Saturday, January 06, 2007

Indian Vedic

Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven.

However it does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were born with, what your possibilities are, the limitations, your strong points and your drawbacks. What type of life partners and professions suit you and to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results. Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad; what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job.

After that it is you who have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience. Fate is like a game of cards where you cannot help the cards that have been dealt to you but how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Don’t blame the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident!

Astrology, medicine, astronomy

There was a time when astrology was an accepted science and was a part of medical diagnoses, as much as were a patient’s physical symptoms. It’s hard to say whether we’ve e-volved or de-volved, as we no longer think about living in harmony with cosmos. We consider ourselves too advanced scientifically to think that movements in the stars and planets might have a serious impact on our daily lives and our health.

But are we right. Who is anyone to say that man, with his limited brain, can truly comprehend the workings of the universe, or how he fits within it. Western civilization is predicated on conquering, not understanding. But it wasn’t always so.

Astrology is one of the most important historical contexts in which astronomy developed. The Babylonians carefully assembled tablets of the position of Venus, as it was believed to denote omens for weather, war, famine, diseases, rulers and kingdoms. Claudius Ptolemy composed the Tetrabiblos, believing that astrology could be placed on a rational footing, despite being a conjectural art like medicine. In practice, belief in astrology meant that horoscopes were cast for new-born children, prospective spouses and political enemies, public buildings were opened and marriage and other ceremonies conducted on auspicious days. Numerous records of astrological practice can be found from the Roman times and physicians routinely consulted astrological charts as part of the diagnostic process.

For instance, every sign of the zodiac was considered to rule a part of the human body: the Sagittarius ruled the thighs, Pisces the feet, and so on. When the moon was in the zodiac ruling a particular part of the body, bloodletting from that part was to be avoided, since the attraction of the moon might cause excessive bleeding. Numerous medical manuscripts and almanacs include the figure of the 'zodiac man' as a reminder of the specific influence of the moon. In addition, the power of the moon's pulling power varied by its phases, and thus almanacs usually showed the phases of the moon.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Psychic Healing

Psychic power is the ability to feel, understand and interpret a higher force using sixth sense or ESP (extra sensory perception). It is the power to use higher levels of energy to understand and interpret things, which are not seen or understood by normal people under normal conditions. Nearly everyone possesses psychic abilities to a degree. But some have more. These people are generally referred to as psychics, mediums, or fortunetellers.

Psychics use arts like astrology, numerology, intuition, clairvoyance, spirit guides, auras, spells and channeling. Other abilities include clairaudience, being able to hear or perceive sounds which are not normally audible, clairsentience, the art of knowing about an event- past, present or future, through a feeling and clairvoyance, the extrasensory perception of an event which does not related to the normal five senses.

On another level, divination is the art of giving a prophecy, prediction or foretelling the future by the act or practice of the occult arts. Hiero is described as scripting and automatic painting or drawing. Precognition allows a psychic to see forward in time while the art of prophesy involves predicting a future event under the influence of divine guidance.

Psychometrics derives power from knowledge of an object or a person connected with it by coming into contact and psycho kinesis is a commonly known ability to move objects with the mind. Remote viewing involves the ability to describe a person, place or thing without being in their presence, while telepathy is a mind-to-mind communication.

Psychic healing is very popular and is done using many techniques: mesmerism, necromancy, spiritual healing or Reiki, intuitive healing, Pranic healing, past life regression, absent healing/distance healing, faith healing, laying-on-of-hands healing, energy balancing, aura therapy and more.

Psychic healers channel energies from the inner soul and use this energy to re-energize a person with illness. This is done by replacing negative energies with positive energies. It realigns the chakras, or energy points within the body by calming the body and filling it with energy. It basically clears the mind of negativity and energizes it. Psychic healing may not entirely cure a person but it is said to speed up or complement the process of healing using conventional medicines. Psychic healing is based on the theory that the human body is perfectly capable of healing itself. It only requires will power and revival of internal energy to do so.

