Sunday, December 17, 2006

Political Corruption, is It in the Stars?Saturn Oppose Neptune, August 18, 2006 - July 10, 2007

It takes Neptune approximately 165 years to make one orbit around the Sun, and Saturn requires approximately 29.5 years to make an orbit. So, an opposition between Saturn and Neptune only happens about every 35 to 40 years. The last time it occurred was 1972. Neptune is the ruler of dreams and the psychic, and he is also the great humanitarian. Neptune influences obviously help to create a great minister or psychic, but when Neptune is negatively affected he can create delusions and addictions. Neptune is presently in transit in Aquarius, which creates an independent and original perspective towards religious and scientific views. Also friendships and social events are increased. Saturn represents discipline, hard work, and organization, but he can also represent withholding, contracting, and resistance to change. Saturn is presently in Leo, making people cautious and yet bold in spirit, but there is also a danger to overwork. Oppositions create a "standoff" where it is impossible for the two planets to function in harmony. Its not a fight, but an inability to perform at the same time. Since Neptune represents our dreams and Saturn our morals, we may find ourselves confused to say the least.
Outer planets are slow and affect us more as a whole community, rather than individually. Because these planets affect us more as a generation rather than individually, we will see changes in our governments more than in our families. During a Saturn-Neptune opposition hidden influences can impede material goals. Often we tend to expect the worst. It can bring out treacherous, calculating, and selfish behavior, which often leads to dishonor and shame. Many failures, misfortunes, and misunderstandings could occur amongst our governments.
I decided to do some historical and astrological research to find out what happened when Saturn and Neptune were at oppositions in the past. I found out that this opposition has occurred only six times since the birth of the US, and every time seems to be a time of scandal and corruption, but also a time for change, good and bad.
1792 through 1793. The US Post Office was established, and the cornerstone for the White House was laid in Washington DC. In February of 1793 Washington held his first cabinet meeting. Also in February of 1793, the US government passed the Fugitive Slave Act protecting slavery. This act made an escaped slave a fugitive for life along with any children born. This set the scene for a whole industry of slave catching. At the same time the US was setting up its brand new concept of secular government (separation of church and state), the French revolution was at its height. Louis XVI was arrested, tried, and executed. And in Japan, the Unsen volcano erupted leaving 53,000 dead.
1827 through 1828. Just to give our readers a little review, John Quincy Adams became president in 1824 though a political maneuver. Four men ran for president that year, and Adams' opponents were Henry Clay, William H. Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. None of the candidates received a majority of the popular or the electoral votes, even though Andrew Jackson had received the most popular and electoral votes. So, the selection of president was left to the house of representatives, and because of political motivations John Quincy Adams (the first son of a president to become president) was chosen. Needless to say Andrew Jackson was upset, so in the next election in 1828 he accused Adams of corruption and won the election by a landslide. Adams did not deal with the public scandal well and returned to Massachusetts without attending Jackson's inauguration. And, thus began the reign of Andrew Jackson and the "Spoils System." Also in 1827 the Cherokee drafted a constitution and incorporated as the Cherokee Nation. But, because of gold deposits found in the Cherokee Nation, the state of Georgia outlawed the Cherokee government and confiscated tribal lands. This lead to the Indian Removal Act in 1830 and the "Trail of Tears" in 1838.
1862 through 1863. The American Civil War was at it's height. In the fall of 1862 it appeared that the Confederacy was on the verge of victory. The southern offensive had demoralized the north, but then the Battle of Antietam in September 1862 drove General Lee out of Maryland showing a victory for the North. Then Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation, which prevented France or England from joining forces with the Confederacy. And then the Battle of Gettysburg was fought in 1863, which focused the outcome of the War towards a Union victory.
1899 through 1900. US expansion is going on. The US purchased the Philippines in December 1898, and began occupation of Cuba and Hawaii. The American Anti-imperialist League is formed with Mark Twain being one of its founding members. In February 1899 the Filipinos revolt against American rule. And then, in September 1900 a hurricane hits Galveston, Texas, which causes more damage than any other hurricane in US history at the time. And one year later in 1901, President McKinley is assassinated bringing Teddy Roosevelt to power and big changes in our government.
1935 through 1937. America is in the middle of the Great Depression. Franklin Roosevelt, FDR, introduced the New Deal in 1933, and Hitler becomes Fuhrer in 1934. In 1936 FDR introduced the Second New Deal including WPA (government jobs for the unemployed), Social Security, and the National Labor Relations Act. In Germany the Gestapo is ruled above the law, and Hitler invades the Rhinelands. In November 1937, Hitler held his secret conference with plans for war. World War II began in Asia in 1937 and in Europe in 1939.
1971 through 1972. The US invaded Cambodia in 1970, and the Viet Nam War has escalated. Greenpeace is founded in Canada in 1971, and the largest demonstration against the war is held in Washington DC. The Pentagon Papers (secret government document outlining US involvement and strategies of the Viet Nam War) were leaked to the NY Times by Daniel Elisberg. And, in 1971 the "Whitehouse Plumbers" burglarize Elisberg's psychiatrist's office looking for damaging evidence against Elisberg. In 1972 the "Whitehouse Plumbers" were arrested attempting to break-in to the Democratic offices at Watergate. Thus leading to Nixon's resignation in 1973. Also in 1973 we experienced Wounded Knee and the Arab Oil Embargo, which may also be byproducts of the Saturn-Neptune opposition.
2006 - 2007. What is going to happen? Hmmm?
Excluding George Washington, all the presidents who were in office at the time of the Saturn-Neptune opposition were either publicly humiliated or died in office. In fact the story of John Quincy Adams is very similar to George W. Bush... son of a president... accused of corruption during his election. I believe that Saturn and Neptune will have a profound influence on our elections in 2008. But will things get better, or will they get worse? Washington and FDR seemed to endure and even benefit from the opposition. JQ Adams and Nixon were exposed for corruption, and Lincoln and McKinley were assassinated. After the opposition during Washington's administration, the nation moved further into the exploitation of the African slaves. After Adams the nation expanded against the Native Americans. After the opposition during Lincoln's presidency the nation entered a time of the north dominating the south. After the opposition in 1900, McKinley was assassinated, and the unexpected Theodore Roosevelt brought a new optimism and change to our country. After the opposition in 1937 World War II began, and after the opposition during Nixon's administration, the Viet Nam War ended. Will the war in Iraq end? Maybe.