, sort of speak, if the individual with this nodal position is to live an emotionally rich life:

Inconsistent, deceptive, nervous, tense, unreliable, distracted, moody, gossipy, easily bored, unfocused, manipulative, scattered, lost in the present, high-strung.

Here are a few Sagittarius sign north node traits that this individual might at first find foreign but eventually will need to embrace if he is to connect to his true soul potential and live the life he was meant to live:

Optimistic, straightforward, truth-seeking, ethical, goal-oriented, futuristic, philosophical, love for freedom, love for nature, love for travel (intellectual, spiritual, and/or physical), desire to teach.

The journey from a Gemini sign south node to a Sagittarius sign north node will not be easy. But then again, neither is anything else in life that’s worth doing.

Obstacles are simply strategically placed hurdles meant to remind us of our inner strength and hidden needs. Therefore, as long as the Sagittarius sign north node individual remembers that his soul is creating the kind of life he needs in order to evolve as a spiritual individual, he will make it through the transformation just fine.

The following are some of the hurdles that the Sagittarius north node individual must overcome in order to feel a sense of direction in his life;

• He must release his fear of commitment

• He must explore who he is at the core; what he believes in and what he is willing to defend

• He must stop participating in gossip and trying to pass others’ opinions as his own

• He must realize that constant duality in thought and action only leads to unsteadiness and confusion

• He must learn to make choices

• He must seek higher knowledge

• He must practice speaking his own truth

• He must let go of all that is superficial within himself and devote his life to searching out the real and natural

For only when the Sagittarius sign north individual masters the lessons mentioned above, will he be able to create the soul-connected existence he so desperately seeks.

The north node path is offering the Sagittarius sign soul an opportunity to gain wisdom, strength, and freedom. But it is still up to him to decide whether to accept the gift.

Having said all that, it might not be such a bad idea for the Sagittarius sign north node soul to surround himself with as many people and symbols that can support his journey. By encircling himself with people who understand him and symbols that exude the Sagittarius sign energy, he invites the support needed to follow his internal voice and path to fulfillment.

Now, if you’re reading this article and it's your mate that has the Sagittarius sign north node, and you do that for your mate, well...that's just about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her.

What is Attraction Astrology May Have a Surprising Answer

Most people are convinced that attraction has to do with physical appearance. They tend to judge relationships with others based on this. To some extent there can be no doubt that physical appearance has a great deal to do with attraction. The sums paid to movie and tv stars, mostly because their appearance is pleasing to look at, proves this. Men who are taller often have better jobs than smaller fat men, for people tend to be attracted to what is pleasing to look at it, and our society pays for this in big ways.

Yet, if this is all there is to attraction, then what explains in far greater numbers, the millions of people whose lives find them in relationships with people who have none of the glamour of movie stars, and in fact may even have less than pleasing physical appearances. The fact is, that most relationships, are based on a kind of attraction that is deeper than what our physical senses can perceive.

Astrology has a much more significant answer to attraction that society as a whole would do well to consider. To understand this, think for a moment, of some unexplainable situations that have certainly occurred in your life. Have you ever found yourself attracted to someone and could not understand why? Maybe even your family and friends tried to dissuade you from pursuing a relationship with someone they might not have thought was suitable for you. Yet, you might have persisted anyway.

Not only that, but in most instances, individuals pursue anomalous relationships, regardless of pressures from families, peers, co-workers or even what they believe to be their own best judgment.

Sometimes these relationships work out, regardless of the rules of society or the social boundaries they break. Yet, the question of why these relationships exist in the first place, seems elusive to any good common sense that some of us are from time to time blessed with.

Astrology in its incredible fairness to all, never judges attractiveness by physical appearance. It recognizes the fact that some people have more pleasing features than others, and can often describe these features with different Ascendants, yet the question of why people become involved in deeply attracted relationships for no outward apparent reason happens because of a very simple astrological fact.

Every planet in your chart is in a certain zodiac sign at a certain degree. This is true for all people even though the signs and degrees are different. Attraction occurs when specific planets in another person's chart are affecting your planets.

Thus, if you are a female with Mars at a certain degree of Aries, you would find yourself attracted to any male whose Venus is at the same degree of Aries as your Mars. In the female, Mars symbolizes what she is looking for in a male, while in the male chart, Venus symbolizes what the individual idealizes in a female.

What becomes so fascinating about this, is that physical appearance, age, philosophical or religious values, income status, or a host of many other variables become secondary to the strength of the planetary magnetism that somehow brings individuals together.

Yet astrological attraction is not limited to Mars and Venus chart contacts. Astrology not only recognizes planetary attractions from all the planets, but even differentiates as to what kind of relationship these attractions are, based on the nature of the planets involved as well as the signs they are in.

As a result, if the female with Mars in Aries happened to meet someone with Saturn in Aries at the same or almost the same degree, the attraction would be more of a student-teacher relationship, where Mars the planet of youth learns from Saturn the planet of old age and wisdom.

So, the next time you see what appears to be the most unlikely couple walking down the street, especially if it is a tall young statuesque woman with a short fat bald man, just remember, what they feel is written in the stars, way beyond the standards of physical attraction.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What Does It Mean to Be Psychic?

What does it mean to be psychic? I write this story today to tell you that becoming a psychic is never easy. It takes hard work and discipline. Some people have the normal instincts for becoming a psychic and others have to work really hard at it. It's sort of like a baseball player playing for major leagues. Although he knows how to throw the ball, a person with similar talent may not become a major league baseball player. That is because he has a natural talent to play baseball. The second thing to remember is that no one is perfect. Not even psychics. If you think that all of your psychic words should come to pass, you are wrongly mistaken. Only God is perfect.

