Friday, January 12, 2007

Numerology and the Influence of Names

Does the popularity of names within a given nation reflect the influences that emerge within a culture? If the underlying premise of Numerology is that the archetype of Number exerts an influence upon an entity, and we define ( for the moment ) an entity as an individual, than a collection of individuals will influence a culture with a preponderance of that influence they share. In other words, we should be able to see a reflection of the first name influence within the cultural character in which we find the influence.

For example, the most popular names for the current decade ( 2000-2007) are as follows; males:
1) Jacob
2) Michael
3) Joshua

and females:
1) Emily
2) Madison
3) Hannah.

When we calculate the value of these names an interesting patterns appears. The values, in the above order, are 13/4, 33/6, 20/2, 28/10/1, 30/3, 28/10/1. The first pattern we find is that the male names all reduce to ‘female’ numbers ( evens ) and all of the female names reduce to ‘masculine’ numbers ( odds ). The second obvious phenomenon is the repetition of the 28/10/1 influence in the female names. What might this indicate? Only a comparative study of name trends and cultural attributes would allow us to draw conclusions with a reasonable degree of certainty. However, it might be interesting to speculate.

First, we might surmise that the generation currently being born will return to more traditional cultural values as opposed to a superficial reading suggesting some sort of ‘role’ or ‘gender’ reversal. The males all indicate an influence concerned with relationships; to work and honest values ( 4 ), to family and civic life ( 6 ), and to others in general and those in positions of authority in particular ( 2 ). The females, despite the masculine numbers, are firmly planted within the traditional framework. The 1 of independence that appears twice is quite spectacular in this regard: it is the reduction of the 28/10. The 10 is a 1 influence that is self-sacrificing and symbolizes a mastery over internal states and unconscious influences. Now, both the 10 and the 28 are even ‘feminine’ numbers but, the 28 is unique. First, it is related to the moon and the lunar phases and second, because of its relation to the menstrual cycle. Again, the 30/3 is remarkable. The ‘masculine’ 3 is often considered the first ‘real’ number since it is the product of 1 and 2. It is an expressive, artistic number. The addition of the 0 to the 3 in the 30 indicates a perfecting of the 3 influence.

Of course such a study offers a number of methadological considerations. The verdict will be out until the current generation being born comes of age but, until then, watch closely the emering trends and ask where its causes rest!