Saturday, October 14, 2006

Learning More About Astrology Birth Charts

I get confused whenever I am asked what my birth sign is, and you will understand my dilemma when I explain you. If you follow the western horoscope, then I was born under the Capricorn sign, but the oriental astrology birth chart had other ideas, it said I was born under the sign of the snake.

And my confusion was further compounded by the lack of similarities in the characteristics of people born under these astrology birth charts. This made me throw in the towel concerning what the future hold for me.

However, this did not prevent me from taking occasional peek at the horoscope section of newspapers, and I will marvel at the accuracy of the people behind this thing. It so happen that anything they say will happen, had in fact happened, and conversely the things they foretold had occurred.

The dilemma I face this time is how to determine which among my oriental and occidental astrology birth chart predictions will come to pass. This is because the characteristics mentioned were direct opposites and the prophecies as I prefer to call them, are very much the same.

To avert further confusion, I finally had both astrology birth charts drawn up so that I can decipher some useful tips from them.

The reason I adopted this approach was that despite the wide gulf between both signs, there might still be a small element of similarity in both astrology birth charts because of my identical time of birth, the date, place, and the location.

Again I found out that I got it totally wrong. What I failed to factor into my decision was the fact that both civilizations formed their astrology birth chart on the celestial chart depending on how each region sees it.

Thus I was viewed through the milky way by the western astrology birth chart, the oriental(read Chinese) sees it from a completely different perspective. My spirit has been dealt a fatal blow by this conflicting astrology birth charts.

Then I found out a solution to the whole logjam; I started telling whoever cares to listen that it will amount to outright foolishness to believe that the alignment and position of the stars or an astrology birth chart can collude to determine people's fate or destiny.

And since I made this decision, though my life has not improved much and did not take a tumble either, but my peace of mind is at least assured. I have practically lost faith in the all the noise about predicting the future, rather the slogan what will be will be has now become my article of faith.

Is It Possible To Make Accurate Predictions From Astrology?

In simple words, astrology can be defined as a study of stars and planets, their positions and movements in relation to their effect on the lives of human beings. Also it can be said about the astrology that, it is one of the most misunderstood, the difficult to understand subjects. If you try to link any secular and spiritual subject, without the perfect knowledge of its aspects, you are likely to arrive at misleading conclusions.

Now, astrology bases its predictions on mathematical predictions. Mathematics requires nothing but 100% accuracy to arrive at the correct answers. And truth is also absolute. There is nothing like partial truth. So can accurate predictions be made with it? Here you will receive split answers on the subject.

This apart, the world of astrology is fascinating, and therefore it is worth learning. Every human being has a problem (or problems) and s/he is eager to find suitable solutions.

According to astrology stars are responsible for your prosperity and misery. Every person has his/her personal horoscope which is based on the position of the stars at the time of their birth. As per the individual horoscope, astrology makes the predictions for the future. No two human beings are alike and no two horoscopes are alike. The quota of happiness and misery of two individuals can never be the same. And astrology claims to find out accurate individualistic predictions for each individual with the help of these horoscopes. Still, we need a better explanation to this.

Seeking Answer

It is possible to tell the time of sunrise or sunset for coming thousands of years or for that matter any number of years with the help of prescribed calculations. Such predictions can be made accurately to the fraction of the second! This is because the tools employed by you for making the calculations is perfect. As for astrology, such perfect predictions have so far been impossible.

For making accurate predictions, which is the main business of the astrology you require accurate tools. That is the bane with the practicing astrologers; their tools are not perfect!

Comparing life to the game of football, you will find that astrology and destiny are playing for the same team. Please understand one important point- you need not study astrology with a sense of resignation, whatever is destined has to happen.

“You are the creator of your destiny, not the victim!” With your right actions, you have to challenge the destiny; never give it the walkover. Challenging the destiny is no ordinary job. It will give you a very tough fight. It would create frustrating situations. Yet, the satisfaction of fight may lead you and make you understand new dimensions of life and living.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Have You Got Your Numerology Report Made?