Sometimes we may hear a psychic word wrong or God just wants to give your client a word that may not make sense to us at the time. However, God uses those words to make our clients realize that he is once and for all God and that he can change the hearts of the people. God is the one who changes man. We can ask God into our lives and he can be there for us. We need to sit back and watch as God gives us the words to give to our clients. Remember, only God is perfect. He can only give words of accurate truth in the whole. When you are giving someone a psychic reading, try to remember that you are an aid of confirmation. What you are saying to your client should be confirmation to what they already know.

Sometimes you will reveal a surprising detail about them and they will tell you what that word is. When this happens, remember that God is on your side and he will make that word come to pass. It's rare to pick up a name or an actual date. It does happen from time to time. The best way to ensure an accurate word is to look deeply into your third eye which is at the center of your forehead and tell the client what you see. Do not put your own two senses into anything or else you will be disappointed. You can only meet your approval if you tell the client what you see. Do not try and rationalize it. Be patient when it comes to giving accurate words of understanding. Only God can give you words that people will understand. Third, be sure to give yourself enough time to do an accurate reading. If you do not ensure yourself accurate time to do a word, you will feel rushed over the phone or the place that you do your reading.

The best way to read someone is to close your eyes and visualize what you have in front of your face. When you realize how much God has for you, then you will certainly see how much God can give to you at the same time. I know that it may be tough, but give your heart to God first, see it in your mind and then say that word with all of your heart. You will then know for sure that what you are seeing is real and not duplicated. Your only job during a psychic reading is to give your client an accurate understanding of what is happening to them in the present or what may happen to them in the future.

Methods and Techniques of Medical Astrology

Medical astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the possible and actual health and diseases of the client. Usually, people come to the astrologer in times of great life changes, such as

Should I change my job?

When will I come into my inheritance?

Should I marry him/her? etc

To the medical astrologer, however, people come in the progressed stages of the illness, often after some kind of surgery has already taken place, along with a rich history of dealing with doctors. The usual questions for the medical astrologer are:

Should I go for surgery?

Does it have to be a surgery?

When should the surgery take place?

Why don't we have children?

Do I have cancer?

Will my cancer come to pass this year? etc

If the events in the history of illness coincide with certain astrological transits and configurations, we can find the astrological reason for illness, give the prognosis for the course and duration of the illness, and decide upon a therapy needed and so on. The opposite situation often takes place as well: the client comes for the usual astrological session, but the astrologer sees in the horoscope a danger long before the illness has manifested and materialized.

A great deal of expectations is attached to the advice the medical astrologer gives. Will there be a surgery or not, to go for chemotherapy or not, for a radiology therapy or not...

"On Tuesday, I have a radiology therapy appointment, should I go?"

"The doctor recommended taking my bladder away to stop the cancer from spreading, should I do that or not?"

Medical astrology is the cruelest branch of astrology. If you cannot bear meeting with tough, terminal pathologies, if you do not want to take lethal responsibility for the consequences of you advice -- you better don't do it. If you are not a medical doctor by profession, you will have to prepare well and read literature, consult medical doctors, gather information from the Internet, take part in forums, groups, membership sites etc.

The problems of curing are drastically different to what astrologers usually do during the reading. In an ideal world, astrologers advise and clients change their behavior, in order to spend the surplus energy the planets and stars send them. Medical astrologer may be more concrete and suggest wearing certain crystals, colours, aromatherapy, flower remedies and so on. It is best that the professions of medical astrologer and medical doctor do not mix. Ideally, medical astrologer does not cure and the client is not the patient, unless the medical astrologer is medical doctor as well, or eventually, a qualified homeopath. Neither should medical astrologer be a healer: he or she should only give a highly qualified prognosis of malefic influences that have already manifested as a disease and will -- unless nothing is undertaken -- continue to manifest thus, probably with heavier consequences as the time progresses.

Medical astrologer reaches out for all astrological techniques and methods from which something can be deduced about the nature of illness. He or she must be, above all, a competent astrologer, must command a wide array of astrological techniques and use them for the benefit of the client and their health. Since he or she gives advice about healing, but cannot heal on his own, in an ideal world, he or she should be connected to doctors and healers, should know their natal charts and through synastry decide whom the patient should see next. However, for practical reasons, it is best that the client finds his or her own doctors and healers to go after visiting the astrologer, otherwise, in case something goes wrong (and with ill people it always will), the astrologer can be accused of having a deal with the health practitioner that he has sent the client to.

From the chart, it is possible to decide upon the kind of therapy, such as homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, vibropathy, massage, classical medicine, attending spas, aromatherapy, crystal healing, Su Jok, etc.

The Signs

Signs represent the twelve large systems in the body of man, starting with Aries which represents the head, all through the sign of Pisces, ruling the feet. The signs that contain the planets, either by birth or through progressed horoscopes, will stand out, or will most probably be the sources of illness. For each sign a special tissue salt exists; these are the building materials for human body, the substances through the combination of which tissues, organs, systems of organs, and finally the entire body are built. Using these salts on their own or by combining them in material or homeopathic doses, one's health can be much improved.

Quite similarly, for each sign a special type of food is best. Medical astrologer will be qualified to give advice about food, and this will also improve the client's health in numerous ways. Using the theory of doctrines, i.e. finding the similarities between the zodiac, body, and herbs, it is also possible to connect signs with herbs and prescribe them to help the patient.