Psychic healing is used for ailments like cancer, anxiety, depression, tumors, phobias, and several other disorders. Psychic healing can also be done from a distance through phone. There are also psychic healers for animals. There are many psychic healers in the world. They can be contacted in person, by post, through phone or by e-mail. Generally, psychic healers charge a fee for healing. There are several websites over the Internet about psychic healers.

A General Look at Alchemy Part 1

Alchemy, according to esoteric writers, is said to be the invention of an ancient Egyptian sage called Hermes Trismegistus. The "Father of Alchemy" lived in an unknown age of Egyptian history, though he is thought by some Rosicrucian schools to have lived during the time of Moses and the Exodus of the Israelites. If true, being an Initiate of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris, Moses must have been tutored by Hermes himself, which later enabled him to carry out his mission and to realize his I AM Presence symbolised by the burning bush. The various precepts and the Ten Commandments of the Lord of Hosts revealed to the Israelites by Moses are the first alchemical steps of purification and putrefaction. Further steps were later added to the Mosaic revelation by the Nazarene Master. Indeed, the Christ declared that he came not to abolish the previous revelation, but to fulfill it.

It is thought by some that "Hermes Trismegistus" constituted a title assumed by distinguished hierophants of the Mystery Schools, in a somewhat similar manner that Zoroaster, the founder of the "Fire Religion" is regarded by certain scholars. Incidentally, alchemy may also be considered a Fire Religion, or at least a philosophy, because of its symbology of fire related to the alchemical principles, its prerequisite in the art of transmutation, and to the respect and honor paid to it by alchemists.

Jewish mystics identify Hermes as the antediluvian prophet Enoch, or Idris, as the Muslims call him; while ancient Egyptians see Hermes as Thoth, the god of Wisdom, Learning, and Writing. He was given this apotheosis along with Imhotep, the great architect under the reign of King Zoser of the Fourth Dynasty. It would appear that both men were overshadowed by the archetypal figure of Thoth, and were acknowledged as such by both the inner and outer circles of initiates of the Mystery Schools. Thoth, or his Greek counterpart, Mercury, was a messenger of the gods; and as an archetypal incarnation of this god, Hermes lived up to his name by his literary productiveness. Ancient writers declared that the "Trice Greatest" wrote thousands of books on what later became known as Hermeticism and Alchemy. It is unfortunate that very little of Hermes' works survived the conflagration and destruction of libraries and books by Roman and Christian zeal in the early dawn of the Piscean Age. The world as a whole is still ignorant of the great loss, and it will take some time before the invocation is made by the masses for the Greater Light, for disclosure of eternal principles that would shine upon the paths of men, and consequently, for a full restoration and establishment of an occult library of the world, with an archive and database of every known system and tradition of the metaphysical side of life. Although little is known of Hermes, it is evident through the works attributed to him that he was an intermediary of the Wisdom Ray of the Supreme Being.

One of the most famed works on Hermetic doctrine written, and in concise form, is the Smaragdine Tablet attributed to the authorship of Hermes. Its discovery is traditionally believed to have been made by Alexander of Macedonia in a cave near Hebron. This conqueror of nations who had Aristotle for a Master, was in search of immortality. Although he failed to attain his personal immortality, Alexander did uncover a philosophical jewel that would have given him what he had sought if he had only applied the principles that the Emerald Tablet contained. Tradition relates that the Tablet was wrought out of artificial emerald, as a result of transmutation, with the Hermetic doctrine embossed on it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Improve Your Relationship Through the Timeless Wisdom of Vedic Compatibility Astrology

Relationships are one of the most important areas of life. The interplay between masculine and feminine energy is internal as well as external. The external relationship with our partner mirrors the internal relationship we have with these forces within ourself. Vedic relationship astrology is a remarkable system of scientific measurements, commonsense and holistic wisdom. Improving our external relationship, we improve our internal awareness and vice versa. Vedic astrology is deeply connected to the other Vedic sciences of yoga, ayurveda.

Both Western astrology and Vedic astrology uses the same planets, signs and houses. Yet, there are a few major differences between Western and Vedic astrology which reveal why Vedic Relationship astrology is so amazingly accurate.

Whereas Western astrology places importance on the Sun, Vedic astrology places more importance on the Moon. Vedic astrology uses 27 distant stars (called "Nakshatras") in the horoscope.