The foundation stone of numerology is your date of birth. Well, it something that is given to you without your asking. There must be an underlying divine grace for it. Going by this belief, there can't be a mistake in it as it is the divine gift. So, the foundation stone of numerology seems to be at the right place.

With this much information, you can get your numerology report made by a skilled numerologist. Though these days, you can get your report made with the help of software as well. Based on this divine gift, a numerology report is made by combining the sum of numbers in your birth date with the sum from numerically powered letters of your name.

Once you have got your numerology report, you can know about your personal traits and details from a practicing numerologist. The scope of numerological predictions is really vast.

Numerologists claim that the power and vibrations of numbers are so powerful that they can beat the moon and cross the stars (in the literal sense); they can listen and understand the music of Nature. Predictions about past, present and future are a matter of kindergarten stuff to a learned numerologist.

A skilled numerologist with added spiritual credentials usually makes the correct predictions, since his motive is not only to make money out of his knowledge but also to serve his client.

Anything that appeals to the emotions of human beings, anything that promises to mitigate the hardships, and to take you to the land of plenty and prosperity should appeal to you. You are willing to follow any course of action to achieve that result. And all numerologists precisely know that. As a result a number of astrology and numerology establishments have come up and flourished online as well as offline.

They furnish you with the daily, monthly and yearly numerology reports and your guidance and security for a price. If there is any pitfall, remedies are suggested. You will be on their mailing list and the report will arrive through post or through the internet, as agreed upon by you. The regular FAQs will clear most of the in principle doubts about numerology.

You can also get what is styled as Soul Mate Synergy report to understand each of you better. Such numerological reports are in great demand in the countries where divorce rate has crossed as high as 52%. But for such compatibility reports, the rates could have been still higher!

Radical Responsibility The Inner Path to Global Healing

Earth is currently in the midst of a massive change cycle that will affect every form of life on the planet by the end of 2012. This period, which is also known as the ending of a 25,920-year cosmic cycle (or Cosmic Year in astrology), is a time when polarities merge, dimensions shift, humans evolve in remarkable ways, and earth rearranges boundaries once thought to be solid. It is a time of great karmic opportunity and unprecedented growth for everyone.

Across the globe, deep wounds in the collective psyche of mankind are surfacing to be healed. Societies hunger not for war or peace, but for Truth to cut through the illusions of polarity and to bring about healing at the deepest levels of being.

The clarion call is sounding, calling us to action. If we wish to have a future on this planet, the time to heal our world is now.

How do we do that?

Dr. David R. Hawkins, perhaps the most profound teacher on the evolution of human consciousness today, says that everything we see happening around us, is the consequence of that which we are. “Every thought, action, decision or feeling creates an eddy in the interlocking, inter-balancing, ever-moving energy fields of life, leaving a permanent record for all time,” he says.

We therefore change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we become.

This realization, when fully grasped, offers a springboard for rapid evolution in consciousness. As did Gandhi and other evolved bings, Hawkins teaches that the most effective way of bringing about change in the world around us, is by living our lives like a prayer and becoming the very change we wish to see.

To illustrate the power of becoming, I’d like to tell you about one man in Hawaii who changed his world simply by living his life like a prayer, becoming the highest expression of being that he was capable of.

This man, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients - without ever seeing any of them! He simply studied each inmate's chart and then looked within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best therapist cure the criminally insane?

I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my hands. Most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not for what anyone else does. Dr. Len practiced radical responsibility and the miracles that followed, were ample proof of the power in this perspective.

When Dr. Len joined the staff at the ward for criminally insane at Hawaii State Hospital, it was well-known as a dangerous place. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. Staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. Workers would scurry through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was a nightmarish place to live in, work at, or visit.

During his four-year tenure at the hospital, Dr. Len never saw patients. He simply agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.

"After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely," he says. "Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released, were being freed."

Not only that, but the staff began to enjoy going to work. Absenteeism and turnover dropped. Eventually, there was no longer a need for the ward and it was closed.

