Saturday, July 01, 2006

For everything there is a season

For everything there is a season, and especially in astrology. Over the coming months I will focus on the Zodiac Sign of the moment and look at what we can all learn from that sign, regardless of what your sun sign is.
Although many people regard astrology as a means of looking into the future, it is also possible to be aware of celestial influences to live fully in the present. The future has a fascination for us and now there are such people as futurologists, who attempt to predict social and economic change.

Of course, these things do not happen automatically and are brought into place by activities in the present time, and the will of people living in the now. It may seem obvious, but we must all be aware that we are living in the early science fiction writer's future, the Twenty First Century. We do have strange communication devices and magic boxes in our houses which connect us to the rest of the world without having to go out into the street; we also eat more chemicals and take pills to change our mood.

So now it is even harder to connect with the timeless aspects of our existence, our spirituality, the natural world, our relationships with each other and our means of survival. Cutting through the technological, state-of-the-art of manufactured lifestyles is the ageless message of the concepts of astrology.

At the moment, until 19th January, we are in the time of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. It is no coincidence that this is the time of New Year's resolutions, where we promise to do a particular thing or give up something, usually with some trepidation as it may present a certain amount of discipline and will power, all saturnian traits.

The land is laid bare by winter and the structure of the natural world is revealed, through the skeletal forms of leafless trees and the lack of foliage and undergrowth. This is time for renewal, and opportunity to put into place the changes we need to make in order to proceed into the year. Perhaps it is necessary to clear rubbish and throw out things no longer needed.

It is also the time when our bodies react to the colder weather and especially people who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism will feel their joints ache. Of course we need to look after our physical selves as much as possible, to guard against this vulnerable time, so counteract it by eating sunshine fruits and healthy vegetables.

Capricorn is associated with the Tenth House, the professions and public standing in the world. Some of you will be reassessing your career options and possibly looking for a new start. How many people work through Christmas and then vow to change jobs in January? New Year, new start!