Friday, December 29, 2006

Can a Psychic Predict If You Will Marry a Murderer?

With several murder stories in the news from Nicole Simpson to Laci Peterson and the unforgettable John Bobbitt, many of my clients have asked me if they are likely to have a marriage that could lead to murder. There is no simple answer to this question. After watching several news interviews of the victims in these situations. They all expressed coming to a point of feeling afraid of their spouse and no longer trusting them or their whereabouts. In some cases where children are involved, they expressed fear of leaving their children a round them when they were in a bad mood.

Many of these victims had problems moving on with their own life because their spouse consistently harassed them and would not let go. In other cases, their spouse was cheating, and decided to sabotage their own family as way of seeking revenge on the cheating spouse. I can mainly stress to you that if there is ever a situation where you are in a relationship and the contact with your love interest starts to escalate where arguments get out of hand, or they threaten you or taking their own life if you leave them, they refuse to disassociate with dangerous persons or display psychotic or irrational behavior, then you know it is time to check out.

This patterns need to be recognized early. In many of these cases, the spouses waited too long to leave and still entrusted their mate with responsibilities or watching children. From an astrological perspective there are signs that mix like oil and water. Where long-term relationships can be turbulent: Please also check your love interests ascendant. May be the sign you are born under may not be compatible but your ascendants are.

This list is only for turbulent love interests and marriages.

Pisces can be turbulent with: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces

Aquarius can be turbulent with: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces

Capricorn can be turbulent with: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Capricorn

Sagittarius can be turbulent with: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces

Libra can be turbulent with: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces

Virgo can be turbulent with: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces

Leo can be turbulent with: Taurus, Gemini (only if not faithful), Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Cancer can be turbulent with: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio (if there is alcohol/ drug use and is not faithful), Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

Gemini can be turbulent with: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces

Taurus can be turbulent with: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Pisces

Aries can be turbulent with: Pisces, Capricorn, Libra, Virgo, Cancer, and Taurus.

There are 12 astrological signs and most of us are only compatible with half of the zodiac. Some of us less than half. It is important to choose your soul mate carefully and recognize the difference between infatuation and true love.