Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Sun, Leo ... and Yes! The World Really Does Revolve Around You

The Sun enters the sign of Leo in late July of each year for a month-long stay. That is when all of the princes and princesses come out of the woodwork. They are amusing to watch; they delight us with their antics and they renew our sense of fun.

All of us are princes now and we want to take center stage to sing and dance. Whether your venue is Broadway, Hollywood or Main Street, you are enacting the drama of your life and you have the starring role.

Just as our solar system planets orbit the Sun, people with lots of Leo energy in their charts draw lots of admirers who like to bask in the glow of Leo’s light.

In fact, astrologers have long observed the similarity between the Sun’s relationship to its satellite planets and a traditional monarch’s relationship with his kingdom. Hence the Sun is considered be the “ruler” of royalty. Likewise, astrologers also consider the Sun the ruler of heads of state, heads of corporations, and business owners (in relation to their organizations).

Some customs are derived from this relationship. In the United States, for example, the president is inaugurated at 12:00 noon, when the sun is highest in the sky. A chart cast for the presidency then places the Sun, representing the president at the Mid-heaven or highest point of the chart where it is in a position of maximum power and visibility.

In its pure form, Leo is flamboyant, fun, and outgoing. It enjoys life and attracts others to its exuberance – much like the rest of the solar system is attracted by the Sun. Here is the place where we are concerned with individual self-expression.

And so when Leo energy is prominent in a person’s chart, you are likely to find the artist, the actor, and the musician. Gamblers, whether they do it at the blackjack table or on Wall Street, tend to have a lot of Leo energy.

Other areas ruled by Leo are childhood, play, and procreation. Creativity and play are related for we must be able to do the latter to access the former. Games, sporting events, entertainment, even romance, are Leo-ruled activities.

Although one can and should enjoy these activities anytime, the two week period following the New Moon in Leo is a particularly good time to initiate projects oriented to or incorporating these activities into your life.

If the Sun is like royalty, then the sign of Leo is the limelight. We take to the stage wherever Leo is. But the performer needs the audience as much as the audience needs the entertainment.

At heart, we are all creative beings and we all need to feel special. Even the lowliest stagehand appreciates a ‘thank you’ for a job well done.

The glare of the spotlight, the audience’s applause … this is heady stuff. The trick is not to let it go to your head. Under strong Leo influence, it is easy to forget that your world is the only one that revolves around you and that others have feelings, too. The line between ‘charming princess’ and ‘insufferable little darling’ is thin indeed.

No matter. Once you have made up your mind, you are right, and little will convince you otherwise. President Bush, with Leo rising, who stands by his policy decisions even in the face of daunting criticism, is an excellent example.

On the other hand, a little flattery goes a long way with Leo. (Did I say Leo likes the sound of applause?)

But during this time of year, regardless of the configuration of our charts, we are all honorary Leos. And no matter where the Sun is placed in your chart, it is the center of your personal solar system, beaming its shining light and warmth, lighting up your chart, lighting up your life.