Degrees of the Horoscope in Medical Astrology

Each sign has 30 degrees, and each of these 360 degrees is connected to one part of the body. The planet on that degree is a predisposition for an illness -- the degree tells us which part of the body is in question, while the planet will show what kind of disease it will be. In a similar manner, it is possible to connect the midpoints and the degrees.

The Planets, Asteroids, and the Uranian Planets in Medical Astrology

The planets are sources of energy in the horoscope, and each is unique. For instance, the energy of Mars is fire-like; he flames up the fires in the body (resulting in high temperature) and cleanses it thus. Neptune stands for bacteria that are known to the medicine, while Pluto is for the unknown bacteria, and so on. The asteroids, the large ones in particular, such as Ceres, Juno and others, behave in a similar way. In medical astrology, the Uranian planets can also be used. There are eight "Uranian" planets which have no astronomical data, but the influence of which can be felt quite strongly in the chart. Some of these planets have strong medical connotations, so using them can increase the credibility of medical astrology analysis up to 90% of success.

The Houses in Medical Astrology

Out of the twelve houses in the usual astrology, five are more significant that the others:

First house -- the physical body,

Sixth house -- diseases,

Eighth house -- support from others, sex, death, karma, terminal states, cancer,

Twelfth house -- isolation, hospitals and monasteries, psychic problems, auto-immunity.

However, every house has its own special meaning in medical astrology:

No. 1 -- face, consciousness, brain tumors, brain insults, etc

No. 2 -- blood, electrolytes, hormones, food intake, hypophysis, diabetes.

No. 3 -- the lungs, speech problems,

No. 4 -- producing food for others, mother, milk; genetics, inheritance,

No. 5 -- heart, infarction of myocardium,

No. 6 -- diseases, personal hygiene, meals, day to day habits,

No. 7 -- death through brain problems, balance of the body, spine,

No. 8 -- Expelling of the processed foods, hypophysis, adrenal cortex, kidneys,

No. 9 -- the upper part of brain, cerebral hemisphere, Jupiter rules over the left, Neptune rules over the right hemisphere;

No. 10 -- metabolism,

No. 11 -- circulation, hemorrhagia,

No. 12 -- autoimmune diseases, thymus, immunity in general, liver.

The ruler of the house is the main indicator of the events related to the house, while the planets in the house are not so important. For instance, to see what kinds of illnesses one can have, take a look at the sixth house and its ruler, its position, aspects and transits. Only after the ruler remained under pressure for a long time, we could be allowed to start predicting the existence of a disease.

Planetary Aspects

How will a planet express its energies primarily depends on its relations with other planets, which boils down to the angle that those two planets make with the centre of the circle. Each pair of planets brings its own kind of sickness, for instance, a combination of Sun and Saturn will slow down the metabolism, while the Sun and Mars make it easy for the person to burn his or her own energy -- such persons often go in for sports.

The angle of 150 degrees (inconjunction) is especially malefic. Whenever there is an exact inconjunction between two planets in the chart, the person will have to live through various troubles of medical nature. Malefic aspects from malefic planets to the Moon are the worst. Squares are extremely malefic, so Saturn squaring the Moon gives a predisposition towards cancer, although the same effect may be seen from malefic aspects from Neptune and/or Pluto to the Moon. Just as in other branches of astrology, malefic aspects produce action -- an illness of a kind. But, it always pays to see where the good aspects are, because they bring amelioration, often a complete cure -- sometimes through remedies, sometimes through persons that resemble the description of the aspect (for instance, a trine to Neptune -- healing through an apothecary etc.)

If there are no beneficial aspects to the rulers of the 6th, 8th and/or 12th houses, then we should find persons whose planets create harmonious aspects. If that person is the doctor or a healer, healing will be successful.

Midpoints in Medical Astrology

Each planet is on the middle distance of another two planets, as if in a triple conjunction. For every midpoint there is a special medical delineation: the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn denotes liver, while MA/SA (the midpoint for Mars and Saturn) denotes spasms, in more involved cases even death. Midpoints make each chart as unique as possible and you cannot do medical astrology well if you are not using them. For even greater precision, include the Uranian planets and their midpoints, especially in progressed charts.

Medical Aphorisms

Medical aphorisms are configurations typical for specific diseases and states. For instance, Mars on 29 Scorpio near the Ascendent will give a predisposition towards bronchitis, as will any squared malefic in Gemini, as will Saturn on the Ascendent in a mutable sign... and there may be more such combinations, for any given illness. The medical astrologer must be very well acquainted with such configurations and should be able to recognize them in the chart. However, the clients won't hold it against you if the middle of the session you look up at the manual -- they won't care if it helps them get cured!

In these modern times, it is possible to have astrology software compute medical configurations in the natal chart. To be more precise, without such a piece of software, it would be very difficult to do medical astrology, because there are hundreds of such configurations.

Diagnosing an Illness Based on the Natal Chart

Every chart contains dozens of potentially problematic configurations. It does not mean that that person must be ill just because such configurations exist in the chart, neither will it mean that the person will have all those illnesses at once, neither will it mean that all possibilities for illnesses in the chart must become reality. Configuration is a predisposition for illness, and it will manifest itself only when at least three predispositions are active at the same time. For instance, a square between the Moon and Saturn is the most frequent natal predisposition for cancer. The second predisposition may then come every seven years, since it takes seven years for the progressed Moon to make another malefic aspect to the natal Saturn. The third factor may come into play through a solar chart, in which there may be, say, an in conjunction between the Moon and Saturn. Or the third factor may come through a slow transit of Saturn, perhaps through its stationary point squaring the natal Moon. If there are four such factors at one and the same period of time, the client will feel as if surrounded by evil and wherever they turn to, the situation looks hopeless to them.

