Monday, July 17, 2006

Creating Superfolk III

"Our lives are gifts from God. What we do with our lives is our gift to God." I have seen this expression on wall hangings and I think it a very useful and positive sentiment to hold. If this sounds right to us, it then stands to reason that our children are also gifts from God and what we do with them is our gift to God. Our mission and purpose in the parental role would seem to be to maximize the value of our gifts. If we would tell ourselves each day how blessed we are to have the children we do, or may have some day, we see our duty to them quite clearly and we live this core belief.

When we love our children, all children in this way, we increase their value far beyond gold, silver and precious stones. We begin overturning a three thousand year old system of slavery and oppression. If we pass our love of children to our children, we guarantee a revolution that elevates all of humankind. Who ever thought that parenting could create a non-violent revolution in less than two full generations? We have been placing all our hope in an educational system to increase the value of our children. In vain have we done so. The past century has done little to increase the market value of people. More of the same will have the same result. If our educational system does anything, it increases the market value of American slaves above that of many non American slaves. These slaves can then take pride in their superior value. It is profitable to have slaves who love to compete.

When parents assume the responsibility for educating their own children, they have tools that have never been freely available to parents before due to conflicts between organized religion and parapsychology; and conflicts between science and parapsychology. Those conflicts are now being resolved as religion and science lose their strangleholds on the minds of the people. This in itself, is as revolutionary as the Protestant Reformation.

I once had a brief discussion with a fundamentalist Christian friend about astrology. I said that if the moon's gravity moves oceans and large bodies of water here on earth, it makes sense that force may have an effect on humanity as well. My friend immediately tried to imply that astrology is what the Bible calls sorcery and witchcraft and is abhorred by God. In response, I pointed to the earliest chapters of the book of Genesis and how God gave us the lights of heaven for SIGNS and seasons. His response was simply anger. All he really knew about astrology was what some authority had told him. He made that belief his own and had a powerful need to defend it. I gave him no opportunity with my response. For the Scripture does not restrict signs and seasons to day, night, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, months and years.

We learned much of this from astronomy over thousands of years. Our scientific authorities tell us astronomy is a science, meaning we can trust it. At the same time, they tell us astrology, which developed right alongside astronomy, is hokum. This authority obviously influenced my friend. It wasn't all that long ago, I too judged astrology by those little newspaper horoscopes that could not possibly apply to a whole twelfth of the people on earth.

When I borrowed a good book on the subject of astrology, I came to see a great value in understanding myself and others. I saw myself clearly in my own birth chart. I began doing birth charts for people I knew well, like family members and close friends. Their charts also described them better than I could possibly have done. I soon knew a whole lot more about who they were and why they were as they were. That made it so much easier to accept what I did not like about them and helped me see most of what I didn't like in them, I did not like in me.

Astrology does not cast destiny in stone, it points out our natural tendencies, likes and dislikes. We can change anything we want in our make up, once we see a problem or a need to change. Astrology helps us see better. It warns us of problems that will likely surface in our lives and helps us avoid or deal with them. It increases our options and choices. One does not need to study the science of astrology to use the information professional astrologers will supply for a reasonable fee.

Not long after learning some about astrology, I was introduced to numerology, a very simple mathematical system that paints a reasonably accurate picture of one's true purpose, tendencies, lifestyle, talents, abilities, likes and dislikes. I sometimes think of numerology as shortcut astrology. One can do charts day and night with the help of a good book on the subject. My experience so far is these two systems reveal very useful information.

As we come to know ourselves better, we experience growth in all aspects of our lives, usually positive but not necessarily apparent - at first. We also become more tolerant of what we have seen as personal flaws, because we find new paths for correction. Now we want to see them clearly. We want to know how they developed. We actually care about who we are, instead of what we think we are. We have always wanted trustworthy guidance. It is available to those who seek its grace. Children can be taught who they are in infancy, once the parents take the trouble to know about the new addition to the family. We are conditioned to think a child's education begins with school, but it begins in the womb. Is the outside environment peaceful, interesting, stressful? Baby knows these things and more without being taught.

Read to the child in the womb. Sing to the child in the womb. Make music for the child in the womb. Play music for the child in the womb. Why not give birth to a wise child when it is so easy to do?

And how about those robustly healthy babies some folks seem to be blessed with? Would we like ours to be robust? There is much we can do to achieve such an outcome. My theory is the physical health of the parents at the time of conception, affects the growth and development of baby. From the time of the confirmation of pregnancy, mother's health is worth all we can do to support it. Let's trade a little gold and silver for baby. Baby will soon pay back many times over.

When mother breast feeds baby, she maintains health with super nutrition, exercise, peace and rest. Baby thrives and rapidly grows. We continue reading, singing, playing to baby. Baby is happy and easy to live with. Baby is a joy to behold. Baby is an awesome miracle that happened to us. Baby is a repeatable miracle. From the family point of view, the more the merrier.

I have intuitively thought that mom should have two years to recover from the last miracle and a minimum of one before the next conception, if a couple desires closely spaced children.