The Sun refers to our individual nature, not our desire to partner. Thus relationship compatibility must revolve around the moon, the planet of nurturing, vulnerability and receptivity. Vedic relationship astrology focuses mainly on the moons of the couple. Assessing the moons will reveal the flow of emotional energy and the quality of love flowing in the partnership. The moon is the planet of trust and comfort. It is related to our childhood, that time in life we are we were vulnerable. Based on this vulnerability we developed strengths, insecurities and complexes based on receiving things that felt good or bad. Throughout our life these strengths and weaknesses become modified, gently filtering our perceptions and attracting the experiences we feel ready to and worthy of receiving. We carry this fragile emotional psychology into our relationships. This is why when a person has a difficult childhood, they will repeat those difficulties in their relationships. It is because the Moon is what we are comfortable with, what is familiar to us. If turmoil is comfortable to us, that is what we seek in relationships. Astrologically, these emotional habits are shown by the Moon.

Vedic astrology uses 27 lunar signs as mentioned above. These 27 signs focus the subtle, refined emotional nature of each person with much more precision than 12 Western Sun signs. Yet within this increased precision there is even more refinement.

The "Ashta Kuta" (eight points) system classifies and compares each of these 27 archetypes based on more than ten criteria: (There are the 8 point giving Kutas and several other important comparisons)

* Friendliness with the other person's Moon ruler
* Temperament
* Sexual compatibility
* Vocation and caste
* Element and style (fiery, watery or airy)
* Capacity for receptivity and forgiveness
* Capacity to manifest externally as a couple, etc.

All of these criteria are actually applied to every planet in the chart adding a 10 fold strength just to the surface of Vedic Astrological compatibility. Through this subtlety it is possible to examine each planet.

In relationships the Planets show:
Sun - Our independence in the relationship
Moon - Our capacity to feel open and comfortable with the other person
Mars - Our strong ideas of how things should or shouldn't be in the relationship
Mercury - Our capacity to communicate and be flexible
Jupiter - Our common philosophies and principles, like values and religion
Venus - Our desire to experience pleasure with the partner and how we behave once the partner stops fulfilling us.
Saturn - Our need to feel safe, have proper boundaries and put in the necessary effort with the partner.

This amazing refined system shows all of the subtleties in human interaction, not just romantic relationships. It reveals why, perhaps you and your boyfriend have a good sex life, but cannot manifest anything outside of the bedroom. (High Gana Kuta, low Bhava Kuta). Or perhaps you share many interests in common but there is no spark, (High Graha Maitram, Low Yoni Kuta). Or perhaps you get along fine, but as soon as there is problem it is as if a whirlpool sucks you down into a maelstrom of confusion. (High Ashta Kuta points with Vedha or Rajju blemish)

To review:
* Vedic relationship astrology emphasizes the Moon, not the Sun
* Vedic relationship astrology uses 27 stars (Nakshatras) to delineate the planets with much more precision than twelve Sun Signs
* Vedic relationship astrology assess the 27 Star signs based on a ten-fold criteria to glean the subtle implications from each station in life.

This incredible level of accuracy is why they started arranging marriages thousands of years ago. It was not to oppress, it was to liberate and to help. It is no different than a nutritionist telling you what food is best for you or a counselor telling you which type of activities to avoid for increased peace and mental health. Once we learn to trust the universe again and restore the dignity to astrology, these truths will seem any more oppressive than a trusted doctor giving advice. Once rightly understood, Astrology is revealed to be an amazing tool for harmonizing our personal energy with the presiding universal wisdom that is all benevolent and leading us to the truth of who we really are.

A General Look at Alchemy Part 1

Alchemy, according to esoteric writers, is said to be the invention of an ancient Egyptian sage called Hermes Trismegistus. The "Father of Alchemy" lived in an unknown age of Egyptian history, though he is thought by some Rosicrucian schools to have lived during the time of Moses and the Exodus of the Israelites. If true, being an Initiate of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris, Moses must have been tutored by Hermes himself, which later enabled him to carry out his mission and to realize his I AM Presence symbolised by the burning bush. The various precepts and the Ten Commandments of the Lord of Hosts revealed to the Israelites by Moses are the first alchemical steps of purification and putrefaction. Further steps were later added to the Mosaic revelation by the Nazarene Master. Indeed, the Christ declared that he came not to abolish the previous revelation, but to fulfill it.