Only when we see such a concentration of approximately identical transits, may we want to warn the client about cancer or some other such grave illness. Since we can compute the transits and solar charts in advance, we can exactly tell the client when his or her troubles will begin, as well as when will they end.

Sometimes, an identical predisposition will appear from different configurations. If there is a square of Uranus to the Ascendent, but that same Ascendent is also squared by Pluto, the combination for surgery will appear twice. Now it only takes a transit of Mars to empower one of those configurations, or for Mars to be on the Uranus/Pluto midpoint in the solar return chart and the surgery seems unavoidable.

Diagnosing an Illness Based on Transits, Progressions, Solar and Synastry Charts

In natal astrology, in 90% of sessions we will need nothing more than the natal chart and the transits -- in one-on-one sessions there simply isn't time to dive into all the charts that can be useful. In medical astrology, however, it is a routine to use many other types of charts. There must be three independent confirmations for illness to appear, regardless in which chart do we see it. Looking for clues in the chart in case of medical astrology often is a detective-like work, until you find the constellation which was active when the symptoms first started. Once you connect real-life events with their possible astrological causes, you can predict how the illness will unfold, and with confidence.

Long transits of malefic planets produce all kinds of health problems, while the progressive horoscope produces the best long-term view of the client's life. In medical astrology, we always use solar charts, because there we see strong accents, which may not endure for long, but which sometimes leave the sequel for the rest of the client's life.

It also matters whom do you live with. The persons the client lives with and exchanges his or her energy with them. Sometimes they heal just by being present, in other times they make the client only sicker. The country in which the client lives will also have its own horoscope and that can be taken into account too.

Auxiliary Methods in Medical Astrology

Arabian Parts are formed by adding two important points, from which another, the third point, is subtracted. There are about 500 Arabian Parts, and some of them are directly related to health. Pars Fortunae is the most well known Arabian Part, and it combines influences of the Sun, Moon and Ascendent.

Each particular house has its own set of Arabian Parts. For instance, the sixth house has the following two Arabian Parts, which are of interest in medical astrology:

Incurable diseases, bad fortune and vice (Asc + Mars - Saturn),

Curable diseases (Asc + Mars - Mercur),

The sixth house also contains the parts for servants, the prisoners of war, and the pars of the defeated, which have nothing to do with health.

The number of Arabian Parts per house varies: house No. 7 has 16 Arabian Parts, house No. 8 -- 5 Parts and so on.

Quite often, horary astrology will yield loads of info. Instead of natal charts and the charts that are derived from it, in horary astrology we erect the chart for the time of asking the question about the illness. Reading a horary chart is different to the reading of the natal and all other charts, so don't use this technique unless you know what you are doing. Nevertheless, it pays to learn horary astrology, because it often gives a direct glimpse into the real situation, the course of the illness, eventual surgeries and deaths etc.

The decumbiture chart is the chart for the beginning of an illness. We should make it only if we know for certain when the illness begun. Also has rules of its own.

Electional astrology tries to discover when an action should begin. In medical astrology, such charts could be studied to discover when the prescribed therapy should start, when is the time for doctor to visit the patient and so on.

The Role of Medical Astrology in Healing

Modern medicine knows a lot about the state of the patient in the moment of measurement, and knows also, in a statistical manner, whether the prognosis is good or bad. Nevertheless, it never deals with the future of the patient, and is almost always used when something bad has already happened. Medical astrology is the missing link between the recorded state of the patient, his or her current therapy and the future development of the illness. Since it is possible to make the astrological prognosis in advance, it becomes possible to do something in advance as well. Homeopathy and other energy healing systems are a natural continuation of medical astrology, because energy healing "spends" the unwanted but present energy that planets and stars send us via astral body. The biggest advantage of medical astrology is that it enables not only to predict which techniques and remedies can heal now, but when these techniques and remedies should be stopped, and some other healing modality be taken and applied instead.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Book of Bhrigu See Your Past Present & Future

The book of Bhrigu, or the Bhrigu Samhita is a real book, written several thousands of years ago, during an age the Hindus call the Vedic Period.

This is when the Vedas, of their Holy Books were being written. Maharshi Bhrigu (Maharshi meaning Great Rishi, or Saint) compiled the horoscopes of all the people who would consult the book, for all time. Hard to believe? Read on.

Maharshi Bhrigu is believed to be the first person to record horoscopes that predicted a person’s future.

However, as Hinduism and most Eastern thought embraces the principle of reincarnation, the Saint’s astrology covered a person’s past, present and future existences. It is said the Maharshi recorded some 500,000 horoscopes, and life histories with the help of Sri Lord Ganesha. The 500,000 horoscopes resulted in about 45,000,000 permutations, and this is what is in the book today.

The Claims of the Book of Bhrigu

• The horoscope of anyone destined to find the real Book of Bhrigu is already within it.

• There is only real original copy, and its actual location is held secret. There are several copies that have been made throughout history, but many are frauds and many just totally inaccurate.

The Book of Bhirgu has always been the property of the Bhramin caste, and as India was invaded, conquered, and dominated by various races, the Book went underground to keep it intact for future generations.

Also during the various invasions the Bhramin castes were disbursed throughout India and the sub-continent, and copies of the Book of Bhrigu went with them.