What work did Dr. Len do within himself that caused those people to change?

He was simply healing the part of himself that created them.

To make sense of this radical concept, you need to understand that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life is your responsibility simply because it is in your life. In a literal sense, the entire world you perceive out there is simply a reflection of what is inside you, and therefore it is your creation. There is no “out there” there – what you perceive as out there is simply a reflection of what is in your heart and in your consciousness.

This concept can be hard to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another, right! Yet you can only heal that which you take responsibility for. If you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch or experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.

This means terrorist activity, the government, the crime rate, the economy - everything you experience and don't like - is up to you to heal. Seen from the world of consciousness, they only exist as projections from inside of you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you!

This concept is central to understanding the field of human consciousness. We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.

The Course In Miracles teaches the same principle when it says, “Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see.” Why is it difficult for us to grasp this truth, let alone accept or actually live it? Because blaming another is far easier than taking total responsibility. To change the world, we need to first stop blaming others!

In his work with the criminally insane, Dr. Len never focused on blame. Instead, his radical practice of total responsibility was rooted in a deep sense of compassionate self-love. Dr. Len believed that if you want to improve your life, you have to first heal your life. If you want to heal anyone - even a mentally ill criminal - you do it by healing yourself.

He recognized the Divinity within himself as well as within every other person that crossed his path. And just as the Course in Miracles teaches, Dr. Len recognized that every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal. By recognizing the Divine nature of each being, he responded in compassion by taking responsibility for whatever did not reflect the purity of Divine consciousness in himself.

This is what Gandhi implied when he said, “The only devils in this world are those running around inside our own hearts, and that is where all our battles should be fought.”

How did Dr. Len do this radical work? Simply by looking at each patient’s file with deep compassion, accepting responsibility for their condition and saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again.

That's it!

This simple response embodies the core of all healing and evolution in consciousness. It starts from a place of deep compassion for self, progresses to radical self-responsibility for everything in one’s life, moves into forgiveness to dissolve false perceptions, and ends with the healing power of love to restore all to Divine perfection.

As we heal the wounds within ourselves that cause illusions of lack, duality, opposition and fear, our consciousness evolves to becoming a purer reflection of the indwelling Divinity. This work also raises the level of consciousness in the world around us. It is indeed through healing and transforming ourselves, that we transform the world!

When you start living from this place of radical responsibility as Dr. Len did, your life becomes a prayer. Polarities dissolve, archetypal shadows can be integrated, and the illusions of the mind yield to the freedom of your true, Divine nature.

This is the opportunity calling to every soul on the planet today. We are asked to become the very change we wish to see. To heal our world and safely navigate through coming changes, we are challenged to take full responsibility for everything in our lives and to align with Higher Truth.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How Astrology Works For You?

Whether you believe in astrology or not, if there is any astrology column in the news paper/magazine you purchase, you will not skip it. Whatever may be your comments on the merits of the predictions- if it is favorable you are not going to curse the astrologer. If it is unfavorable, you just shrug your shoulders and say one prediction for millions! Does it make any sense?

Your horoscope, in short, pertains to the planetary positions at the time of your birth. You came into this world, without any options; nobody consulted you about your time of arrival. That which is not controlled by you, must be due to divine grace. How that divine grace will shape the years to come- your destiny? This, in short is the scope of astrology.

The building blocks of life are: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Horoscope is an astrological chart. There is one chart for one person. The chart indicates the position of Sun, Moon and the planets at the time of your birth. No two horoscopes could be alike just as no leaves of a tree are alike. This is the wonder that is Nature.

One can understand why the common man is most concerned about the scope of his horoscope. He is always interested to know due to his never-ending economic difficulties, whether he is getting any support from the planets; whether the planets are permanently at war with him. But most surprisingly, the one who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth seeks the advice of celebrity astrologers quite often.

Some have permanent astrologer consultants on their unofficial role, to guide them mostly here and to some extent hereafter. There are many who plan everything, only with astrological guidance and considerations. Their influence on their clients or devotees is absolute. Walter Mercado is one such astrologer. Who's who of Latin America and USA, consult him on all important matters, and function according to his directions!