It is thought by some that "Hermes Trismegistus" constituted a title assumed by distinguished hierophants of the Mystery Schools, in a somewhat similar manner that Zoroaster, the founder of the "Fire Religion" is regarded by certain scholars. Incidentally, alchemy may also be considered a Fire Religion, or at least a philosophy, because of its symbology of fire related to the alchemical principles, its prerequisite in the art of transmutation, and to the respect and honor paid to it by alchemists.

Jewish mystics identify Hermes as the antediluvian prophet Enoch, or Idris, as the Muslims call him; while ancient Egyptians see Hermes as Thoth, the god of Wisdom, Learning, and Writing. He was given this apotheosis along with Imhotep, the great architect under the reign of King Zoser of the Fourth Dynasty. It would appear that both men were overshadowed by the archetypal figure of Thoth, and were acknowledged as such by both the inner and outer circles of initiates of the Mystery Schools. Thoth, or his Greek counterpart, Mercury, was a messenger of the gods; and as an archetypal incarnation of this god, Hermes lived up to his name by his literary productiveness. Ancient writers declared that the "Trice Greatest" wrote thousands of books on what later became known as Hermeticism and Alchemy. It is unfortunate that very little of Hermes' works survived the conflagration and destruction of libraries and books by Roman and Christian zeal in the early dawn of the Piscean Age. The world as a whole is still ignorant of the great loss, and it will take some time before the invocation is made by the masses for the Greater Light, for disclosure of eternal principles that would shine upon the paths of men, and consequently, for a full restoration and establishment of an occult library of the world, with an archive and database of every known system and tradition of the metaphysical side of life. Although little is known of Hermes, it is evident through the works attributed to him that he was an intermediary of the Wisdom Ray of the Supreme Being.

One of the most famed works on Hermetic doctrine written, and in concise form, is the Smaragdine Tablet attributed to the authorship of Hermes. Its discovery is traditionally believed to have been made by Alexander of Macedonia in a cave near Hebron. This conqueror of nations who had Aristotle for a Master, was in search of immortality. Although he failed to attain his personal immortality, Alexander did uncover a philosophical jewel that would have given him what he had sought if he had only applied the principles that the Emerald Tablet contained. Tradition relates that the Tablet was wrought out of artificial emerald, as a result of transmutation, with the Hermetic doctrine embossed on it.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Lesson in Karma

Once in a far off land there was a young monk who liked to spend most of his time in silent contemplation. Often he could be found walking down the road, deeply absorbed in prayers without much attention to what was going on around him.

As it happens, there was a bully who liked to take advantage of people weaker than himself and whenever he could, he would bother the monk, taunt him, tear at his clothes, even hit the monk for the pleasure it would give him.

The monk barely noticed any of this, and would continue on his way thinking only about his consciousness and responsibility to achieving evolution within himself.

This went on for some time with the monk enduring many beatings and humiliations from the bully while never lifting a finger in self-defence or even the slightest admonishment for bad behavior.

Another monk had noticed this, and one day, walked up to the victimized disciple, saying

"Why do you not hit him back?"

The answer was silence, as if the monk could not understand the concept of hitting anyone for such violence was the furthest thing he could possibly consider from his goal of achieving a higher state of consciousness.

The days went by. The beatings went on. The other monk would from time to time approach the victim again and again asking "Why do you not hit him back?"

Always the answer was the same,- a rather dumbfounded and confused look, unable to understand any concept involving violence as the answer to anything.

Then one day, the other monk approached him again, but this time told the victimized monk to look down the road and observe a house burning in flames.

Sure enough, it was the house of the bully and it was burning to the ground. The victimized monk stared at it, somewhat surprised, and not knowing what to make of the incident.

The other monk stared at him and said firmly.

"You could have stopped this from happening, if only by hitting the bully back."