Always one special priest was trained in the Maharshi Bhrigu’s sciences, and learned how to (a) locate someone who had come to consult the book, and (b) how to interpret the readings. This required a life-long study, so always new priests are being prepared to carrying on after a resident priest dies or retires.

The Real Book of Bhrigu and Frauds

Sadly, India is not only home and repository of a great amount of the world’s wisdom, it is also the home of some of the most immoral people to as in all countries.

These unscrupulous people have made unreal copies of what appears to be a real Book of Bhrigu, but are only fakes. Usually peddled to foreigners, and diaspora Indians (who cannot read and write Sanskrit) great sums of money are often extorted in schemes to reveal but fantasies from the swindler’s mind.

A real book of Bhrigu will be held in a shrine, entrusted to a high Bhramin family, whose head is the resident priest…or else in an ashram. No real money will be asked from you to do a reading, although you may make a small contribution to the Priest’s family.

Your name (a Sanskrit transliteration) will be in the book. So if you are lucky enough to locate a real book of Bhrigu, you should take along a trusted person who can read and write Sanskrit (to validate the priest’s claims).

A fraud will ask you to return, ask for money in increasing amounts, and suggest solutions to your life that are too easy to believe (pay for your sins). Before you go, make sure that you have enough information that the place and person you visit are real.

As a guide, you should know that the original Book of Bhrigu will contain the horoscope of any individual you has been destined to consult it, and it will predict the past, present and future, revealing also clearly the consulting day, time and date of the individual along with the remedial measures needed to correct his or her life.

Annual Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 Yin Red Fire Pig Year Horse Sign (Chinese Zodiac)

The Chinese Zodiac Astrology is ancient, interesting, accurate and loved by millions across the world. The Chinese Zodiac is based on cyclic concept of time : a cycle of 12 years, repeated again and again. The 12 Years are associated with 12 Celestial Animals : Rat (or Mouse on Mongoose), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake (or Serpent), Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog). The animal names occasionally differ with the Oriental Country they originate. The Chinese Yearly Horoscopes are basically built around these 12 Animal Signs.

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is directly based on the Chinese Lunar Year of Birth that you were born. The Chinese New Year is mobile and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year. If your Date of Birth falls into any of the following Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Horse, you are symbolically identified by your Celestial Animal, the "Horse" :

From 25 Jan 1906 to 12 Feb 1907

From 11 Feb 1918 to 31 Jan 1919

From 30 Jan 1930 to 16 Feb 1931

From 15 Feb 1942 to 04 Feb 1943

From 03 Feb 1954 to 23 Jan 1955

From 21 Jan 1966 to 08 Feb 1967

From 07 Feb 1978 to 27 Jan 1979

From 27 Jan 1990 to 14 Feb 1991

From 12 Feb 2002 to 31 Jan 2003

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2007 is the 4704th year and significantly, is also the fourth year of the New Feng Shui Land Luck Cyclic Period 8. The forthcoming new Chinese Lunar Year is from 18th February 2007 to 6th February 2008. The next Chinese New Year, the Yang Earth Rat will begin on 7th February 2008.

Enjoy the Annual Forecasts and learn about the suggested Feng Shui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming "New Lunar Year 2007 : Ding Hai, the Year of the Yin Red Fire Pig" :

CAREER A reasonably good but demanding year. You will accept challenging workloads amidst high expectations about performance. With commitment and willingness to work hard; by showing patience and adapting to situations; by building up support and liaising with others, you can deliver. There will be delays, alteration in plans and obstacles in your path. However you can cross over all these blocks with your creativity and active interactions with others involved. Draw up a contingency plan : plan for the best but be prepared for the worst. You will be exposed to new skills and experiences that will come handy later on. Warning : Do not get success get into your head. Greediness or cockiness will only bring you crashing down. Just remember that your success is not only because of your work but also because of the unflinching support from others. Be amiable and diplomatic. If you have many employees, be on guard : there could be treachery brewing. Salaried employees will do better than business persons - with honourable promotions and below-average payment increments. Be on the lookout for back-stabbing because of internal office politicking. Display the statue or photo of Kuan Kung for protection and guidance. Good time if you are thinking of switching job or seeking an internal transfer. You will excel if you are involved in banking, research, politics or healing.

MONEY Rise in income will also be supplemented by sudden and unexpected benefits from other sources. Some of you will earn extra monies by doing freelancing work involving your personal skills. You will also receive handsome profits from your earlier investments. Stay away from stock markets - you hardly have any gambling luck. Plan your finances well. Make more investments after sounding them out with professional sources. Remember that haste makes waste. Control that buying itch of yours lest you indulge in those costly but useless purchases. Invest more on health insurance. Save some money separately for rainy days.

HEALTH Stress from workload and lack of peaceful sleep will be areas of concern. Some of you could also face problems related to the blood pressure, heart, eyes, allergies and digestive abnormalities. Take extra care while traveling. If you were born in 1954, you may have to undergo surgery. Erect a Black Tourmalene Crystal Tree near your bedside to destroy the negative energies surrounding you.

LOVE Good romantic luck for singles. An excellent year for courtship, engagement, marriage and child bearing. Married Horse can enjoy the conjugal bliss to the maximum. However, do not carry the work karma to home and self-induce frictions and disputes. Devote quality time for your spouse in spite of your busy schedule. Plan for weekend picnics and short pleasure journeys and do not allow misunderstandings to magnify. Celebrate your wedding anniversary in style.