What is so special about Walter Mercado? He has the theory knowledge about astrology, he is a master psychologist. Positivism and spirituality are his characteristics. When a person is spiritually evolved, many beyond the mind level powers are conferred on him automatically. What he says turns out to be truth. To us, they look like individuals practicing miracles, but miracles just happen around him. They have 'conquered' Nature and all powers of the Nature are subservient to them.

Walter Mercado’s psychic gift was the gift of birth. He was born in the year 1933. In the year 1960, he came to India to do a specialized study in astrology and the art of elaborating horoscopes. He was enlightened by a spiritual master and about that meeting Walter Mercado writes, “an asexual being of light told me that it was my mission to use my powers to help guide others through this very difficult time in which we live.”

Online Adult Entertainment

With Adult Entertainment taking such a hit with being tacky and sleazy, Adults Night Club was built as a refuge for adults seeking.. adult only entertainment

Over a year ago while sitting in front of the computer surfing the web for Adult entertainment when the idea was born to create a true one stop site just for adults only, after seeing how cheesy the sites looked. Sex in the entertainment industry exists and on most occasion tastefully shown, however on the internet it is displayed tacky and sleazy.

The creator of Adults Night Club being a Woodstock baby from the era of Jimi Hendrix,the Rolling Stones (when they were really raw!), Janis Joplin etc. had a broader vision. Create an environment where adult sex, love,and entertainment was free and open. Especially after witnessing Hugh Hefner of Playboy, at 80 years old ,still kicking,happy, and one BIG grin on his face with his 3 twenty something girlfriends on Larry King this past month, he wondered which side of the fence did he want to be on? With this in mind he decided to build entertainment sites for adults only with a unique model

Only the hottest companies would be placed under one site. The idea was to create a place where not having money wasn't always an option .The theme of the site is to have fun, therefore there are plenty of free galleries,free adult games, free adult chat,free dating,free movies,etc. for adults to have fun. There is a astrology and meditation section,golf section,advice section,for adult entertainment. The creator of the site stated, "We don't advertise to kids, and make it a point to focus on adults only" ! So far there are over 7000 top adult entertainment like Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Adult friend finder, Girls Gone Wild, etc. This is indeed a true one stop for adults !

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Love Astrology Impact of Planets on Your Love Life

It is commonly believed that a particular planet makes or unmakes your love-life. This is far from truth though. It is the combined influence of all the planets on the couple that builds or breaks the relationship.

Apart from the ten planets, the Sun and the Moon are included in the ratings of heavenly bodies that influence the life of an individual. Astronomers continue to investigate the gross aspects of the planet, whereas the astrologers, who believe that there is also an inner world in each individual celestial body, investigate the facts and matters relevant to their domain.

It is not that one planet does everything for you. There is special relationship between the planets at the time of your birth. How they interact, influence and interfere in the domain of each other is the crux of the problem for the astrologer. He has to extract the truth, from this complicated cobweb.

Herein, love astrology does not refer to the story of Adam and Eve. It means what each planet loves. Alternatively, it could also mean what is the impact of each planet on the subject called love.

SUN: The most powerful heavenly body. The sun holds the key to our spiritual life. He is life giving and warm body. Its love life indications are good, positive and conducive to mutual understanding.

MOON: The emotional being, therefore moon is associated with the subject love, deeply. It symbolizes feminine traits.

MERCURY: Concerned with intellectual developments and speed. A revolutionary mind as well. A genius.

VENUS: This is the real planet of love. An, enduring symbol of romance. Talents in music, dance and the likes are associated with it. Indicator of love capacity.

MARS: Fights for the cause dear to it, till death. Inclination towards aggression and agitation. Uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm.

JUPITER: Represents magnanimity and generosity. Good fortune, happiness and abundant health.

SATURN: Reputation for causing difficulties and death. The great leveler, who goes by the strict laws of action and reaction. When it comes to punishing, it goes by the rule of book and spares none.