The victimized monk stared at his friend, then back at himself, now noticing his tattered clothing from the repeated beatings. Then he stared at the house burning and all of a sudden he knew what had happened.

For years he had been building his consciousness in the same way that one builds a house. His prayers were his insulation from evil. His meditations were his rooms of peaceful contentment. His ethics were his walls of safety and his love for God was his ceiling and roof. All of these and so much more were the security he had built over a lifetime of prayer and dedication to goodness.

Someone had tried to make him violate his house, prodding him into a situation where he would have to violate his prayers, meditations, his ethics and beliefs by hitting back,- for to become violent himself would have indeed ruined all he had strived to build.

Indian Marriages - Astrology Guides

Most of the Indian arranged marriages are decided on the merits of the astrological match; after the preliminaries of course. The preliminaries do cover a lot of territory such as social status equation, financial stability etc. The families involved would prefer to involve with families of equal status.

Priority in the list of merits should be Paapagriha saamya. There are three counts; papa-griha-saamya, dasaa-sandhi & sama dasa and star-match in this order.

The first step is the valuation of the paapa-griha in both the horoscopes and it should be equal or the valuation of the girl’s horoscope should be very slightly less than that of the boys’.

Dasa-sandhi should be matching. In our life, there are 9 dasaas in this order, venus-14 years, sun-6 years, moon-10 years, mars-7 years, rahu-18 years, jupitar-16 years, Saturn-19 years and mercury-17 years and kethu- 7 years, and the total will be 120 years, a man’s life time; and if a person lives beyond this age, the dasaas will start all over gain from the beginning. For every one at the time of birth a different dasa starts according to the star. No matter which part of dasa starts these dasas and will continue in this order only. During some of these dasaas, a person has to suffer a lot, and during some other dasaas he will have every thing in perfect harmony. This simply means there are good times and bad times in our lives. When the husband is going through a bad dasaa, the wife’s dasa should be good, supporting her husband’s bad time. This way their life together balances out, to enable them to lead a normal life with minimum storms and upheavals. In case both the husband and wife face bad dasa at the same time, disaster will strike. This could even be fatal. On could lose his or her life or something equally bad.

The third step is star-match, in the order of preference. There are Rasi match, Rasyadhipan match, Vasyam, Ganam, Yoni, Dhinam, Mahendram, Sthree deergham, Rajju and Vedham. Out of ten, more number of matches are preferred.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Astrology's Unique House to House System

One of the things I really love about Astrology is how it puts together the puzzle pieces of life. Nowhere is this more clear than in the House to House method of understanding the zodiac chart. In this system, we are able to find the effects of how each house works by imagining it as the first house or Ascendant. Then we count each succeeding house from this.

In other words, to solve a particular problem, we go to the house symbolizing the problem and move it to the Ascendant. The house following this house becomes the second house symbolizing the individual's values concerning the matters of the house in question. The next house would be the third house in relation to the problem house, or what the individual thinks, learns and communicates about the 'problem' house in question. In this way, each house in the horoscope has twelve different perspectives on how any of the matters it concerns can be approached.

To know about a person's child we would look to their Fifth House. Their Sixth House, would be the Second House from the Fifth and would indicate the value systems of their child. To know how the child gets along with others, we can look at the Eleventh House (which rules friendship) from the Fifth House. This would be the individual's Fourth House. The sign on the cusp of the house we arrive at, as well as planets in it or aspects to it, will complete the story.

Suppose a Gemini rising individual builds a library of crosswords, romance novels and astrology books. The third house of lower mind describes the crosswords (Leo). The fifth house of romance describes the novels (Libra) and the ninth house of higher learning describes the astrology books (Aquarius). The second house from each anchor house shows its values. Crosswords are valued by the second house from the third, or Fourth House (Virgo) for their intricate words challenging the lower mind. Romances are valued through the sixth house, the second from the fifth (Scorpio) i.e.books with hidden intrigue, sexuality, and difficult plots.

Astrology books are valued through the tenth house, the second from the ninth (Pisces) for evoking intuitive sensory responses that transcend mundane life. If we want to know where in their library the person would put their astrology books, we look at the fourth house (home) from the ninth house (higher mind). An air sign on this house could put the astrology books on higher shelves,- earth signs lower shelves, fire signs near sunlight and water signs near mist.