STUDIES Only your strong efforts with the guidance of your parents/guides can bring about good academic results. There are chances that you will get distracted, become arrogant and turn away your favouring mentors, thus spoiling your own success. Stay away from the bad gangs or you could be influenced by them into committing wrong deeds. Some of you would win certificates for excellent performance in extracurricular activities.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Annual Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 Yin Red Fire Pig Year Dragon Sign Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac Astrology is ancient, interesting, accurate and loved by millions across the world. The Chinese Zodiac is based on cyclic concept of time : a cycle of 12 years, repeated again and again. The 12 Years are associated with 12 Celestial Animals : Rat (or Mouse on Mongoose), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake (or Serpent), Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog). The animal names occasionally differ with the Oriental Country they originate. The Chinese Yearly Horoscopes are basically built around these 12 Animal Signs.

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is directly based on the Chinese Lunar Year of Birth that you were born. The Chinese New Year is mobile and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year. If your Date of Birth falls into any of the following Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Dragon, you are symbolically identified by your Celestial Animal, the "Dragon" :

From 16 Feb 1904 to 03 Feb 1905

From 03 Feb 1916 to 22 Jan 1917

From 23 Jan 1928 to 09 Feb 1929

From 08 Feb 1940 to 26 Jan 1941

From 27 Jan 1952 to 13 Feb 1953

From 13 Feb 1964 to 01 Feb 1965

From 31 Jan 1976 to 17 Feb 1977

From 17 Feb 1988 to 05 Feb 1989

From 05 Feb 2000 to 23 Jan 2001

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2007 is the 4704th year and significantly, is also the fourth year of the New Feng Shui Land Luck Cyclic Period 8. The forthcoming new Chinese Lunar Year is from 18th February 2007 to 6th February 2008. The next Chinese New Year, the Yang Earth Rat will begin on 7th February 2008.

Enjoy the Annual Forecasts and learn about the suggested Feng Shui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming "New Lunar Year 2007 : Ding Hai, the Year of the Yin Red Fire Pig" :

CAREER 2007 is a year of considerable promise and signals an upturn in your fortunes. You can finally see the rays of hope at the end of the dark tunnel. Take advantage of every single opportunity and derive mileage from your experience and capabilities. Remember to take the advice and support of your friends and colleagues. Team work will yield much better results. Hard work and perseverance will bring you success. External pressure and competition will surface but timely help from your benefactors will help you win them. Make sure you control your temper or you might end up disrupting some good interpersonal relationships. Beware of female back-stabbers. Keep your cool and be modest and humble about your success. If you are onto trading, travels, marketing, exports and imports, hotels and marriage halls, you will do much better than others. If you are a salaried employee, recognition will come your way with promotion and salary increment. But be alert and do not get involved in battles for influence or take sides in internal politics. If you wish to venture out on your own or in partnership, now is the right time. Display the statue or real photo of the Great Mentor Kuan Kung in your North West to get the best out of 2007. Attending training classes or refresher courses will greatly contribute to your future prospects. Keep your diaries and documents locked up in a safe; encrypt your computer files and assign a safe password and beware of enemies listening into your conversations secretly - you are likely to be a victim of information theft this year and suffer from deteriorated fame and reputation because of that.

MONEY Financially, an encouraging year with increase in income supplemented by commissions. Your investments will pay up. Surplus money will accumulate. Put a ban on your luxurious spending sprees and plan your budget well. Impose fiscal discipline on your bank accounts. Now is the time to reduce your borrowings (if you have any) and save up for buying assets in the future. Place a three-legged toad (opposite to your main door, but as if it is coming inside your home) to create a conducive atmosphere for buying assets. If you were born in 1976, you may get a remarkable windfall luck. If you were born in 1964, you could be hit by lawsuits this year.

HEALTH Most of you will face many health problems including high stress levels, skin allergies, insomnia, food poisoning, migraines, digestive and respiratory disorders. Females should watch out for problems related to sexual organs. If you are a female and in post-natal recuperation, you have to increase the immunity powers of your body. Avoid sexual promiscuity. If you are carrying over abdominal and gastrointestinal problems from last year, it could worsen this year. Accidents might happen during travels or in sports. Hang two large sized natural Chinese Sacred Gourd Wou-Lous : one near your main entrance and the other in your bedroom, on your headboard side. Keep a Black Tourmalene Crystal Tree near your bedside. If you were born in 1928, you might become light headed, weak and not in full control of your bodily functions. If you are a female born in 1964, you could be affected by gynecological ailments.

LOVE Excellent love luck with high levels of sexual appetite. A good year for marriage and child-bearing. Singles will get engaged and then get married within a short span of time. If you are married, you may make use of the intense sexual energy in the air to restrengthen your relationship to your spouse and build up a more harmonious equation. However refrain from indulging in extramarital affairs or else you will face severe penalties in near future. Install the icon of a Rooster in the South West of your bedroom and carry a set of 3 Qui-Yong coins with you always to discipline yourself. If you were born in 1964, you could face a serious love triangle problem.

STUDIES A good year for all those who are studying. But you need a higher level of motivation. Set yourself a challenge. A challenge that will be realistic as well as enjoyable too. Then you will accomplish. This is a year for acting on ideas. You could learn a new knowledge skill or take up a new social interest, for personal satisfaction. Maybe you will join a local society or arrange a meeting group for fellow enthusiasts. This will open up a new vista of opportunities and contacts which you will cherish in the years to come. If you are a female born in 1988, you will be immersed in Peach Blossom luck : do not lose your head or chastity, but concentrate only on studies. Install a Pagoda Tower in the North East of your study room.

