Sunday, December 31, 2006

Can A Psychic Really Tell You If You Will Really Get Back Together?

Throughout the years I have received many calls from men and women who want to know if their relationship is over. My heart goes out to all of you who have loved and lost. It could be a very scary process. It is also very tricky and a 50/50 chance for any psychic to perceive if this person will return to you. Many various scenarios have happened over the years to convince me that many random situations can occur for your lost love to return.

One truth always will be discovered in this lifetime for all which is: Was it or was it not meant to be?

We all have many soul mates our parents are our soul mates, our teachers, friends, relatives, children etc. Many of us are predestined to meet and be together. In most cases it's only for a limited time. Just to learn the necessary lessons to get on to the next important relationship in your life.

When a client consults with me I am usually able to determine how many relationship transitions they have prior to a relationship of permanence.

For example, Mary could have 2 more relationships prior to meeting a more stable suitable partner. Since we all have the free will and power to change and avert things Mary can adjust the way she chooses men to potentially attract this person faster. In some cases, I can help people with the answers as to why this relationship ended by channeling on the other partner. Another alternative is to research their former love's astrological chart. Most often when there is a break up, there may also be an astrological explanation. A chart can show personality traits, needs, frustrations and also give an indication of a the presence of a planetary alignment that may have a more random explanation as to why the break-up occurred.

For example, many spring romances that start and end every quickly due to a certain planetary alignment known as mercury retrograde. It is a period of time during the year where the energy of the planet mercury revolves in a backwards motion. This can result in a sudden end or upheaval in a relationship. Many psychics and astrologers have their own explanation as to what can happen during the three weeks of time that a mercury retrograde can occur. The one point of agreement is that the break-ups that occur during this time are very unexpected and swift. The dates in which mercury retrograde can occur each year can be easily found on many astrological calenders available for search on line.

Based upon whatever reading a interpretation a client receives during a reading. They need to remember that in the end they are in control of choosing to make a final attempt at contacting their lost love to try make amends or move on.

In a very spiritual aspect God made us whole and perfect with everything we need with the goal in mind that we go out and love and help the world and not just keep all of our love in reserves for just "one" person. This means reaching out to people and giving love ( by giving you automatically receive) .

Many of my clients have found when they go out to give their love and charity to the world and they take their mind off of meeting that one special soulmate, all of a sudden, their soul mate appears.

Conventionally speaking, most experts may advise it doesn't matter why he/she left. You are a valuable human being. Never let someone's exit devalue who you are. You do not need a man or woman to validate your worth in this world. There is no reason with the growing population on this earth that you cannot attract a better person towards you. I have always noticed when speaking with a client, they always describe a similar scenario of a love relationship that ended without closure.

The real question here is if you can handle the truth and how do you know if the psychic is right?

Here is an simple visualization exercise you can do to help you see the truth for yourself. Picture yourself in a movie theater. You are watching a movie of you and your mate on the screen. There is a calendar on the upper right side of the screen. See the calendar advance month by month and watch how your picture changes. Is this person still with you or are you apart. Is this picture far away or clear and close up. Is it blurry or clear in focus. What is significant about this picture. If your picture is far away then chances are behavior will be set in motion to separate you. If it is close up there is still a chance for you to take the initiative to work things out. I ask people to take two minutes a day to do this exercise. It is important that you write down what happens so you can gage your accuracy.