URANUS: Indicates the sudden and life changing things that happen without any known cause. Promises to break the new grounds. An unpredictable planet.

NEPTUNE: Concerned with watery emotions. With mystical experiences. If you want to know why material world of earth is less than the oceanic wealth, ask Neptune!

PLUTO: Power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and big business enterprises. Pluto has been associated as the god of the underworld.

Install Numerology Software And Get Predictions At Home

Numerology is all about numbers. Numbers have a symbolism. They have their strength and weaknesses. Consequently, they make you strong or weak. They make you talented or otherwise. Your grand personality is due to your lucky number. You are a general due to your number. You are a cab driver, due to your number…Well, such are the readings of numerology.

Now, this science of numerology is as old as the recorded history of human beings. Pythagoras is considered to be the founding father of the modern numerology. That was about 2600 years ago.

Most of the calculations in numerology are associated with your date of birth. Your date of birth is conferred upon you, without your asking, due to divine grace. And anything that is divine is the product of perfect calculations. There can be confusion in the human mind, mistakes in our calculations, but the divine calculations can never go wrong. They will be ever perfect.

In today’s world of mad rat race people have find solace in the strength of numbers, when their own mental strength has failed them. Numerology software is thus the craze of the decade. Complicated solutions which would have taken hours and hours for you to calculate are available at the click of the button. They are useful to the professional numerologists as well as to one who is new to this field.

All kinds of prediction cards including relationship and forecast reports for you and your family members with possibilities of future corrections are available to you at the comfort of your home with the special numerology software. Practical hints based on how to adjust and correct your mutual relationships, how to avoid tensions are also provided in the software solutions. Many of the big numerologists have created numerology software based on their research of years.

For the professional numerologist, it is a good business deal. He can lead a much easy and regulated life with a modern office by installing a computer and other latest software. He has lots of scope to expand his business. Apart from the professional advice, gained out of experience, he can give them printed reports and this is bound to impress the clients to a great extent. In a matter of minutes, the computer makes the calculations and gives you the life-chart for you to make your further calculations and observations.

Generally, the following programs are available:

1.The Numerology Reports
2.The Relationship Reports
3.The Yearly Reports
4.The Numerological Chart.

So, the inter play between the different numbers, their beneficial combinations and their possible adverse effects is available to you in the numerology software.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Lucky Numbers and Numerology What's in that Lottery Ticket Anyway

I can’t tell you if you’ll win the Lottery or not, that’s up to your own personal fate, but if you do win, I’ll bet I can tell you some of the numbers on your winning ticket.

Numerology predicts that certain numbers will show up in important combinations in your life again and again. You will literally draw them to you like a magnet. These numbers vibrate with you – are lucky for you if you will.

Your lucky numbers come from (2) sources: your date of birth, and your use name (what you go by). Your date of birth gives us your Life Path, birthday, and your Fadic birthday, while your use name gives us your Name lucky numbers.

To show you how there values are calculated, lets give an example. Actor Orlando Bloom was born on January 13th, 1977. We can calculate his lucky numbers as follows.

Life Path

Your Life Path is your luckiest number. It’s Numerology’s equivalent to your Sun sign in Astrology. You calculate your Life Path by adding together all the digits of your full date of birth, and then repeating the process until we get a single digit. This is called fadic addition. For Orlando Bloom, the process gives us (2) as shown below.

01-13-1977 = (0 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7) = (29) = (2 + 9) = (11) = (1 + 1) = (2)


Your Birthday is your second lucky number. It’s the day of the month you were born on. Orlando Bloom’s birthday value is (13).

Fadic Birthday

Your Fadic birthday is the result of adding together the digits in your birthday with fadic addition. If your birthday number is less than (10), then your fadic birthday is the same as your birthday number, and you have one less lucky number to work with. Orland Bloom’s fadic birthday value is (4).