Annual Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 Yin Red Fire Pig Year Snake Sign Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac Astrology is ancient, interesting, accurate and loved by millions across the world. The Chinese Zodiac is based on cyclic concept of time : a cycle of 12 years, repeated again and again. The 12 Years are associated with 12 Celestial Animals : Rat (or Mouse on Mongoose), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake (or Serpent), Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog). The animal names occasionally differ with the Oriental Country they originate. The Chinese Yearly Horoscopes are basically built around these 12 Animal Signs.

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is directly based on the Chinese Lunar Year of Birth that you were born. The Chinese New Year is mobile and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year. If your Date of Birth falls into any of the following Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Snake (or Serpent), you are symbolically identified by your Celestial Animal, the "Snake (or Serpent)" :

From 04 Feb 1905 to 24 Jan 1906

From 23 Jan 1917 to 10 Feb 1918

From 10 Feb 1929 to 29 Jan 1930

From 27 Jan 1941 to 14 Feb 1942

From 14 Feb 1953 to 02 Feb 1954

From 02 Feb 1965 to 20 Jan 1966

From 18 Feb 1977 to 06 Feb 1978

From 06 Feb 1989 to 26 Jan 1990

From 24 Jan 2001 to 11 Feb 2002

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2007 is the 4704th year and significantly, is also the fourth year of the New Feng Shui Land Luck Cyclic Period 8. The forthcoming new Chinese Lunar Year is from 18th February 2007 to 6th February 2008. The next Chinese New Year, the Yang Earth Rat will begin on 7th February 2008.

Enjoy the Annual Forecasts and learn about the suggested Feng Shui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming "New Lunar Year 2007 : Ding Hai, the Year of the Yin Red Fire Pig" :

CAREER An inauspicious year of reversed fortunes. In 2007, your Celestial Animal Snake is conflicting the Year TaiSui (Grand Duke Jupiter). This war-like energy field will involve you in gossips and scandals, discredit your reputation and spoil your career. It will seem as though your hard work will go without results, progress halted and your talents disrespected. Projects at finishing stage might collapse. Maintain old and regular clients while entering and establishing new markets. You should create opportunities yourself and make the most of them by putting in considerable efforts and by becoming flexible in your approach. Your progress will be very modest but the knowledge and experience that you gain now will bear fruit in the coming years. By acting tactfully and managing your affairs discreetly, you can create strategically useful friendships which can get you through a difficult year. Most of you will be spending the year outside of your regular place but refrain from switching careers or jobs right now. Do not cut corners for short term gains or take up false opportunities of enticements - you might end up in a legal trap that could destroy you. Inaugurate the statue or photo of the Protector Kuan Kung in the North West to watch over you in these hard times. If you were born in 1989, you might loose valuables and money in a theft. Employed Snakes will fare much better than the Self-employed Snakes. You will do good this year if you have anything to do with trading, marketing, travels, transportation, imports and exports. Whether you are self-employed or salaried worker, you are in dire need of the blessings of the TaiSui this year. Display the genuine, energised photographs of "Feng Ji, the 2007 TaiSui" and the "TaiSui Protection Talisman for 2007" in the North West and carry their miniature versions in your pocket or purse, for minimising the severe negative impacts that you are likely to suffer this year. Do not attend burial ceremonies or cremation rituals this year.

MONEY Fluctuating cash flow will dishearten you. Do not indulge in frivolous spending but tighten your belt. At least one heavy spending is awaiting you, because of your conflict with the Year TaiSui : could even be the expense of shifting your home or office. Requirements might force you to look for loans. Be prudent when you disburse money. When drawing up new contracts, be wary of fine prints. There could be some mistakes or you might even be cheated. Stay away from speculative investments and gambling - you hardly have any windfall luck this year. Keep a set of "Four Heavenly Kings" coins to minimise money erosions.

HEALTH As you are in conflict with the Year TaiSui, you are prone to frustrations and blood injuries. Frustrations will lead to depressions and depressions will lead to carelessness and recklessness. Such extreme moods will lead to many accidents. Accidents will lead to injuries, sprains and fractures, especially in your legs, hips, face and teeth. Drive very carefully and always follow the rules of the road. Do not participate in any type of risky sports. Be on guard when you take the staircase. You can sincerely attempt to prevent the destined "bloodshed" by donating blood voluntarily. Some of you might get respiratory problems and digestive disorders. Avoid stimulants like alcohol and tobacco. Do yoga and meditate. By hanging a real and original Chinese Wou-Lou (near your bedside), you can drain out quite a lot of sick energy from the negative atmosphere surrounding you. If you were born in 1941, heart, eye and stomach problems may trouble you. If you are a female born in 1953, watch out for gynecological ailments.

LOVE Do not bring the pressures and stress at work into your family life. If you do, you will have to face severe consequences. Your unbalanced emotions will make mountains out of molehills and upset precious equations. You need the support of your family in this taxing year - you will get it too, if you do not spoil it yourself. Install the statue of the Three Generations Dragon Head Turtles in the East. Singles may not find a proper anchoring relationship that they are looking for.

STUDIES Apparent clash with the TaiSui will make you rebellious. You will fall prey to the wrong gang and mix with negative friends. As a result your studies will suffer greatly. Questions will be raised about your motivations. Your integrity will suffer. You will be restless and moody. Seek the help of your family and heed their advice. Display the "Protection Talisman for 2007" in the North West of your study room and always carry a small photo of Feng Ji, the TaiSui of 2007, in your pocket. If you were born in 2001, you should be under constant care and attention.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Do You Believe In Astrology

Whenever people talk about astrology the question of "a belief" arises. It's as if the human mindset instinctively associates astrology with "a belief."