The Square Aspect and the Modes

The square or 90 degree aspect is often thought of as a tension aspect between two areas in life that do not experience harmony with each other. To understand this aspect thoroughly, we should first understand that it is almost always between two signs of the same mode.

Thus a planet in Aries will, most of the time, find its square aspect, to a planet in Cancer or Capricorn,- both of the Cardinal mode,- the same as Aries. If a Taurus planet is experiencing a square it will most likely be in either Leo or Aquarius, both of the Fixed mode,- the same as Taurus.

One might think that if two planets are in the same mode they would experience a natural agreement and not the kind of friction and tension that a square seems to represent. It is not so much that the same mode is disharmonious, for in fact, it is not. Where the disagreement occurs is that the two signs in square aspect to each other, although they may want the same things, disagree terribly about how to get those things.

As a result, if an individual wants achievement he would if he were an Aries simply charge ahead through life, with little regard for the consequences (because of the Mars rulership of the sign) whereas a Cancerian (also a cardinal mode sign) would try to achieve it by making others into their extended family and then emotionally try to enlist their help. At the same time, a Capricorn (also of the cardinal mode) would try not to act emotionally at all, or in any immature fashion that might detract from their desires, and instead apply themselves through extremely long and tediously hard work.

At any point through the zodiac, the square aspect represents at odds methods of achieving the same thing. What is even more interesting is that these 90 degree distances between signs also symbolize houses with the same distances. To understand the difference in outlook between a Libran, for example and a Capricorn ( two signs in 90 degree square to each other), we would also have to understand the natural houses involved. Libra rules the natural Seventh House of marriage and partnership, while Capricorn represents the Tenth House of fatherhood, career and standing in one's community. As a result, where Libra would try to do things in partnership to achieve goals, Capricorn would rather give orders to inferiors or wind up doing things themselves.

Thus, we can see that some of the differences between planets in square to each other, regardless of where they occur in the horoscope, are not so much a disagreement insofar as what the individual wants out of life, but rather what means they are willing to use to achieve those goals.

Planets involved in a square will act differently, depending upon what signs and houses the square falls in. The resultant course of action from squares to Libra will be quite different than squares to Aries, Cancer or Capricorn.

Think of the other Modes and the same thing occurs. In the Fixed Mode, represented by Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, these signs have very different approaches to life, even though their end goals might be similar. Planets in Leo receiving squares would love a good fight, especially if others know about it and can be the audience, while similar planets in Aquarius receiving a square, would deal with the same tensions by walking away. Taurus and Scorpio would never deal with tensions in the same way. Taurus would rebel immediately where Scorpio could seethe for years at a time without saying a word until the time is right.

In the Mutable Mode, represented by Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, the tensions of squares bring about changes on different levels. Gemini changes its ideas and thought patterns. A virgo receiving a square would change their methods and how they function. Sagittarians might change their location and Pisces would change their beliefs and dreams. Again, it is not that these individuals are so different, for in fact they are not insofar as what they want out of life. It is mostly how they think they can go about getting it.

Monday, January 01, 2007

When Transits Do Not Work

If the belief that knowing astrology can better one's life has any truth to it, then it would certainly be important for us to pay more attention to the transiting planets, especially during the times when they get close to our natal planets as well as crucial areas of our chart.

I have seen many a student look years ahead in an ephemeris to try to find a period in their life that they can look forward to, in anticipation of a particular transit. It is of course, natural to think this way. However, what actually happens in fact, is a far cry from what is normally expected.

How many times have you anticipated a transit over one of your planets, or midpoints, or angles in your chart and after waiting some months or years for the transit to occur, found that regardless of all your expectations, when the transit finally occurred, - nothing happened to make a noticeable difference in your life!

This has for many years been one of the most seemingly contradictory violations of astrological influence that most students of astrology have at one time or another experienced. For some, this kind of lack-of-occurrence can easily shake their belief in astrological theory itself.

Yet, if we understand why this happens, we might get a very different view of life and our place in it.