13 = (1 + 3) = 4

Name Lucky Numbers

Your Name lucky numbers are calculated by converting each of the letters in a name to it’s position in the alphabet, reducing each number by fadic addition, and then summing the result. Two names will give us (2) lucky name numbers. If you use a third name, or an initial (such as George W. Bush), you will have (3) lucky name numbers. Orland Bloom’s name gives us (34) and (21) respectively.

Orlando = (15)+(18)+(12)+(1)+(14)+(4)+(15) = (6 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 6) = (34)

Bloom = (2)+(12)+(15)+(15)+(13) = (2 + 3 + 6 + 6 + 4) = (21)

Secondary Life Path Numbers

Finally, your Life Path number is so strong that we count all two-digit numbers, which match it when we use fadic addition on them as lucky numbers. This series of numbers can be found by adding multiples of 9 to your Life Path number. For Orlando Bloom this series of numbers is as follows:

11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, and 92.

The Sun Astrological Effects and Remedies

A brilliant globe of light rising on the eastern horizon and setting in the west with unerring regularity called the sun has awe-inspired mankind since its inception. This sole sustainer of terrestrial life undergoes constant fusion reaction on its surface as per modern science in which two atoms of hydrogen fuse together to form one atom of helium and in the process an incredible amount of energy is released. The latest scientific developments have enabled man to pursue his search for extra-solar planets about 90 of which have been discovered so far but without any confirmation of extraterrestrial life being present there primarily due to the lack of a special combination of factors like right distance of planets from the sun, right size of the planet, presence of an atmosphere and most importantly the presence of water. These studies further emphasize the uniqueness of our sun-earth relationship which is apparently purely astronomical in nature but in effect astrological too.

A great deal of our ancients’ attention was focused on the Sun who well recognized its central position in our solar system and also the fact that many such suns are scattered across various galaxies. These and many other astronomical and astrological facts of importance are well documented in our ancient scriptures including Suryasiddhanta.

In ancient lore, there is a story about Maya demon, who, after a long tapa was blessed by the Sun God, a part of whom appeared before him and granted him a boon. Maya asked to make him known the mystery and secret workings of nature and the science of Jyotisha was explained to him by the Sun God himself. Jyotisha contained both predictive and mathematical portions.

In predictive astrology, the Sun represents royal position, the king, authority father, Atma(self), Tanu(body) and especially the portion of head. Astrologically, if Sun is ill-placed or afflicted in any manner it can affect the abovementioned significations adversely but as taken in conjunction with its lordship. We will discuss in the course of this article positive or negative effects of the Sun with respect to different lagans(Ascendants), such placements and the Rajayogas(combinations for attaining high positions) it is capable of formation.

Aries Lagna: Sun is the ruler of 5th house for this Lagna ruling children, education and intellect. Sun is a benefic planet here. It can form Rajayogas with mars, Moon and Venus for this Lagna in the ascending order of power.

Positive Placements: Lagna, 2nd 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. Rest of the placements is negative.

Taurus Lagna : Sun rules the 4th house for this Lagna ruling mother, heart, domestic attachments and property related matters. Sun can form Rajayogas with Venus(blemished due to 6th lordship), mercury and Saturn in the ascending order of power.

Positive placements : Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Gemini Lagna : 3rd house is governed by the Sun for this Lagna representing younger siblings, prowess, shoulders and arms etc. Sun is a functional malefic here.

Positive placements : Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Cancer Lagna : Sun is ruler of the 2nd house ruling wealth speech, right eye, face and neck. Sun is a strong Maraka for Cancer Lagna. As 2nd lord, Sun is a neutral planet. It can form Dhanayogas( combinations for wealth) with Moon, Venus and Jupiter(blemished).

Positive placements : Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Leo Lagna : Sun is lord of Lagna for the Leo natives. It is an unflinching benefic here. Sun can form Rajayogas with Mars, Jupiter(blemished), Saturn(blemished) and Venus(slightly blemished).

Positive placements : Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Virgo Lagna : Sun is lord of the 12th here ruling losses, expenditure etc. Although 12th lord is a neutral planet here still because of being a Dusthana(negative house) lord usually it is taken to be a malefic.