Whenever people ask me if I believe in astrology, I respond to the question with another question: "What is a belief?" and I give them my answer right away.

A belief is everything you have not touched, not seen, not heard, not smelled, everything you have not lived and not experienced, everything that has not become part of your own life and existence and that has not become part of your own reality.

It's everything beyond your imagination, coming from another dimension you have not experienced yet, you are not aware of (yet) but that, nevertheless, exists somewhere for the ones who have experienced, researched or lived it.

In the world of the elephant, goldfish don't exist, even if they do exist in our own (human) reality. They are just part of another reality that we, human beings are able to live and experience. But not the elephants.

It's so difficult for so many people to live in reality, to be aware of other dimensions. Instead of judging and questioning who's right or wrong, they would better try to know more about it, the pros and the cons, the way it works or does not work and when it works or does not.

THAT would bring awareness to another dimension and bring far more insight. It would raise human consciousness; something our world needs so deeply.

Some medical doctors "believe" in natural healing, others only "believe" in high-tec solutions and others only "believe" in drugs. It depends on their mindset, experience and own reality.

Some astrologers only believe in the "ancient" deterministic schools, some others rely on psychological feelings and free will and yet others are more into the influence of the Asteroids. It all depends on their mindset and experience.

Saying that astrology is a "belief" is judging astrology without having experienced or researched it. It's up to you to raise your consciousness and awareness by doing your own research -- with respect to all topics and events in life. And if you want to research astrology, be sure to research and judge "astrology" and not the astrologer!

Here Comes the Sun (Signs) Romance, Astrology and You Air Signs

Gemini - (May 22 – June 21) Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and is symbolized by the Twins. An Air sign, Gemini is connected with communication. You have a way with words. You're good at flirting and teasing, and can be a real sweet talker. Because of your “twins” influence you are clever at adapting your style to suit the seduction. You can be witty and clever and easily are attracted to good conversationalists. You love the power of suggestion and using double entendres. In fact, you use them proficiently when you are flirting with others, whether they be romantic interests or just passing fancies. You adapt easily to most situations and love to share stores of people, places and experiences, which you skillfully use to arouse the interest of one you desire. Because you are so tuned into communicating, you can see both sides of a situation. You know there are always at least three sides to every conflict. The sides of each party involved and the truth; which you have a knack for discovering. You can be a prolific writer. Love letters, poetry and notes are easily used to seduce the object of your affection. And mind games are beyond your realm of romantic antics. Internet chat rooms and forums stir your interest. Who knows, you may even find your future mate online. You have been known to give “good phone,” and enjoy long conversations that revolve around romance and sexual innuendos. Flirting is second nature to you and you are almost shameless when it comes to practicing your flirting style. Because of their sometimes short attention span, Gemini lovers are more likely stay around if they feel mentally stimulated.

Libra - Romantic. (September 23 – October 23) Libra is ruled by Venus. An Air sign, Libra is connected with social relationships and its symbol are the scales. Known as a diplomat to those closest to you, you have an incredible sense of objectivity and seek harmony and balance in relationships and life. Happiest when you are in love, you can be sweet and sensitive. You love talking about things relating to love and romance such as novels, movies or songs. It is your way of flirting with the object of your desires. You are a charming, gracious and considerate lover and can adapt your style to attract the one you desire. In fact, you like to be partners in most aspects of life and will find ways of including those you love and admire in your plans, whether it be at work, home or play. Although crowds of people don’t seem to bother you, you prefer spending time with your love interest alone rather than in a group setting. You may start out at a big gala affair, but will look for an appropriate time to get away so the two of you can spend time alone together. You are a thoughtful partner and lover and give your full attention to your mate. Giving your undivided attention is your way of flirting. You have a keen interest in others and can lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on. You love courting and or being courted by the object of your affection. Hearts and flowers go a long way in the romance arena of your life. Librans do not like to be manipulated, fair play is an absolute must.

Aquarius - (January 21 – February 21) Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. An Air sign, Aquarius is very social, and is symbolized by the water bearer. An inventor at heart, you can be seen by others as a little “quirky,” often gravitating toward the future and progress of humankind. You are considered a visionary and open-minded looking for less conventional ways of being and doing than the other signs. You don’t generally break down under peer pressure; you prefer to be different from others. You are highly liked and surrounded by friends because you know how to be one. A humanitarian, you long for social reform and prefer those who share your thoughts on life over those who easily conform to societal pressures. You tend to be more attracted to the outrageous than one who looks and act like everyone else. You are sometimes thought of as a “rebel with a cause” and will be attracted to a partner who you shares your desire to change the world. You are a free spirit who needs his or her own space, but don’t mind sharing that space with the object of your affection, as long as you don’t get pushed into a corner. You enjoy sharing your vision of the future with the one you desire and consider it your way of flirting. Sometimes you appear aloof or unemotional, which can be a turn-off for some. Not to worry, the right person will find it attractive and be curious to know what lies beneath that detached exterior. It seems an odd way to "flirt", but it can be attractive to those who are curious and have a similar demeanor. It is the game of “intrigue” that can often turn someone on and make them want to know more. The Aquarius is a creative and imaginative in lover and will often seduce the object of their desire in unusual ways (and places).