There are a lot of things in life that offer opportunities, yet you cannot partake of all of them. For example, if a big sports event is occurring in your local arena but you do not have the price of admission, then you cannot attend it. As a result, the event goes by with no influence to your life.

If a recent snowstorm has frozen over a nearby lake and made it perfect for ice skating, you cannot partake of this opportunity if you do not have ice skates or the experience to know how to skate. Again, the universe presents an opportunity, but it is only for you if you have paid the admission.

In Astrology, the same thing happens. A transit occurs, but the expected effects of it can only be experienced by those who have paid their karma for it, in the area of life it is effecting. To see this, consider a Jupiter transit over natal Mercury. This would expand knowledge, presumably giving the individual a broader understanding of whatever is on their mind. The point is, that a person who has not karmically evolved their mind, might get little or no benefit from such a transit.

A janitor might find a better cleaning product, and for him, the results of the transit would go basically unnoticed. On the other hand, someone who has worked on their Mercury for many years or many lifetimes, and has earned the karmic right to have it well aspected and well placed by sign or house, may well be a college professor or a great thinker of our time. Under the very same transit that hardly benefited the janitor at all, this individual may well come up with a theory that advances mankind.

In yet another example, consider the woman who has a pattern of getting involved with men that are bad for her. She may constantly find herself attracted to individuals who cannot shoulder responsibility. Yet, she keeps believing that under the right transit this will all change. She may even make several marriages, all ending with the same dismal results, because she has not yet looked at the Karma of her behavior patterns. Once she does, and begins to resolve her karmic problems, then she becomes ready for real change to occur in her life whenever beneficial transits trigger the karmic lessons she has learned in her natal planets.

The important point to this is that it is far less important to know where the transits are or try to anticipate how they will affect you, then to pay your the Karma of every planet in your chart properly, so that whenever transits effect them, you will be karmically ready and deserving to benefit from the transits' power for change.

It is my fervent hope that my books bring this lesson across, so that no matter what the time is in history, or transits going through your chart, you are applying to your Karma in this life, rather than waiting for the heavens to do it for you!

Astrology and the Stars Within Us

Astrology the missing link?

Every man and woman is unique among earths many forms of life. This exulted position is the gift of an advanced brain, a biological machine so complex that it parallels the universe from which it was spawned. We are the reproductive effort of earth and cosmos. In some way we must relate to the universe in which we live and astrology is one attempt to find this link between us and nature.

Shakespeare says: “ The fault is not our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings”. A well known astrologer had said: “ The stars impel; they do not compel”. St. Thomas Aquinas says: “ The planets influence the more elemental part of man than passions”, but, through his intellect man can arrange his life in harmony with the planets, and also cultivate his inherent talents and manipulate them for his betterment.

The stars within us

But astrology cannot automatically solve all your problems. You must do that yourself. Just like a doctor who can discover the nature of disease, an astrological study can only show certain aspects of your life and character. After that it is left to you adjust your way of life. Of course, the task will be made easier, knowing what it is that you are up against.

Some people are too dependent on astrology. Keep in mind that astrology is very much an imperfect discipline and even the best astrologers can make serious mistakes. Use astrology intelligently just as you would use any tool which would make your life more comfortable and more enjoyable. In the end it is you who determines what the stars are saying.

Do not expect good luck to come to you or be handed to you easily without any effort on your part. If you want to reap the harvest, you must sow the seed and it must be the right seed. You will find what you seek only if you are willing to look within yourself and with a objective mind follow the stars you find there.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Importance of Date Selection in Feng Shui

How important is date selection in Feng Shui? Date selection is in fact one of the most important factor in Feng Shui. Often, date selection can be considered s a single subject when you learn or study Feng Shui. Without a good date selected for the execution of Feng Shui, your Feng Shui setup might seems to have no effect at all, or worst of all, bad effects. Most of these bad effects are caused by Sui Po or San Sha (3 killings) of the date or time used to activate the Feng Shui setup or changes. Hence if the Feng Shui setup or changes are done on inauspicious date or time, it will likely brings misfortune to him/her.