Positive placements : 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Libra Lagna : Sun being lord of the 11th house for Libra Lagna rules gains, profits, friends etc. Sun is a functional malefic here. But as its significations are positive it is usually taken to be a benefic. It can form Dhanayogas with Mars(lord of 2nd), Mercury(9th lord) and Venus(Lagna lord).

Positive placements : 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Scorpio Lagna : Being lord of the 10th Sun rules government, father etc. for Scorpio Lagna. Here the Sun has got a special role to play. Being both the karaka as well as the lord of the abovementioned significations it can show accentuated effects of its position in these areas of life. It can form Rajayogas with Mars(blemished), Jupiter and Moon in the ascending order of power.

Positive placements : Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10, 11th and 12th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Sagittarius Lagna : As lord of 9th house, Sun represents bhagya(fortune), foreign travel and fame for this Lagna. Sun is a benefic for Sagittarius Lagna natives. Sun can form Rajayogas with the Jupiter and Mercury as lords of Kendras.

Positive placements : Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Capricorn Lagna : Sun rules the 8th house for this Lagna and represents Ayus(longevity), suffering and diminution but under a special rule of Parashara Sun and the Moon are exempt from the Dosha(blemish)of 8th lordship. Hence Sun is a functional benefic but can be taken to be a slight malefic because of the inherently negative significations of the 8th house.

Positive placements : 3rd, 6th and 10th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Aquarius Lagna : The Sun rules 7th house for Aquarius Lagna. It represents marriage, travel, partnerships. Sun is a benefic here. It can form Rajayogas with Saturn, Mercury(blemished) and Venus in the ascending order of power. It has also been assigned Maraka powers and its connection with 2nd house can be especially harmful in relation to health. Positive placements : Lagna, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th and 11th. Rest of the placements are negative.

Pisces Lagna : Sun is lord of the 6th for Pisces Lagna ruling enemies, debts and diseases. It is a full-fledged malefic here.

Positive placements : 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th. Rest of the placements are negative.

These positions of the Sun should not be taken as decisively positive or negative on the basis of the results given above without looking into other planets’ influence and especially Bhava degrees, the degrees of the planets and the power of the Sun in the horoscope of a particular individual.

Astrological Remedies for the Sun If Sun is negatively disposed in a particular horoscope due to either malefic placement, aspect or conjunction proper remedies can be performed to ward off the evil. These can be performed especially in the major or sub-periods of the Sun.

Mani : A good quality Ruby of at least 5.25 Ratti or 5 carat weight approximately can be worn in a gold ring on a Sunday. The weight of the stone should be in accordance with the power of the planet to bring evil to the concerned person.

1. Trial : First one should keep the stone for 2-3 days below his head while sleeping and look out for the indications he may receive in the form of dreams or otherwise. Then the stone can be worn in red cloth on arm or in the ring only after proper Shuddhi(purification).

2. Shuddhi(Purification) : The stone should be purified with snana(bathing) in pure water, unboiled milk, honey, curd, pure ghee and lastly in the Ganges water. Then Dhoopa, Deepa(incense) should be shown before wearing the stone. During Shuddhi(purification) of the stone one should constantly chant Surya Mantra to seek the blessings of the Sun God.

Fasting : This is also an effective remedy. While fasting for the Sun one should eat only once which can be sweet but salt is to be avoided. Something made of guda can be eaten. For the rest of the day one can take fruits, milk etc. fasting on Sunday in the aforesaid manner is said to ward off the evil. In my opinion, fasting should be continued for the whole of the astrologically affected period.

Charity : One should perform charity on Sundays for seeking positive effects of the Sun. For this purpose, one should donate red articles like clothes, pulses etc. in the quantities of a whole and a quarter(1 ¼ ). This can also be continued without break on Sundays.

Japa(Chanting) : Japa(chanting) of the Surya mantra can be performed with complete austerities. Usually, the number can be one hundred and twenty five thousand(125,000) but can also be its half depending on the power of the Sun.