There are however plenty of date selection methods out there each with its strength and weakness. Just to list a few date selection systems here:

  • Xuan Kong Da Kua Date Selection
  • Great Sun Date Selection
  • Five Elements Date Selection
  • 4 Pillars Date Selection
  • 9 Stars Date Selection
  • Dong's Date Selection
  • Qi Men Dun Jia Date Selection
  • So under what situations are is date selection required? Generally, people use date selections for all sorts of events including start of new businesses, property developments, business negotiations, house renovations, shifting of beds, setting up Feng Shui changes, burials, etc.

    Some Feng Shui masters tend to suggest to their clients the appropriate changes to their home or working environment without suggesting the date and time to perform these changes. So the next time you engage a Feng Shui master to perform an audit, do remember to ask for an auspicious date to maximise the good effects.

    Can A Psychic Really Tell You If You Will Really Get Back Together?

    Throughout the years I have received many calls from men and women who want to know if their relationship is over. My heart goes out to all of you who have loved and lost. It could be a very scary process. It is also very tricky and a 50/50 chance for any psychic to perceive if this person will return to you. Many various scenarios have happened over the years to convince me that many random situations can occur for your lost love to return.

    One truth always will be discovered in this lifetime for all which is: Was it or was it not meant to be?

    We all have many soul mates our parents are our soul mates, our teachers, friends, relatives, children etc. Many of us are predestined to meet and be together. In most cases it's only for a limited time. Just to learn the necessary lessons to get on to the next important relationship in your life.

    When a client consults with me I am usually able to determine how many relationship transitions they have prior to a relationship of permanence.

    For example, Mary could have 2 more relationships prior to meeting a more stable suitable partner. Since we all have the free will and power to change and avert things Mary can adjust the way she chooses men to potentially attract this person faster. In some cases, I can help people with the answers as to why this relationship ended by channeling on the other partner. Another alternative is to research their former love's astrological chart. Most often when there is a break up, there may also be an astrological explanation. A chart can show personality traits, needs, frustrations and also give an indication of a the presence of a planetary alignment that may have a more random explanation as to why the break-up occurred.

    For example, many spring romances that start and end every quickly due to a certain planetary alignment known as mercury retrograde. It is a period of time during the year where the energy of the planet mercury revolves in a backwards motion. This can result in a sudden end or upheaval in a relationship. Many psychics and astrologers have their own explanation as to what can happen during the three weeks of time that a mercury retrograde can occur. The one point of agreement is that the break-ups that occur during this time are very unexpected and swift. The dates in which mercury retrograde can occur each year can be easily found on many astrological calenders available for search on line.

    Based upon whatever reading a interpretation a client receives during a reading. They need to remember that in the end they are in control of choosing to make a final attempt at contacting their lost love to try make amends or move on.

    In a very spiritual aspect God made us whole and perfect with everything we need with the goal in mind that we go out and love and help the world and not just keep all of our love in reserves for just "one" person. This means reaching out to people and giving love ( by giving you automatically receive) .

    Many of my clients have found when they go out to give their love and charity to the world and they take their mind off of meeting that one special soulmate, all of a sudden, their soul mate appears.

    Conventionally speaking, most experts may advise it doesn't matter why he/she left. You are a valuable human being. Never let someone's exit devalue who you are. You do not need a man or woman to validate your worth in this world. There is no reason with the growing population on this earth that you cannot attract a better person towards you. I have always noticed when speaking with a client, they always describe a similar scenario of a love relationship that ended without closure.

    The real question here is if you can handle the truth and how do you know if the psychic is right?

    Here is an simple visualization exercise you can do to help you see the truth for yourself. Picture yourself in a movie theater. You are watching a movie of you and your mate on the screen. There is a calendar on the upper right side of the screen. See the calendar advance month by month and watch how your picture changes. Is this person still with you or are you apart. Is this picture far away or clear and close up. Is it blurry or clear in focus. What is significant about this picture. If your picture is far away then chances are behavior will be set in motion to separate you. If it is close up there is still a chance for you to take the initiative to work things out. I ask people to take two minutes a day to do this exercise. It is important that you write down what happens so you can gage your accuracy.